View Full Version : Adobe CS5

25-03-2010, 6:05am
The countdown is on, and it will be here before we know it


25-03-2010, 8:21am
I hope it has this (http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=372971674670&ref=mf) feature.

Helen S
25-03-2010, 11:41am
Yes, got the email from Adobe about it this morning. :)

25-03-2010, 2:52pm
I hope it has this (http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=372971674670&ref=mf) feature.


27-03-2010, 9:36am
oh my wow yes this is a good feature

Chris G
28-03-2010, 9:26am
Yeah but like someone said on the page of the vid, goodbye to your watermarks.. :S

Going to be interesting on how to protect your image's on the net with that feature in PS.

I do quite like it, would save hours of processing time, but on the other hand I see the bad point in this feature aswel..

What's everyone else think?

28-03-2010, 9:43am
I have never really understood why people bother with watermarks.

If an image is so good that you do not want it to be stolen, then do not put it on the Internet (anywhere) in a size that is big enough for anyone to use commercially.

Remember - putting anything into cuber space (and I mean anything) is akin to publishing it in a book.

03-04-2010, 4:54pm
Chris that is an interesting point regarding watermarks, I had not thought of that implication with the new features.

Chris G
04-04-2010, 5:27pm
Yeah it interesting, though like I was saying to steve about it.. It don't bother me as such as I don't use watermark's apart from placing the my logo down in the bottem right corner of a photo + I know I own the original photo anyway. In saying that though, for people who do use them, that little tool could pose as a problem in the future maybe..? Maybe stock photo's ect ect, you can still view a full photo at time's, only with the watermark spred all over it, may appose a problem?. Just my thought's.. lol

05-04-2010, 3:07pm
I can think of many photography businesses that use watermarked images to show clients prior to purchase, it will be interesting to see how it changes the running of their businesses in regards to viewing and purchases. There are people out there that will knock off an image rather than pay the photographer for their time unfortunately :(
The puppet warp feature looks interesting too.

07-04-2010, 2:50pm
I really can't wait for CS5 to arrive, if it works as good as the demo will really improve my workflow!

Saw this recently: Photoshop's CAF (content-aware fill) - unbelievable? Rest assured - it is possible and it has been around for years http://goo.gl/Hvnd

06-06-2010, 11:17am
I now have CS5 .. loving it so far!

07-06-2010, 4:00pm
So, tell me. Have you had a go at the content aware fill? is it as unreal as the videos on youtube?

07-06-2010, 4:34pm
The Content Aware Fill works pretty much as shown on their videos. The beauty of it is that it is only one operation and if I do not like the result I just press Ctrl Z - ie Undo.
The second time around it may do a much better job -- or maybe worse!
It seems to work flawlessly for small objects. sometimes it is almost impossible to see where the object (a stone, some trash, a leaf etc) was.
A dark mole beneatha chain being worn by a woman was removed with one click; and the chain remained intact!

07-06-2010, 4:47pm
I love the new Refine edge tool and menu, that is excellent for going around dodgy areas like tree foliage and hair, just about perfect now compared with previous editions. Generally I love it, It does have a bit of hitch in the Text tool though but hopefully I have overcome that after reading up on the fixes on the Adobe site.

20-06-2010, 7:14pm
i want to explore more with CS5, it should be great. Hopefully still user friendly:)