View Full Version : Melb meet 17-02 St Kilda

18-02-2010, 8:42pm
I got about 10 images or so.











With all those f/1.2 Canon lenses being bandied about(at my end of the table), sometimes I wished I'd gone the other way!

... but then again, I think to myself... NAHHHH, no way! The D3s is the future of (modern)photography:p

Had fun, despite the feral breeze that gave me a massive headache. Got home at about 10:30 or so, and fell straight into bed, without a thought as to what(if any) images I got.

Great to see familiar faces again, and also see some new ones too.
Will have to do it all again, sooner rather than later.. and maybe even make it a regular event, say once or twice a month at a predetermined time. That way we can just look forward to catching up.

18-02-2010, 9:01pm

ps. I've just come into possession of another screen, so I'm running a dual screen PC, for the first time.
problem I have is the massive disparity between the two screens calibration.
On my old CRT, these images look dark and muddy, and yet on this new(old, donated) LCD, they look a lot better. Been putting off getting a Spyder for too long, and now the reality has hit home a lot harder than I thought it would!.. CALIBRATE YOUR MONITORS!!!
I'm going to get myself a Spyder3 Pro(or maybe Elite) either tomorrow or over the weekend. I have to get these two monitors to stop arguing over which way to process the image.. it's driving me nuts.

Possible scenario: Once I've done my calibration it may be available to a few local members to calibrate their monitors(IF you can prize it out my my rigamortis affected fingertips :p)

pps. there goes that 105mm lens I wanted to get tomorrow! :sad68: .... :action66:

ppps. Uber UBER KOOL having two screen :th3:

18-02-2010, 9:54pm
Some good pics there AK :th3: I particularly like the gorgeous colours in 4 & 5.
Yes, it is great having dual monitors - I had them in my last job, but they were BOTH uncalibrated so they didn't have to argue too much! :D Just as well I didn't have to process any photos for work though.

Mary Anne
18-02-2010, 10:00pm
Looks like a fun time.. Interesting pics.. Thanks for sharing..

18-02-2010, 10:06pm
I have never been into a bar and seen so many Canon L lenses on a table. Usually its just empty glasses.

Nice photsos AK


18-02-2010, 10:20pm
Thanks for the comments folks. :)

I have never been into a bar and seen so many Canon L lenses on a table. Usually its just empty glasses.

LOL! That super sturdy looking table was groaning under the weight of all those red lenses at the near end :D
Did you notice Ernie getting Nikon envy in the far corner? ;)

oh! and FYI, initially when you asked if you were in my way with the pier sunset shot(#5) and originally you weren't! But then you changed your composition and suddenly your elbow became part of my scene, so I had to adapt, no problem. :p

19-02-2010, 1:27pm
Great set of images as always, AK :th3:
The light in #2 is fantastic. #4 is a terrific shot !
Like those volleyball shots too, its certainly a different perspective from mine.

Twas a good night meet.
and i'm not sure if i got around to say :party5: to you.

Nikon envy? lol (although i did have a Nikon about a year ago...)
I'm just jealous your copy of the Siggy 50 EX focuses much better than mine!!
I might have to pay CR Kennedy a visit soon...
Wait, after playing with James 50L, i'm awfully tempted :rolleyes:

19-02-2010, 3:25pm
nice images AK
wish i'd been able to make it

however, i would be glad to chip in on the cost of a calibrator if you think it will benefit my laptop screen

James Axford
19-02-2010, 3:30pm
I like them arthur, they work well as a series.
I think I was on the Nerd end of the table, well the gear head end anyway :lol:

19-02-2010, 4:03pm
Has anyone heard how Robert is???

Sorry about the elbow AK. You should have just pushed me out of the way :lol: