View Full Version : Home b&w developing

11-03-2010, 2:06pm
Hey guys i would like to get into some b&w home developing, but don't know where to start. Is there anywhere in Brisbane that sells the gear or do you have to order online. My father gave my his old konica fs1 camera with 40mm hexanon ar f1.8, 50mm hexanon f1.7, 28mm cimko mt f2.8, tokina rmc 35-105 f3.5 zoom, tokina 75-150 f3.8 zoom, tokina rmc 100-300 f5.6 zoom and a x24 flash. Do you think i would need anything else to start shooting with other than film? What would be the basics needed to start developing and which film would you start with? cheers

11-03-2010, 3:36pm
Try Kayell in Tennyson

11-03-2010, 9:40pm
From my days in the dark arts of developing, gosh I miss doing that!
For film, something like a paterson light tight film tank, and changing bag, to transfer film to tank,
Enlarger, 3 largish develping trays depending what size you wish to develop (developer, stop bath, fixer) then a wash tray I used to use a tray setup in a laundry sink with trickling water, oh and a red globe.
tongs, film hangers, the old line and pegs to dry prints. Thats the pure basics.
You can then add to that for things like a contact sheet printer, a special glass device you slide your negs in and it lines them up and you slide in your paper expose and develop for contact sheets,
a enlarging loup is handy for focus assisting, an easel for holding your paper on the baseboard also some can either make you a ncie border or just hold the paper. Thermometres, timer, patience.
Thats all I can think of off the top of my head, been a few years now since Ive done this.

what else Im not sure atm, hope that helps.

13-03-2010, 2:47pm
ooooo this is exciting! i enjoy developing my own film! It's a very cathartic process!
The above posters have already listed the things you would need... so can't wait to see you get started! I don't know how much you know about developing bw film but it is quite a simple process... one website i found helpful is chromogenic.net - it teaches you step by step what you need to do.
I personally use the ilford LC-29 as my developer and my stopper and fixer are ilford too... but apparently rodinal is what most people use...You would need to get a wet agent as well so the water droplets don't stick to the film... I personally don't use a wet agent but was told to get one which i might.... but is really up to you...
Anyway i hope you enjoy the process... good luck!

14-03-2010, 3:19pm
Thanks for the tips guys, now i've just got to get the gear and get started. cheers

14-03-2010, 3:45pm
The other option you have (which is the one I'm pursuing as I'm just getting back into it :)) is to get yourself the tank and change bag combo, develop to the negative stage and then get a good transparency scanner (eg. one of the new epsons or similar, I can't afford the nikon ones) and then deal to the negative in photoshop.

Ciao for now

14-03-2010, 4:08pm
And don't forget a darkroom.

15-03-2010, 1:04am
only need a darkroom if you are printing, you can do developing with a change bag and a tank.

I'd start off with rodinal, its fairly foolproof as far as these things go

01-04-2010, 5:43pm
i heard rodinal is good but cant get that in SIngapore.
I use Tmax developer. HC110 is the economical one to go for.
you can substitute wetting agent with some dishwashing liquid, but do this at your own risk.
i tink stop bath is optional.
Might need a thermometer too.

03-04-2010, 3:33pm
You can get everything you need at Photo Continental,Mt Gravatt.They stock everything you`ll need.Have fun,I used to love watching my images appear in the tray,it`s a magical experience the first time you do it.:food04:

04-04-2010, 11:15pm
I've just started developing my own black and white and it's so much fun!
Film wise, i got 10 rolls of ERA PAN 100 35mm, and 10 rolls of shanghai GP3 100 120mm - both cheap off ebay.
Developing wise, I spent around $100 at Vanbar (http://www.vanbar.com.au/catalogue/index.php) here in Melbourne (they do mail order too) and got a small Paterson tank with 2 rolls, 1lt R09 one shot, 1lt ilford stop bath, 1lt Ilford rapid fixer and some wetting agent, film clips etc.
I'm just winging it really, using the Massiv Dev Chart (http://www.digitaltruth.com/devchart.php) as a rough guide, not timing perfectly, not using a thermometer and not measuring the chemicals to the nth degree, but I'm loving what's coming out, and not putting too much pressure on myself means i can just enjoy it while i'm learning.
Just developed my second roll of the ERA using the stand method, and not as happy with the results as the agitate method, but I've still got some usable negs and a scanner to play around with.
I'm going to try pushing the next roll of 100 ERA film to 800 just to see what happens tomorrow..

05-04-2010, 3:22am
See if you can pick up a copy of Michael Freeman's the New 35mm Handbook (or even the original) online as it has a good section on darkroom planning and pictorial step by step developing instructions.
If you are absolutely unable to find a copy - and it should be in the library - PM me and I can scan that section for you and email as a pdf.

06-04-2010, 7:24pm
Just reading some of the stuff I have missed over the last few months.

I too have picked up the B&W film bug. Seriously, your best place to get equipment cheap is ebay, OR camera clubs. I think, not including consumables, I have probably spent around $500 in equipment, which includes a LPL 7700 enlarger with colour head. For example:

Patteson tank and changing bag (and a whole host of other bits and pieces) - $30 (ebay)
3 8x10 trays, Mechanical Timer & safelight - free (from a camera Club Member)
First enlarger - $35 (ebay)
new enlarger globe - $20
graduates (2x300ml, 2x 600ml) - $10 second hand (camera shop)
Some more trays - $20 (new from camera shop)
and the mother load - Durst enlarger (including 2 Nikkor lenses), lots of trays, easels, developer tanks, safelights with different filters - $250

I have absolutely everything I would ever need, except for a rotary processor (they are still quite expensive).

For processing film, I actually load them into my tank in the walk in robe. Processing is done in the laundry and can be done in full daylight

For prints, I again use the laundry. I have blanked out the windows and put weather strips around the door. The enlarger sits on the freezer. The trays and such sit on the opposite side, on a makeshift table that sits above the washing machine.

The one thing you will find is you will spend much more time on your prints then you ever did before.....its not a bad thing, but you will become intimate with them!


Big Pix
06-04-2010, 8:04pm
there is a lab in Redfern, I have only seen the sign on the door, that supplies B&W chemistry. I am not sure of the brand, but will make a note of the phone number when I am next there which will be in a week or so.........

06-04-2010, 9:16pm
Is it BlancoNegro?
www.blanconegro.com.au (www.blanconegrosupplies.com.au)

I've not dealt with them in person yet but have been in touch with Chris there cause I'm looking for some darkroom tuition (he does classes when he finds the time). I've heard great things about them...

No personal/commercial interest etc. etc.

Big Pix
06-04-2010, 9:32pm
YES..... thats the place...... now somewhere I have CD of B&W Printing instruction. It was put out by Agfa but the principles are still the same. Lots of info on the disk, will try and find it.........

09-05-2010, 7:13pm
Agree with Hoffy - ebay for this. Don't waste your $ on new kit except for chemicals and paper. You'll easily get all you need for next to nothing, maybe $100 and you are on your way. I got a 6x9 enlarger, and a full darkroom setup with stacks of extras for $150.

Since the thread is old (Sorry, been busy) have you done any procerssing at home yet?

04-06-2010, 5:23pm
Speaking of that 6x9 enlarger - I am right in the middle of setting it up for a big printing session tonight - can't wait... How did your efforts pan out?

Big Pix
04-06-2010, 5:26pm
and I found the Agfa CD, which I gave to students when teaching....... let me know if you want same......