View Full Version : A young Ap member?

10-02-2010, 1:00pm
I thought this bib was quite fitting for my username :D
Its not the best pic. I only took it as a happy snap.
I had to use ISO800 and my camera isnt that great that high so it had a fair bit of noise and the PP has made it go a bit funny.

10-02-2010, 1:22pm
Cute :D

Actually EJ has a book with my user name on the cover lol

10-02-2010, 2:42pm
Thanks Cat :)
thats funny you found something aswell.

10-02-2010, 2:47pm
hehe! cute as a bugs ear :D

10-02-2010, 3:18pm
Thanks David :)

10-02-2010, 4:26pm
I can see that one coming out at his 21st.

Mary Anne
10-02-2010, 5:25pm
Oh he is gorgeous its a great pic and a good user name also..

10-02-2010, 5:40pm
I can see that one coming out at his 21st.
This one and the one ive got of his bare little bum lol

Oh he is gorgeous its a great pic and a good user name also..

Thanks Mary Anne, he is a bit of a cutie :)

10-02-2010, 6:49pm
That's so cute. You could use it as your Avatar.

10-02-2010, 7:48pm
Thanks Carmen I might just do that.

13-02-2010, 3:32am
Gorgeous baby Justin. Those eyes are adorable. You have caught the catchlights well here.

13-02-2010, 8:49am
Thank you :)
I wish I took a sharper and lower ISO pic now. Oh well, I live and learn ;)
I am starting to really need a good flash now and ill definitely have to get one for my birthday. I had to shoot wide open because of the low light so I could only focus on either the bib or his face and I chose his bib. In hind sight the bib would have still been sharp enough to read and his face would have looked a lot better if it was in focus. Cool, now I can CC my own images lol. I am learning so much from this site!

13-02-2010, 9:21am
aww, so cute.

15-02-2010, 7:09am
Why not take it? Photography can be much too serious at times. He seems to understand what you're doing.

15-02-2010, 7:53am
Yeah I will re do it. Today is looking like a nice day so ill put a bit more effort into the shot this time and stop the lens down a bit. I wish he understood what I was doing but it took around 10 shots to get one where he is looking straight at the camera. I might stick one of his toys to the camera this time instead of trying to get his attention and see if that makes a difference.