View Full Version : Information on how to become a site sponsor/advertiser

05-03-2010, 7:44am
Welcome to Ausphotography.

Ausphotography is provided free to members, but the site needs funds to operate. Therefore we do not allow commercial posts without a paid advertising contract. The site rules contain the following clause:

[13] Commercial promotion/spam. Commercial promotion is not allowed on this site without an advertising contract in place. Any posts/threads/signatures will be deemed to be spam that directly promote commercial entities, products or services, where the poster does not have a paid advertising contract. Threads that are purely commercial promotion, will be removed. Spamming is not permitted, either publicly or via the Personal Message/Email systems within the site. Blatant spamming will result in a permanent ban from AusPhotography. Also refer to the Important Notice at the very top of the site rules regarding our action against spammers. Duplicating threads in various forums may also be recognised as spamming. Site administrators and moderators reserve the right to determine what we class as Spam or Commercial posts.

If you are considering advertising on Ausphotography, please contact me : rick@ausphotography.net.au for further information.

Some general information:

Ausphotography offers banner advertising that appears at the top and bottom of every Ausphotography page. This advertising is in rotation with other advertisers. As at March 2010, each advertisement appears to members around 55,000 times a month. Ads are click-enabled and can direct members to a URL of your choice on your site.

As at August 2011, you will be able to market towards nearly 15,000 photographically interested members. The majority of these members are located within Australia.

We offer two advertising choices. A set, per month, rate, or if your site can accept a unique URL identifying code and track it and log purchases, then a commission based advertising is offered.

Once an advertising contract is signed and paid for, Advertisers can promote their products/services in the forums, by creating threads, replying to member queries etc.

We also offer free advertising in return from sponsorship of some of our photography competitions. The length of the free advertising period is related to the value of the prize sponsorship offered up for members. Note that the Seagate Seasons competition is not available for other advertisers to sponsor.

We evaluate all possible advertisers for suitability. We do not accept contracts from 'adult' type advertisers, money making schemes (gambling, etc) and others. Ausphotography is visited by members who are well under 18 years of age and we take that into account when assessing the suitability of an advertiser. Each offer of advertising is assessed individually. If we decline your offer, we will advise a reason.

Posting commercial threads/posts without an advertising contract will see the removal of the promotion and further action may be taken (ie you may be banned from the site permanently). The administrative/moderator team on Ausphotography will make a determination about whether a thread or post is commercial in nature, our decision will be final.

We will not use or provide any site database information to third parties. Requests for a copy of, or use of our members email addresses stored within the site databases will be declined. We may promote advertisers using the Ausphotography Newsletter. The newsletter is sent from site administrator(s) and members information will not be provided to advertisers.

Ausphotography can provide a great opportunity to target your advertising to a specific market segment. We are open to ideas and suggestions that may not be outlined above.

An advertising contract is available for your perusal. If you have any further questions regarding advertising on Ausphotography, please contact me : rick@ausphotography.net.au (rick@auphotography.net.au)