View Full Version : handbag camera bag

09-02-2010, 4:56pm
does anyone know where I can get one.

camera's direct have the jill-e ones, but i'm not forking out $300 for a fashion camera bag.

something like this http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260516744212&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT

no one seems to make them in oz, what a pita.

09-02-2010, 5:27pm
Hadn't seen them before but they look like a good idea :)

09-02-2010, 8:10pm
I have also been looking everywhere for a handbag type camera bag. You won't buy one cheaper than that anywhere. You could also use a normal handbag and put insert in it or use a nappy bag. But nappy bags are heaps more than that bag. Nappy bags nobody flogs, soft esky, same thing.

09-02-2010, 8:21pm
I love the jill-e bags but just can't justify spending that much (yet ;)

09-02-2010, 9:01pm
I want a Jille too. The rolling one that fits the lappy in. Maybe we can try to get a group buy going if there is enough of us!

There are some nice ones called Kelly Moore which are very similar and almost as pricey. Bloody nice though!

I was in a bag shop the other day and had a wild crazy idea that I could get some padding and try to make my own out of this fantastic vinyl hot pink fake croc skin bag but it might end up costing just as much :lol: Will go visit clark rubber for a look at some foam and dream...

11-02-2010, 6:42pm
well i bought a 'normal' handbag and I"m going to make a lining for it.

I'll let you know how it goes. And if it goes well I'll put up the patter for it.

11-02-2010, 7:18pm
That's what I ended up doing too, it has worked out well. Except this (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=38678)is what my dog did to the half of foam I hadn't got around to covering....I never ended up finishing it. :rolleyes:, but it fits in things heaps better than the Lowepro bags i have used.

11-02-2010, 7:30pm
lani how much did the foam set you back?

11-02-2010, 7:40pm
Can't remember exactly now, I got a pack of it from Spotlight....less than$15.I also got some soft fabric on clearance to cover it, so it would last longer. I hate sewing though, hence why I only finished one side of it.
I was also looking at getting a shootsac (http://shootsac.com/), but they are a ridiculous price too, one day I am going to have a go at making my own, hardest part is sourcing the neoprene.

11-02-2010, 9:48pm
I'd love a shootsac as well, but really can't justify the crazy price. My sister is really good at sewing though, so I think if I drop enough hints she might make me something similar for my birthday.

I have one of the small Jill-E bags, but I got mine a while ago, before the prices went up. I use it a lot when I'm taking gear to work, functions, parties etc. It looks better with a nice dress or suit and heels than my Crumpler messenger bag or Lowepro backpack.

12-02-2010, 6:36am
shootsac is ok, but still way too much i want to spend on.

well i'm crafty with the sewing machine, so will go to spotlight and pick some up.

12-02-2010, 8:15am
Received this link my email this morning and thought you might be interested.


15-02-2010, 3:00pm
well i did it. I have completed my project. I just have to sew on the velcro and when that's done, I'll be able to post some pics

21-03-2010, 12:15pm
I have two Jill-e bags, both the small and medium sized ones, however they have gone up in cost since when I bought mine.
They are currently 20% off at cameras direct, they also have the new mens range.

21-03-2010, 12:40pm
found this link ..
wow they are a tad cute ;)

21-03-2010, 1:30pm
Those giraffe ones are cute! They are on ebay too from a US store.

I've seen the high density foam in clark rubber and for the 1cm thick stuff it's around $3 per square foot (no idea why they have it priced by the foot!) They have a few different thicknesses and the stuff with knobbly bits on one side. Sorry I don't know the real name of it.

Still haven't made my bag either. Got too many other bills to pay this month :(

28-03-2010, 7:27am
well i've made a new insert with the new foam. I ended up getting insulation foam at clark rubber. It was the right density, thickness etc. It only came in grey though.
But it does the job. I figured out how to sew it all together, and now I have orders for them.

I've even created a pattern for 1 camera and 1 lens (as appose to 1 camera & 2 lens).

28-03-2010, 8:39am
oh well done Matilda.. i am using an old handbag at the moment with inserts from my dads old camera bag and that is working till i get a different bag...
love to see photos of what you have done :)

29-03-2010, 7:06am
taking this straight from my fb page

this is the one i've made for a friend. You can see that the foam is stiffer

29-03-2010, 7:53am
well done ... mmm i might be better making my own inserts.. using the old ones from my dad's old bag really dont fit well in mine.
still awaiting my new camera bag from ebay :(

29-03-2010, 1:00pm
That looks great :D

01-04-2010, 7:27am
i might be a bit late on this one, but shootsac has a new handbag style bag:


01-04-2010, 7:37am
Check out Etsy.com. I got mine from there. Janine King makes them and they're really lovely. Made in the US I paid $79USD plus postage for mine and it got here very quickly. Looks like a handbag and no-one knows my camera is in it till I open it. Room for a DSLR with lens and 2 other lenses but I use one of the pouches for my purse. Would have loved to see extra pouches on the outside for the mobile phone and drink bottle but I don't take it on long photowalks - mainly for about home and town in case I see something and don't want to miss a shot.