View Full Version : Paying for water: Are we going mad ?

23-02-2010, 10:18pm
I spotted this machine outside of a BP servo near Fingal in NSW. Can someone please explain to me why I would shell out for a bottle then 5.00 for 19 litres of this 'reverse osmosis technology water with 'no flouride'.....

What happened to putting a glass under the tap or a bottle and cooling it in the fridge ? We pay for special water now ? Come on :confused013, the marketing gurus have been having a field day with this kind of rhubbard for at least a decade now: I would have thought most had wised up to this by now but here it is, outside a servo and apparently with plenty of buyers -


23-02-2010, 11:27pm
Maybe in NSW you can drink the tap water but in WA we get so much ground water that is chemically treated that I have to filter everything I drink now.
As a measure the average life of a kettle in my area that is filled from the tap is less than 18 months.
The only time I can drink tap water is when I head down south as the water is not treated nor mixed with ground water.
These things have been in WA for about 9 or 10 years and whilst not popular are frequently used.

23-02-2010, 11:39pm
Maybe in NSW you can drink the tap water but in WA we get so much ground water that is chemically treated that I have to filter everything I drink now.
As a measure the average life of a kettle in my area that is filled from the tap is less than 18 months.
The only time I can drink tap water is when I head down south as the water is not treated nor mixed with ground water.
These things have been in WA for about 9 or 10 years and whilst not popular are frequently used.

I get it where the water is crap Peter but in most places I know the water is fine: might have to boil it then cool it, but the world is going to pot if we have to pay for water everywhere.

24-02-2010, 5:44am
Looks to me like they are pushing the no fluoride as a good thing, and people will fall for it and buy the water. In the end what other people do with their money is their concern.

24-02-2010, 7:49am
Oh, you lucky people, if you donĀ“t have to pay for your water. Here in Denmark we have VERY nice tap water, and enough of it, but have to pay for it anyway, and as if that is not enough, we have to pay 3 times as much to get rid of it again

24-02-2010, 7:55am
Looks to me like they are pushing the no fluoride as a good thing, and people will fall for it and buy the water. In the end what other people do with their money is their concern.

Right Rick: up here in QLD there was a big hullabaloo about flouride being introduced into QLD tap water and the nay sayers had a gr8 scare em with statistics campaign going but sanity prevailed- I just think it s nuts in Australia to pay for water unless the local stuff is rubbish.

24-02-2010, 8:09am
Coca-Cola earns a heckuva lotta money from selling filtered water - Mt Franklin, anyone? You get about 1.2 litres for $5 there...

24-02-2010, 8:20am
I'd say as others have said its being marketed at those that didn't want flouride introduced in their water - same as other bottled waters marketed as filtered and healthier for you etc...

24-02-2010, 2:10pm
Most people would die rather than pay $877.50 for 1L of unleaded, but quite a few of those same people are quite happy to pay around $1.80 for 600mL of bottled water, and in quite a few cases the water is straight from a tap (Fact).

Our local water is $1.60 per 1000L, which works out to $0.002666666667 per 600mL bottle or 6.25L per 1 cent. At $1.80 per 600mL bottle the mark up is 675%.

Petrol is around $1.30/L x 675 = $877.50/L

24-02-2010, 3:19pm
Our water costs us less than 10c/L. That's the cost of the tanks divided by the water volume we've caught from the sky, plus electricity costs to run the pump.

Unless you are catching water in your hands, everyone pays for water at some stage.

24-02-2010, 3:21pm
Beer has water in it, thank god

24-02-2010, 3:22pm
Beer has water in it, thank god

Amen brother:food04:

27-02-2010, 3:05pm
Kiwi, now it's fluoridated can you taste the difference?

27-02-2010, 4:10pm
Kiwi, now it's fluoridated can you taste the difference?

Not sure , I need more samples

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27-02-2010, 4:11pm
I pump my own water from the aquifer under my house, I pay for the electricity and maintenance to run the bore pump, also paid for the tank to store it and then paid for a pressure pump to supply the house. Not cheap but an unlimited supply when up and running.
Bottled water should be outlawed because of the pollution caused by producing the plastic bottles from fossil fuels and then the majority of them end up in land fill or the ocean/bush.

It actually takes 5 litres of water to make the bottle

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