View Full Version : Photoshop CS5

25-03-2010, 12:06pm
I just got this link to a video on U Tube demonstrating a new feature on the CS5 "Content Aware tool" when it is released.
If this starts part way into the video just pull back the slider to the start.

25-03-2010, 1:58pm
omg that is so cool!! :eek: when is cs5 being released does anyone know?

25-03-2010, 3:32pm
that looks awesome

25-03-2010, 8:31pm
Thats pretty impressive, it will be interesting to see how it performs on non adobe photo's.

Big Pix
25-03-2010, 9:04pm
.........could of used that feature this week

25-03-2010, 10:49pm
A very handy feature indeed.

26-03-2010, 9:00am
That is an amazing tool they have added.

Content Aware Fill -- my photo ends up only being partly my work and partly Adobe's skill. Will I have to give them vredit?

31-03-2010, 10:31pm
Content Aware!!!!!!

lol Graham.. funny question

01-04-2010, 9:26am
I had ps7, just recently finally got CS4, now they are releasing 5 I havent even gotten hang of 4!!!

01-04-2010, 9:38am
How is it doing that :eek:

02-04-2010, 9:18am
Holy smokes .... this blew me away :eek:

02-04-2010, 9:47pm
Can't believe CS5 is coming - doesn't seem that long ago when CS4 was released. That tool was awsome - how handy would that be with your panos? I always hated having to crop my panos with all the space around the final image.

03-04-2010, 7:18am
Having still not mastered CS4 and being out of work I think I'll stick with 4 for a while yet!

03-04-2010, 7:59am
That is unreal how much easier does that make the job,well hurry up and release it adobe i want it now :D


10-04-2010, 6:55pm
Now I might actually need photoshop. Lightroom killed PS CS4 for me.

Dylan & Marianne
11-04-2010, 8:01am
very cool - I have no idea how it decided to add a mountain in the range in the panorama though ....I wonder what processor they were using to demonstrate too !

11-04-2010, 8:08am
I have started saving for CS5

11-04-2010, 8:09am
Using it as a clone tool to 'intelligently' get rid of rubbish etc, I get, but with the Pano, I think we will see the discussion about Digital Art versus Photography come back into play. I don't dispute that it is a brilliantly designed tool, but to add about 10% to a photo with 'faked' image makes me wonder about where the lines between photography (capture of light) and digital art, 'creation' of an image on a computer are going to be drawn.

I would happily use it to clone out a power pole etc, but to add that much to a scene (the pano), I would rather take more photos in the first place and stitch them together, than allow my computer to 'make up' entire sections of sky and land.

12-04-2010, 12:35pm
i know ill be gettin cs5 all be it student version but hey tools are better from the vids. anyone seen the puppet video where u can ad points and manipulate a image of a puppet ect?

Dylan & Marianne
13-04-2010, 3:31pm
Using it as a clone tool to 'intelligently' get rid of rubbish etc, I get, but with the Pano, I think we will see the discussion about Digital Art versus Photography come back into play. I don't dispute that it is a brilliantly designed tool, but to add about 10% to a photo with 'faked' image makes me wonder about where the lines between photography (capture of light) and digital art, 'creation' of an image on a computer are going to be drawn.

I would happily use it to clone out a power pole etc, but to add that much to a scene (the pano), I would rather take more photos in the first place and stitch them together, than allow my computer to 'make up' entire sections of sky and land.

agreee whole heartedly !
as more post processing tools become available, I quite fear that getting it right at the scene (eg taking panoramic shots correctly) will lose emphasis because "ah what the heck, CS5 will fix it up"

20-04-2010, 2:47pm
Anyone bought CS5 yet?

20-04-2010, 6:58pm
holy moly.... one step forward for processing one step back for better photography.

Man I only just last year got cs4. Apple pulled this stunt with the iphone 3g then 3gs .... shits me.

The upgrades aren't to bad I guess.

05-05-2010, 3:34pm
Some more info and how it works but apparently not quite as easy as the video shows.



06-05-2010, 11:09am
agreee whole heartedly !
as more post processing tools become available, I quite fear that getting it right at the scene (eg taking panoramic shots correctly) will lose emphasis because "ah what the heck, CS5 will fix it up"

If you consider the end result being the art you've created, it's not so much of a quandry. Cameras are in many respects a bit rubbish compared with our eyes and brains anyway, we've been helping them along all along to try and communicate. Each time there's a new development the same discussions start all over.

Regardless, on this point though I wouldn't worry too much. I downloaded CS5 last night and no surprises that the marketing videos make the content aware function seem a lot more seamless that the reality of using it. I feel it's going to be a very case-specific tool and simply a relation to the clone tool in the same way that the patch tool is. The increased Selection tools and the Puppet Deform tools are pretty cool though.

06-05-2010, 11:21am
I have CS4 master Collection and have now used CS5 (don't own it) But for me I think I will wait as has been said the demo on line about Content aware fill It was very impressive but in terms of working on everything No No No not yet!

06-05-2010, 12:16pm
Just brought cs5, having never used Photoshop and relying entirely on LR and only rarely PS elements, will be a huge but welcome learning curve. :)

06-05-2010, 7:43pm
Just brought cs5, having never used Photoshop and relying entirely on LR and only rarely PS elements, will be a huge but welcome learning curve. :)

I found video tutorials to be a fantastic learning tool when trying to get into photoshop. I learned infinitely faster than when reading books on the subject.

06-05-2010, 8:30pm
My copy of CS5 arrived earlier in the week and I took one month's subscription to www.lynda.com (No! It is not that sort of site! ;)) as a free gift from Adobe. :D
The training videos are Phenomenal.
At this stage I fail to see how "content aware fill" could be much better. :)

Jordan Compte
06-05-2010, 10:49pm
just need to have somebody on here have a test pano and show us gold!

07-05-2010, 5:35am
just need to have somebody on here have a test pano and show us gold!

Won't be me. I would rather take extra frames at the time of shooting and stitch that into my photograph, than have a computer programme generate digital art and add it to my photo.

07-05-2010, 8:30am
anyone got any good links to CS5 training videos?

07-05-2010, 10:56am
As part of my purchase of CS5 I got one month's free subscription to www.lynda.com and their Training Videos are very good and easy to follow. The CS5 Essential Training Course of 150 short videos, will be enough for me for quite some time - maybe forever.

Some of them (not many) are free for everyone.

13-05-2010, 12:44am
Some photo's i find it really hard to believe what is real or not...but now i don't believe anything anymore.

20-05-2010, 12:03pm
Have just tried out the new refine mask tool, it is very good particularly where you have feathers etc that are hard to get around.
image 1, original
image 2 masked and the background blurred a bit.

The content aware tool I haven't found very satisfactory to date but the healing tool in much improved, overall, I like it very much. Now waiting for the Scott Kelby book to come out!

PS. I need more practise at this.

20-05-2010, 12:27pm
This is a tutorial by Russell Brown (http://av.adobe.com/russellbrown/CS5MaskBasics_SM.mov), I hadn't watched this when I did mine, think I will go back and do it again.

Big Pix
20-05-2010, 12:58pm
This is a tutorial by Russell Brown (http://av.adobe.com/russellbrown/CS5MaskBasics_SM.mov), I hadn't watched this when I did mine, think I will go back and do it again.

...... this has got to make life easy