View Full Version : Which netbook to keep

01-04-2010, 9:26am
I have two netbooks at the moment and only really want to keep one, both have positive and negative points and I am struggling with which one to keep. Here are my thoughts on each of them which I am hoping will allow some members to help me decide which one to keep.

Processor: Intel Atom Z530 / 1.60GHz
Graphics: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 500
Display: 8” / 1600x768
Memory (RAM): 1GB
Hard drive: 80GB
OS: Windows XP Home

- Small and light
- Runs Windows XP
- Large hard drive
- Can run all my programs
- I can use my 3G internet stick on it.

- Windows issues (viruses, spy ware. etc)
- Can't use an external screen (no VGA output and USB -> VGA adaptor didn't work well)
- Screen is very wide and not easy to use for long periods of time.
- Keyboard not the best for typing on.
- Nibble hard to use, I prefer a touch pad.
- No audio input.

CPU type Celeron-M
CPU speed 900 Mhz
Graphics Intel GMA 900
OS Linux
Display Size 7" 800 X 480
RAM 512 MB
Flash 3.9 GB
Battery Life (tested) 3.4 - 4.1 hours
Weight 920gm
Size (w/h/d mm) 225/165/35 mm

- Small and light
- Runs Linux with a fast boot time and easy restore.
- Has a VGA output
- Has Open office and runs my database software well.
- Music player works very well.

- Can't use the internet (does not support my 3G internet stick)
- Linux OS so I can't run some programs I want to.
- Limited storage space (which I get around by using a large SD card)

As you can see both have positive and negative points, I have used both for period of time and each has some benefits but not enough to easily tip it one way or the other.


01-04-2010, 9:34am
Depends what you want to use it for....seems the Asus has less negatives, but no net access is the big drawback if that is one of your main requirements?

01-04-2010, 9:51am
Purely on the massively better hardware specs I would keep the Toshiba. The increase in performance would outweigh the negatives of it. You could clean the viruses and spyware by rebuilding Windows on it too.

You could also look into the possibilities of an external mouse.

FWIW - these things aren't really meant to replace a laptop or a desktop, they're designed for web surfing and email while you're out and about. The better performance of the Toshi means it can double as something a little more usable in a pinch, plus much more compatible with other accessories than the eeepc.

01-04-2010, 9:55am
Depends what you want to use it for....seems the Asus has less negatives, but no net access is the big drawback if that is one of your main requirements?

Yes the ASUS is the one I am using at the moment but the lack of net access is a problem where as the lack of an external screen is a problem with the Sony.

01-04-2010, 10:00am
Purely on the massively better hardware specs I would keep the Toshiba. The increase in performance would outweigh the negatives of it. You could clean the viruses and spyware by rebuilding Windows on it too.

You could also look into the possibilities of an external mouse.

FWIW - these things aren't really meant to replace a laptop or a desktop, they're designed for web surfing and email while you're out and about. The better performance of the Toshi means it can double as something a little more usable in a pinch, plus much more compatible with other accessories than the eeepc.

Yes the Sony has much better specs and runs XP which supports all my software and I can use the internet with my 3G stick, I use an external keyboard and mouse at home but I am finding myself suing it more and more in the car where I can't use the mouse.

I have a full size laptop from work which I take home most nights so worse comes to worse I can use that some times. My main use is word and excel file access and updating my portabase database many times a day.

01-04-2010, 10:45am
You could sell both and get a new one. I use a HP Mini 2140. Screen res sucks, but it has external VGA port, good sized keyboard (92% of full size, I can type fine on it at 80wpm+), touch pad, wireless built in and card slots.

It runs Windows 7 no problem at all, and hence all Windows software.

This model is discontinued but there's a good range of models from HP, and I'm sure you could find what you need in other models too. Maybe something to consider as an option?

01-04-2010, 10:46am
Sell both and get a new lens

01-04-2010, 12:09pm
You could sell both and get a new one. I use a HP Mini 2140. Screen res sucks, but it has external VGA port, good sized keyboard (92% of full size, I can type fine on it at 80wpm+), touch pad, wireless built in and card slots.

It runs Windows 7 no problem at all, and hence all Windows software.

This model is discontinued but there's a good range of models from HP, and I'm sure you could find what you need in other models too. Maybe something to consider as an option?

Yeah not a bad idea, I might have a look over Easter and see what I can find.

01-04-2010, 12:10pm
Sell both and get a new lens


01-04-2010, 12:17pm
wrong answer. the question should be why not

I @ M
01-04-2010, 2:58pm
Paul, sell both at a bargain price, figure out which one you miss the most at the end of a month and go and buy it again.

01-04-2010, 2:58pm
i just snorted coffeee through my nose

01-04-2010, 6:14pm
Paul, you work in IT. How come you couldn't work out which one you needed based on specs before you bought either of them? Sorry, but this thread just makes me shake my head.

06-04-2010, 10:02pm
Its really no different to lens selection with a lot of members here, not one lens is ideal - how many people on here have bought both only to sell one, or sold one to buy the other, and who knows, maybe swapped back again? :)

I know I was looking at a netbook only to buy a full size Toshiba laptop, which I love, but I've found I don't tend to take it out of the house as much, so intend buying a netbook too!

07-04-2010, 7:26am
Its really no different to lens selection with a lot of members here, not one lens is ideal - how many people on here have bought both only to sell one, or sold one to buy the other, and who knows, maybe swapped back again? :)

I know I was looking at a netbook only to buy a full size Toshiba laptop, which I love, but I've found I don't tend to take it out of the house as much, so intend buying a netbook too!

Yes the issue came about in that I purchased the Sony but then found that it was not suitable for what I was going to go so I grabbed the ASUS EEE and was planing on putting Windows XP on it but found that it was too slow as the CPU was "under clocked" :crzy:

Now the Sony has been sold, the ASUS EEE is still for sale and I am going to wait a while and see what I replace them with, either a full size laptop or a desktop.

07-04-2010, 1:25pm
easy as...

get rid of the linux, on the EEE PC, i have some floppy discs at home with Windows 3.11 so you wont have any virus issues, but then you wont be able to run any thing... oooo othat would be the same then... but the install is only 16 mb... so you will have plenty of space left

the question you have to ask yourself is...

fitness for purpose... and WE cannot answer that for you based on our criteria...


07-04-2010, 1:36pm
easy as...

get rid of the linux, on the EEE PC, i have some floppy discs at home with Windows 3.11 so you wont have any virus issues, but then you wont be able to run any thing... oooo othat would be the same then... but the install is only 16 mb... so you will have plenty of space left

the question you have to ask yourself is...

fitness for purpose... and WE cannot answer that for you based on our criteria...


Yes I am thinking of using the ASUS EEE just for viewing and getting a proper desktop / laptop for editing.

08-04-2010, 7:01pm
re-install windows and/or dual boot from linux if you want, solves your S/O issues.. PS: you can put linux on the windows one and windows on the linux one :)

08-04-2010, 7:03pm
also.. for long term use a bigger screen is a huge advantage.. i have both bigger screen laptop and a small netbook. the netbook was great for holidaying and compactness (even installed photoshop, lightroom no issues!!) but it's painful to use longterm because of the small screen & keyboard.. the larger screened laptop i've got is fantastic just like a PC but portable :)