View Full Version : Image storage a problem? You need this!

16-02-2010, 3:14pm

With the 2TB drives, IBM says a rack of DCS9900 storage can hold up to 1.2PB, with a maximum of 2.4PB in two racks containing 1,200 drives.
PB = Petabyte = 1,000 Terrabytes = 1,000,000 Gigabytes


16-02-2010, 8:12pm
I need one of those for all my pron :lol:
nah only joking...
I really need the 2 :)

16-02-2010, 8:47pm
And just think!.... 2Pb drives will be selling for $100 bucks in a years time! :p


A timely reminder(for me) too Kym. My 1Tb drive is now totally stuffed with ... stuffings of some kind :confused:
I can't back up my 2009 images stash, and delete it from my main drive as the(close too)271Gb's of 2009 images won't fit onto the external drive.
I just can't understand how I ended up with over 250G's of image last year!
I also have some scans of old images for my mum on there(1.5G) and my sons stash of D70s images(11G) and the remaining flotsam is all mine! :o

... DCS9900 huh? ..... :umm: ... I may need the higher capacity DCS100000 model , I reckon! :D

16-02-2010, 9:03pm
Can I have 2 please? Now where did I put my black metal american express card (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centurion_Card)

16-02-2010, 9:17pm
Oh you have one of those too Rick? hahaha

16-02-2010, 9:40pm
Oh you have one of those too Rick? hahaha

No, but I have a friend who does have one, they are amazingly heavy. It is funny watching people when she hands the card over, they expect it to be light and plastic, and the reactions to its weight are amusing.

17-02-2010, 2:24am
Wow! You have friends in high places :)
Do they live in Tassie?
weight aside just knowing what it is I bet would feel like holding a bar of gold lol
I wouldnt imagine there were too many of those cards in Australia

21-02-2010, 9:29pm

PB = Petabyte = 1,000 Terrabytes = 1,000,000 Gigabytes


I wondered what came after TB :th3:

25-03-2010, 2:54pm
What's the price ????

24-05-2010, 10:10pm
more disk, more megapixels, more data - I hope we have better search tools in the future.

Paul G
25-05-2010, 12:11am
PB = Petabyte

I looked at that and thought - who makes up these words?.... Then I did some looking around and found out about SI Prefixes :Doh:. Not a made up word at all!

I want to know what happens when we surpass yottabytes as a storage capacity....