View Full Version : Canon 7d - File Size and Memory Card

12-02-2010, 3:36pm
Hoping someone can help me with these two.

I won't always want to shoot at 18mpx but I'm not sure which setting is best if I want to shoot a smaller file. Should I choose the smaller L file or the Large M file for jpeg?

Also, what compact flash card is recommended for the 7d. I want to be able to use it for movies also.
Will the Extreme III (30/sec) be fine or do I need to step up to the Extreme UDMA (60/sec) card. Understanding which and why would be very helpful.

Thanks to all.

12-02-2010, 3:44pm
From memory, I don't have the manual with me at the moment.

It is in the manual that for video you need a card with a minimum write speed of 8Mb/s so the extreme should be ok.

I always shoot at the highest resolution possible, it is a lot easier to reduce the size of an image as against load your files on the computer only to find that one shot where you wish you had shot a full resolution.

12-02-2010, 4:36pm
note the difference in file sizes from med raw and med jpg... one is 10mp and the other is 8mp...

Extreme III will have no issues with either setting.. but its video that requires the speed, as its 330mb / min in any video mode..


12-02-2010, 6:20pm
I always shoot at the highest resolution possible, it is a lot easier to reduce the size of an image as against load your files on the computer only to find that one shot where you wish you had shot a full resolution.


I have used both my 16GB UDMA 60mbs and my 8gb extreme which does 15mbs and both work great. you do notice a difference though on the 60mbs card.

Well i did anyway.


12-02-2010, 8:54pm
As an above poster has said, you could always shoot at 18MP and then downsize later on if you need too. If you shoot at a lower resolution, then you will be losing quality if you want to print massive prints etc. In saying that anything above 8MP is going to give you decent prints, but it wouldn't hurt to have the extra resolution there in your shots in case you need it. With memory so cheap (you can pick up a 1TB hard drive these days for $100) I wouldn't hesitate in shooting at 18MP resolution.

12-02-2010, 10:27pm
I agree with wideangle. Always shoot at the max size. Then you are not limiting future use. Given the cost of memory, I rather have a couple of (8Gb) cards than sacrifice image quality.

13-02-2010, 10:40am
Thanks for the replies. Need to get myself a bigger memory card and I'm going to be upgrading my computer soon so will make sure I get a big hard drive for that also (might buy one to dedicate to photos only and leave the operation system on another).

Thanks to all

13-02-2010, 10:55pm
I wouldn't bother with the old Extreme III cards anymore.. the new SanDisk Extreme 60MB/s are so cheap now a days (16GB for around $135).. I had some issues with the Extreme III cards when recording video on the 5D MKII it would occasionally freeze while recording and only reset by pulling out the battery and of course you lose your last recorded take.. with the Extreme IV and now the new extreme 60MB/s cards or faster, no such problems at all..

14-02-2010, 1:19am
I am using Kingston Elite Pro (which is 20MB/S) - 16GBs and 8GBs, I can comfortably get about 6-7 frames in succession with RAW.

27-04-2010, 4:29pm
Thats helped me out allot. I too was up in arms about which memory card to get. 60mb/s card should be great.