View Full Version : FLash Tutorials

24-03-2010, 9:13pm
Hey all

Just wondering if anyone knew of any tutorials regardings flash setups?

Similar to the ones you'd get for photoshop.

Would love to have a read of some basic tutorials that I can have a play with at home.

Thanks :)

24-03-2010, 9:22pm
www.strobist.blogspot.com is going to be your best bet. There's a wealth of knowledge on their for off camera flash. Start with Lighting 101 then work your way through 102.

Also check out Zack Arias website, he has some good info on their also.

24-03-2010, 9:27pm
Another vote for strobist here: I've looked around and have found nothing better. In conjunction with this group here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/654655@N22/ you can actually do each suggested exercise. I would suggest starting from the beginning as well, and actually taking the shots as suggested. A few months ago I basically just read through it all and learnt a bit, but now I'm going through it again actually doing the exercises and am learning 10 times as much.

24-03-2010, 9:45pm
Thats the sort of thing I was after, going through and doing the excersises, thanks alot :)

Lesson 1... lol

24-03-2010, 9:48pm
Also Tony just reminded me, if you have a flickr account, there's a group called StrobeAust, which is for strobists in Australia to talk about set up, equipment, and organising meet ups and posting photos. I learn a lot from there also as most of the shots posted have the equipment used for the shots listed and also settings for flashes etc. I find it helps me a lot.

25-03-2010, 9:52am
I really like this group too for that same purpose referred to by Nick - http://www.flickr.com/groups/552101@N22/ (Setups Mandatory - Show Us Your Lights)

25-03-2010, 11:22am
I'd be keen for an AP Strobist Meet Up!

26-03-2010, 5:41pm
www.strobist.blogspot.com this was really interesting and totally mesmorised by Svardelt ( Peter Karlsson) work .. and the tent pole light stand :)

27-03-2010, 4:06pm
I'd be keen for an AP Strobist Meet Up!

Count me in Nick - what did you have in mind?

27-03-2010, 7:13pm
Ok there's a start, we could see if any models are free to do TFP/TFCD shoots? Maybe 2hrs of their time? In a park/beach scene for more fashion type shots or hotel room for like glamour shots?

What gear/lighting modifiers do you have?

What ideas have you got Tony? Feel free to PM me too, I'm not far from the northern beaches, I'm just in ryde anyways.

28-04-2010, 11:20am
Strobist is fantastic I just need more time to practise..

01-05-2010, 1:03pm
There is another site called http://www.lighting-essentials.com/

There is alot of information on that site with new topics covered each week.

04-05-2010, 10:02am
is the strobist meet happening ?? Thats my kinda get together :D