View Full Version : Business Name - opinions please :)

16-02-2010, 12:16pm
Hi All

I am needing help deciding on which way to go with my business name. I am just starting out and have been using a business name that my Husband came up with about three years ago and I am starting to wonder if it is the best name to go forward with..... I would really appreciate anyones opinion on whether or not I am better going with my personal name as the business name or sticking with my current one.... Which is better - to have a brand or to be known as my actual name????

So my current name that I am working under is - Moki Photography


Or working under my actual name - Jessica Simpson Photography


All opinions,pros,cons would be greatly appreciated......

Thanks so much


16-02-2010, 12:31pm
I'd go for the name, personally, people will always be trying to read something into the other one, and there is also the small risk it is offensive in somebody or other's language.

BUT, you will have to make sure any existing clients know you are changing it and what to.

James T
16-02-2010, 1:19pm
You have a famous name, might come in handy in searches. Or, mean you get lost in searches as the 'other' Jessica Simpson gets all the hits.

16-02-2010, 2:58pm
I like them both. the top one has a real fun, light, happy sort of feel to it, then second one has a more ..straight, very professional feel to it. If that makes sense?
I guess I kind of lean more to the first one.

16-02-2010, 3:07pm
For me it depends on what you mostly photograph, do you capture playful children, and families or is your work very formal.

Moki Photography looks and sounds to me like a great fun place to get family photos with, I probably wouldn't ring them up for a formal session of just myself.

Using your name looks very professional, and to me would be a place I might call if I was looking for glamor shots.

Hope that helps.

16-02-2010, 3:29pm
For me it depends on what you mostly photograph, do you capture playful children, and families or is your work very formal.

Moki Photography looks and sounds to me like a great fun place to get family photos with, I probably wouldn't ring them up for a formal session of just myself.

Using your name looks very professional, and to me would be a place I might call if I was looking for glamor shots.

Hope that helps.

Thanks so much for your opinion Andrea. I suppose this is where I am a little stuck. I am doing family portraits,kids, couples and weddings. I know Moki screams kids and fun and family but I also know that Jessica Simpson Photography probably looks more classy and professional for weddings etc. Oh the decisions :rolleyes:

This is very subjective, but my opinion is to definitly go with the first. I have a marketing background in a former life and all instincts tell me the 2nd is not the way to go. As previously mentioned on another post, your name has been bracketed with someone else with a higher profile and this is not good. Nowdays with internet searches it will cause problems. Prospective customers in the main will steer away from this listing as it can seem gimicky, or not serious. You want to establish your own goodwill, not ride on the back of someone else with notoriety. Also if you one day sell your business the goodwill with the "Moki" is far greater. Imagine a guy buying a business called JS photgraphy!
Your logo is attractive and has Queensland written all over it so to me I think there is no argument.... go with Moki and good luck.

Thanks for your prospective Wildenikon. I am a little concerned about my name hindering my success. I dont want to be taken less serious just because of my name, however I am a concerned that Moki is a little too cutesy for weddings etc..... I still want to be taken as a serious photographer that can handle all situations not just kids. You have definiely given me more to think about. Thanks a bunch :)

16-02-2010, 3:49pm
in that case, why not run both?

have moki directed towards the kids/families etc. and JS photography for the glamour/wedding etc. photos?

16-02-2010, 5:07pm
I would definitely steer clear of using your name. It may feel 'wrong' to do so, but this is a business decision and you really should be carving your own niche in the market.

'Moki' isn't too bad at all really. It definitely sticks in your mind which is the most important thing a business name should do. The logo is a little too flowery/abstract for my liking, but that could just be me.

16-02-2010, 5:57pm
My thoughts are to not use your name. Say you start your business up and call it by your name, you decide in 5 years time to retire or change career direction, but have a company that turns over good money, and is therefore a good prospect for someone to buy. They will be more inclined to buy a business name, than your name.

16-02-2010, 7:04pm
Keep the name, change the logo!

Moki is very distinctive - a name once learned, less likely to be forgotten.

If you want to attract a different type of business, change the logo to be a bit more "serious". Maybe enlist the help of a graphic designer?

Also, that way, it doesn't alienate your current business clients - you are just having a "change of clothes" so to speak.

I once worked for a company that changed its logo three times. The company name stayed the same so it was a "brand" people could recognise. The letterhead just changed!

That's what you have now - a "brand". Don't lose it.

16-02-2010, 7:12pm
I agree with not using your name. A business name to me sounds more professional. To an outsider having a business name will maybe give the illiusion to a much bigger busines than what it really is.
Maybe play around with the font and colours for different jobs. Eg, Keep the pink and flower for the families & kids, then maybe go black or silver for weddings or corporate work. Just a suggestion.
Good luck with it!

16-02-2010, 7:12pm
Keep the name, change the logo!

Moki is very distinctive - a name once learned, less likely to be forgotten.

If you want to attract a different type of business, change the logo to be a bit more "serious". Maybe enlist the help of a graphic designer?

Also, that way, it doesn't alienate your current business clients - you are just having a "change of clothes" so to speak.

I once worked for a company that changed its logo three times. The company name stayed the same so it was a "brand" people could recognise. The letterhead just changed!

That's what you have now - a "brand". Don't lose it.

Cheryl you have just read my mind!!! I was just discussing with my husband that Moki would probably benefit from a change of look rather than a change of name.... Thanks for everyones advice. I think the idea of keeping it a brand and something that can later be sold if need be is probably the smartest way to go. It's only very early days for my business but I just want to get off to a good start with the right look.... Thanks again everyone for your help :)

16-02-2010, 7:12pm
I have to agree with Cheryl 100%. But would like to add, have Moki as above for fun stuff and have Moki in diffferent colours and motif for serious stuff like weddings etc.

Aussie Battler
16-02-2010, 8:14pm
Whenever checking out a business name always check if someone has a trademark on it. Just a quick google brung up Moki swimwear with a palm tree in the logo. Trademarks can be registered in different categories however some companies register their mark in all categories even if they don't trade in that industry. Don't just rely on business name registration. You may even run into problems with Jessica Simpson even if it's your own name. Think I'm being paranoid? Cadbury went around and threatened any chocolate producers that presented their products in anything even faintly resembling their colour purple which they now have registered. Try calling yourself Virgin Photography or MacPhotography and see what happens.

Intellectual property Lawyers make their money by pursuing even the slightest possible infringements on business names and trademarks and even if you think your in the right, you may not have the resources to go through a lengthy and costly court process to defend something that may have been avoided with a bit of research in the first place. Forget about fair and right when it comes to business - it's a tough world out there.

Helen S
16-02-2010, 8:21pm
I agree with the others, Jess. Moki Photography really stands out to me, is easy to remember and cries individualism.

Can bite the big one having a famous name, can't it? My daughter is Lisa Simpson, though she was around first (just).

16-02-2010, 8:30pm
i like moki.

If there wasn't a singer named Jessica Simpson, then I would say go with your name, but alas there is. I just like the way Moki sounds.

16-02-2010, 8:32pm
Anything apart from just using your name you have to register as a business to trade FYI too

Boardroom Photography
16-02-2010, 8:34pm
I like the second option, has an element of class about it.

16-02-2010, 8:47pm
If you're concerned about 'moki' not presenting a broad enough image, and with your real name already high profile for the wrong reasons, what about Jess Simpson instead of Jessica Simpson?

And, yeah, with the naming - you'd have to pay to register Moki (if it's available!), whereas the advice I was given is that your name is free (but only if it's Your Name photographer, as opposed to Your Name Photography.

17-02-2010, 6:05am
Boy, I am showing my age, I didn't know there was a singer with the same name as you! I think Cheryl has it, make the logo a bit more 'serious/pro' and it should be good. I like the more elegant look of the second example, maybe get this influence in to the Moki brand.

17-02-2010, 6:21am
I agree with some of the comments above, keep the name but change the logo... :th3:

17-02-2010, 7:34pm
Everything is in the name, look above. We even had a popular band named after us. Fortunately we are both still around even after thirty years and neither of us do any direct advertising any-more.
A good business name needs to become a household word in your industry like "Cadbury", "Kellogs", "Coke", so don't become sentimental. Change the name and/or the logo to achieve that goal. Just remember YOU have to market that name and you don't want to spend half your life explaining to people what it means, particularly if its not popular in the community already. In this sense personal names can become a trap and often convey to others when marketing that you're "big noting" yourself. Some people are comfortable with this but generally it causes you a loss of confidence, and business. Just look through the "wind-up" notices in the paper and they outrank business names three to one. My opinion like many others here is to stay clear of your own name. And, if you ever have to wind the company up your name goes with it.

19-02-2010, 8:53am
Another vote here for Moki Photography with a logo change to make the name look classy.

Name to remember + a classy logo = win win to me

BTW does MOKI mean anything in particular?


19-02-2010, 9:07am
BTW does MOKI mean anything in particular?

Maybe that's where the work needs to be done? :)

21-02-2010, 3:28pm
I think the name Jessica Simpson would be just way too popular and lost in the searches, go for Moki, the logo looks cute

Aussie Battler
21-02-2010, 10:11pm
Hi Jess, I just felt I had to revisit my post as I hoped that I didn't sound to harsh. I wasn't trying to put the mockers on what you are trying to achieve because in all fairness both logos and names look great depending on who your targeting etc which has all been covered above. Pixel mentioned that you would have to pay to register or trademarke a name - yes you do but then YOU OWN that name and it is a small investment for the long term protection it gives your business particularly, if you want to sell it some day.

In todays world the brand name is everything. It's not the secret herbs and spice that makes KFC valuable or the secret recipe to Coke, its the guy's name on the piece of paper in the trademarks office that owns the value in these companies.

We started a small retail business 15 years ago which is still trading successfully and the effort we put in to getting the name right and protecting it have paid off many times over because eventually we were able to franchise it, if only on a small scale. We simply applied the same principles of big business to a very small business. Don't sell yourself short - you never know how successful your small business can become.

Right now we are involved in a small legal stoush unrelated to this business so perhaps that's why I may appear to some to being a bit 'picky' but it's good to know when these situations arise that you have things covered.

All the best with your business.:th3:

21-02-2010, 10:46pm
Given the market you're in I also think a non-personal name (e.g. Moki Photography) would be best. The logo is the thing that's driving the impression of being "cutesy".
Even if you don't grow to having franchises, having additional shooters working on jobs for you can fit into a non-personal name.

Quite a few years ago I set up my business under "<My Name> Photography". My name is less common than yours, so I've had no hassles with business name / trademark conflicts, but I sometimes wonder if that was the best idea. At the time I was just starting out, and my areas of "focus" have changed over the years: my name has been able to move with it.

In your case you have a business and market established, and a name such as Moki Photography would seem perfect!

22-02-2010, 5:38am
Everything is in the name, look above. We even had a popular band named after us. Fortunately we are both still around even after thirty years and neither of us do any direct advertising any-more.
A good business name needs to become a household word in your industry like "Cadbury", "Kellogs", "Coke", so don't become sentimental. Change the name and/or the logo to achieve that goal. Just remember YOU have to market that name and you don't want to spend half your life explaining to people what it means, particularly if its not popular in the community already. In this sense personal names can become a trap and often convey to others when marketing that you're "big noting" yourself. Some people are comfortable with this but generally it causes you a loss of confidence, and business. Just look through the "wind-up" notices in the paper and they outrank business names three to one. My opinion like many others here is to stay clear of your own name. And, if you ever have to wind the company up your name goes with it.

Found that one mildy amusing, when you consider Cadbury and Kellogs are both names of families..hehe. Seriously though it does show that if you use a name well, and it is reasonably unique, it can become associated with a product, and grow to become a household name. Some of the best known product brands are family names, but mostly just one word, not a full name.

22-02-2010, 3:49pm
Good point, Rick. I wonder who Mr Vegemite was? :D

23-02-2010, 8:35pm
Thanks so much for everyone's opinions and advice, it has been very helpful.... I really hadn't thought about the whole franchise thing either Aussie Battler so thanks so much for that, Moki would definitely be a better franchise name later down the track should I ever get to that stage. I think becoming a brand of my own is definitely going to be a better way to go rather than trying to ride on the fame of the more famous Jessica Simpson. Everyone's advice has been so helpful and helped me decide that keeping Moki Photography is probably my best move, although I think it definitely needs a change of look to move away from the cutesy market...... I dont want to be pigeon holed into one particular market so a classer look would be better all round. Thanks again for everyone's wonderful advice, very much appreciated :)

05-04-2010, 9:42am
I'm still fighting this battle over and again in my head. I have a business called Janine Hewlett Photography, but sometimes think it is too hard to remember. I do portrait work for kids and families, but am trying to get into weddings. For weddings my name is suited, but not "playful"enough for kids photography. You seem to be in the same situation... I like Moki for family based portraits and your full name for more formal work. On the plus side, your name is very easy to remember, because it is already famous. I agree though that maybe Jess Simpson may be better..

05-04-2010, 11:23am
with out reading all
my first impressions
I love the logs Moki and the colour i just lost the i in there till I looked again thinking it was Mok.. but still love it
the name one is proffesional and very nicely done and suits moreformal . but if you are doing the kids etc family i love the top one for that

can you blend the two .. :) if you like both