View Full Version : Baby Pic Poses

15-02-2010, 9:05pm
Evening All.
I was just wondering if anyone could shed some light/ expertise.
I have a 3 month old :( And would love to take some cherishable pics of her. So far the ones I have taken have been okay- but not to the standard I want. The ones I keep getting are me looking like i am a pro when i am definatly not.

So has anyone got any suggestions for poses. As she is three months she cannot sit unaided and just slumps.
What I have been doing of late is putting a white sheet down on the bed, and propping her up from underneath with pillows- but the sheets cause shadows from being wrinkled by her weight on the soft surface.

I also have a two yearold as well, so would love to incorperate her into the pics.
Oh and I have a canon 500d, external flash,a tripod, uv filter and thats about it :eek:

15-02-2010, 9:49pm
Best advice I can give is to check out the work of professionals in the field. Minna Burgess comes to mind:


She's also a member here: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/member.php?u=1151

15-02-2010, 10:53pm
Best advice I can give is to check out the work of professionals in the field. Minna Burgess comes to mind:


She's also a member here: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/member.php?u=1151

Dotto Daves comments, you can't go wrong there:th3:

16-02-2010, 7:08am
yep i was going to suggest minna as well.

she mainly works with newborns, and a 3 month old is no longer classified as a newborn and in general are a little harder to work with.

Minna is an awesome photographer and i'm in awe of her work.

16-02-2010, 5:11pm
Yes study others work - My experience ... Keep the camera always at the ready and take hundreds of shots.

17-02-2010, 8:42am
While looking at the work of others, it's equally important to pay close attention to the lighting which may have been used. You could find a great pose and take that idea on board, but if the lighting isn't close to the same, the shots will look completely different (that may not always be a bad thing!). But be sure that you know exactly the poses and lighting setup before the shoot. Because once baby wakes up and/or decides enough is enough... your shoot is over.

17-02-2010, 2:03pm
Use a beanbag and put a nice blanket over it. If you have background stands, then extend the blanket up and attach to the crossbar, or you can use a plain wall behind it. (Before I got my background stands I used 2 kitchen chairs and a broomhandle between them!) Natural light works best IMO and have your aperture as open as you can so the background is nice and blurred. Also get down to her level and try different angles.

There is a couple of really good flickr groups you can look at for ideas http://www.flickr.com/groups/newborn-posing-inspiration/ http://www.flickr.com/groups/babysessionsetup/

For a 3 month old, I've put bub reclining on her back. Pad up a little under her head under the blanket with a towel and try to get a nice smile. If you can rock her to sleep first you can get some great shots and she'll leave her arms and legs where you place them. If she's naked and awake you might want to get someone to help as a "leg positioner" to arrange while her modesty is protected and quickly move their hand at the last second while you get the shot ;)

01-03-2010, 12:41pm
Thanks Guys.
The flickr site was amazing and good to see the at home shots as well- they look just as good as the studio ones!!!

02-03-2010, 8:13pm
Thanks for these links and suggestions. Just what I was after!

20-03-2010, 9:53am
I've always wanted to do baby photos, but haven't ever made the time to set out and do them. However, I've always loved shots with babe on a white sheepskin blanket. With a wide apeture and selective focus, it gives you some nice texture without distracting, and a beautifully soft background.

The shots I've taken that have been accidentally successful were with Mum and/or Dad holding and interacting with babe. Your not just capturing their likeness that way, your capturing one of the most beautiful connections of love there is - parent to child.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-04-2010, 4:49pm
they are some of the nicest pics ive seen of a baby, so clear and bright.

24-05-2010, 10:12pm
Best advice I can give is to check out the work of professionals in the field. Minna Burgess comes to mind:


She's also a member here: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/member.php?u=1151

Nice link. Thanks

13-07-2010, 1:16pm
Yeah she is great at what she does.