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07-02-2010, 10:00pm
D4 is being field tested, probably released about mid-year

New lenses.

24 1.4
50 1.2 !!


07-02-2010, 10:05pm
I can't see much use for a 24mm/1.2 and the 50/1.2 will be very exe if it is release as an AF-S version, and really can't imagine it will have a huge advantage over the current f1.4.

Will be interesting to see if the D4 has HD video in it's first release or whether they save that for a D4s release to squeeze some more $$ from us. Also will be interesting to see if it gets a resolution similar or greater than the current D3X.

If it comes with both HD video and the 24MP res, I will be lining up if the high ISO performance is typical of Nikon top shelf gear. The 400/2.8 at 24MP will be stunning!

07-02-2010, 10:18pm
Hey Darren pull some strings and get that AFS put in the 80-400??
I was hoping for a 120-450Vr
cheers Jim

07-02-2010, 11:22pm
24/1.4 is a dead cert(one day, soon enough)

50/1.2 will most likely have to be a manual only lens(no room for the contact pins on account of the large real element) so that will be an engineering marvel to behold if they do one as an AF-S and with CPU'ed :D
F mount is much smaller than canons EF mount(that's the main reason Canon made the decision to change from their FD mount, wasn't it?

I @ M
08-02-2010, 5:05am
Latest rumours

Kiwi buys big white lenses and bodies to match. :rolleyes:

08-02-2010, 8:57am
Kiwi buys big white lenses and bodies to match. :rolleyes:eek! say it isnt so!

i need to save money...

08-02-2010, 9:13am
it aint so, will never be so

08-02-2010, 9:49am
I'm guessing that any high end camera will have HD video standard.
Its just they way it will be for the future.

Observing from outside the Nikonian world... Just what I would expect...
D4 Being full frame they will probably up the MP 18 or 24 and keep/extend the D3s high ISO noise capabilities, very fast frame rate, and maybe some new supa-doopa special software features.

It will cost a bomb! :p

08-02-2010, 9:59am
24/1.4 is a dead cert(one day, soon enough)

50/1.2 will most likely have to be a manual only lens(no room for the contact pins on account of the large real element) so that will be an engineering marvel to behold if they do one as an AF-S and with CPU'ed :D

I though f1.2 was just plain ruled out from an engineering perspective on a Nikon mount?

08-02-2010, 10:30am
I though f1.2 was just plain ruled out from an engineering perspective on a Nikon mount?

It may not be an AF-S but Mongo does have an AI 50 f1.2 and uses it his D200 very happily. if it is not going to be an improvement on the old manual one - what is the excitement ? just buy an older Ai or AIs.

08-02-2010, 10:33am
The thought that a 1.2 AF-S is impossible fore Nikon was started by.....you guessed it...Canon fan boys

The Force is with us

Gregg Bell
08-02-2010, 6:18pm
has there been any official announcements yet?

08-02-2010, 8:56pm
I suppose a 50/1.2 with AF-S is not really the impossible part, the AF-S will only really add bulk to the lens barrel, and if you've seen the size of the Sigma 50/1.4(which IIRC) is larger than the Canon 50/1.2(barrel size).
The issue is most certainly going to be the 1-2mm gap between the rear lens element and the mount bayonet, where on all other Nikon lenses(at least the CPU'ed ones I have) have a 5mm CPU mounting block. As the CPU pins are spring loaded.. long term wear will most likely be the biggest issue with the CPU pins.

24mm and 35mm both at f/1.4 would be more popular in sales terms.. if only because of the price factor.. not that they'll be cheap.. but they'd both be at least half .. maybe even a quarter of the price of a Nikon 50/1.2 with AF-S!

How much is a C 50/1.2??... approx $2K??
Add at least $2K over that for the Nikon version! :p

08-02-2010, 9:11pm
has there been any official announcements yet?


08-02-2010, 9:23pm
Given that the AF-S 50 f/1.4 is only around 12 months(?) old I can't see a logical reason for a new 50 f/1.2 any time soon. There would have to be plenty of other stuff higher on the priority list for Nikon...


08-02-2010, 9:47pm
That's a perfectly common sense approach Phil.. and the next best (marketing?) move would be to complement the new 50AF-S lens with appropriate lenses on either side of the focal range.. ie. a fast 24 or 35mm and obviously an 85/1.4 with AF-S(and even VR too!?)

But then again we are talking about Nikon here, and who'd have thought their priority was for 'another damned consumer/kit lens starting at 18mm(18-105mmVR introduced with the D90).. or more importantly!! an 85mm f/3.5 VR Micro(macro) lens for Dx(most recent new release.. if you exclude the new 300/2.8VRII).

They also recently updated the 18-200VR with VRII.. wouldn't have thought of that as a priority considering the 80-400VR has been screaming out for help for a while now(both AF-S and VR).
I reckon(along with many others around the world) a new 300/4 with VRII would also be a great update.

Over the last few years, there has been a lot of rumours around an impending new 85mm lens form Nikon, and they sure delivered one.. but the joke was on the rumour mongers and it turned out to be the macro for Dx lens! :p

Nikon have been playing with us for years now..
I bet they've had an 50-85mm f/1.2 AF-S VRIII ready to go for the past three or so years.. but have been delaying its release just to maintain momentum on the internet rumour mill... seems rumour mills make for a lot of internet traffic, where the word Nikon appears on almost every web page, and I bet that Nikon have somehow figured out a way to make money on gossip and guesses.

09-02-2010, 10:50am
16-35 F/4 also expected soon

I @ M
09-02-2010, 11:15am
16-35 F/4 also expected soon

But ------ is it DX or FX :confused013

09-02-2010, 11:19am
FX I believe

I @ M
09-02-2010, 11:23am
One would hope so after the rash of DX lenses, the focal range and aperture is appealing, especially for us poor mortals that can't afford the 14-24 + 24-70 combination. :o

09-02-2010, 11:26am
One theory is that is signals a start of a line of F/4 zooms :)

09-02-2010, 11:27am
its great that Nikon can play catch up like that



09-02-2010, 11:29am
oi, I though Canon users were banned from this forum ?

and where is your Canon 14-24 by the way ?

I @ M
09-02-2010, 11:30am
its great that Nikon can play catch up like that



Now where did I put my fishing rod? :D

Does that mean that Canon have a 14-24 2.8 in the pipeline to "catch up" to Nikon with? :p

09-02-2010, 11:38am
bit of a one trick pony that one eh

JM Tran
09-02-2010, 11:40am
that depends, one might prefer to play with the plethora of telephoto lenses and prime lenses and tilt-shift lenses of that other side, than just the 14-24:)

09-02-2010, 11:42am
We just dont muck about with 100 different versions of say a 70-200 JM. Get it right once.

JM Tran
09-02-2010, 11:45am
We just dont muck about with 100 different versions of say a 70-200 JM. Get it right once.

oh right u mean the one that isnt really that great on FX compared to when it was king on DX? And Nikon had to release the VRII model to improve for FX sensors? Ah yes, THAT one, get it right first time indeedy:D

09-02-2010, 12:13pm
Now where did I put my fishing rod? :D

Does that mean that Canon have a 14-24 2.8 in the pipeline to "catch up" to Nikon with? :p

yeah my 16-35 F2.8 is just soooooo not versatile... i wish it was 14 - 24mm instead...

*** rolls eyes... ***


09-02-2010, 1:06pm
oh right u mean the one that isnt really that great on FX compared to when it was king on DX? And Nikon had to release the VRII model to improve for FX sensors? Ah yes, THAT one, get it right first time indeedy:D

Well, that's a bit rough, the 70-200 was in production well before FX, and at least all of our lenses mount to DX and FX :p Besides which, we Nikon guys like to shoot real objects in real environments, not just brick walls looking for vignetting at F/22

I @ M
09-02-2010, 2:22pm
New ones don't look bad at all.



Now to hear the prices. :eek:

09-02-2010, 2:33pm
$2200 usd for the 24mm f/1.4

i guess that keeps up the rediculous the resale value on the 28 f/1.4

09-02-2010, 2:45pm
"The versatile, wide angle AF-S NIKKOR 16-35mm f/4G ED VR is scheduled to be available in late February 2010 at Nikon Authorized Dealers with an estimated selling price of $1259.95*. The ultra-fast AF-S NIKKOR 24mm f/1.4 G ED lens will be available in late March 2010 for estimated selling price of $2199.95*"

James Axford
09-02-2010, 4:10pm
"The versatile, wide angle AF-S NIKKOR 16-35mm f/4G ED VR is scheduled to be available in late February 2010 at Nikon Authorized Dealers with an estimated selling price of $1259.95*. The ultra-fast AF-S NIKKOR 24mm f/1.4 G ED lens will be available in late March 2010 for estimated selling price of $2199.95*"

the 16-35mm f/4G ED VR look very cool, i hope canon replies with one :)
but the 24mm looks a little over priced, unless that's AUD? then just a little more than the canon :)

09-02-2010, 4:16pm
Apart from the VR, I wonder how it will stack up against the Nikon 17-35

09-02-2010, 4:40pm
the new lens thumps the old one at the both ends and should be sharper in the corners too

16-35 VR
http://imaging.nikon.com/products/imaging/lineup/lens/af/zoom/af-s_nikkor16-35mmf_4d_ed_vr/img/pic_002.gif http://imaging.nikon.com/products/imaging/lineup/lens/af/zoom/af-s_nikkor16-35mmf_4d_ed_vr/img/pic_003.gif

http://imaging.nikon.com/products/imaging/lineup/lens/af/zoom/af-s_zoom17-35mmf_28d_if/img/pic_002.gif http://imaging.nikon.com/products/imaging/lineup/lens/af/zoom/af-s_zoom17-35mmf_28d_if/img/pic_003.gif

09-02-2010, 5:22pm
the new lens thumps the old one at the both ends and should be sharper in the corners too

16-35 VR
http://imaging.nikon.com/products/imaging/lineup/lens/af/zoom/af-s_nikkor16-35mmf_4d_ed_vr/img/pic_002.gif http://imaging.nikon.com/products/imaging/lineup/lens/af/zoom/af-s_nikkor16-35mmf_4d_ed_vr/img/pic_003.gif

http://imaging.nikon.com/products/imaging/lineup/lens/af/zoom/af-s_zoom17-35mmf_28d_if/img/pic_002.gif http://imaging.nikon.com/products/imaging/lineup/lens/af/zoom/af-s_zoom17-35mmf_28d_if/img/pic_003.gif

Yeah, but in it's defense you have to remember the 17-35 is measured/rated at f/2.8 and the new lens is at f/4.
I can imagine tho, that once you stop them both down to f/8 - f/16 the 17-35 will look better.
New lenses all seem to be optimised to produce sparkling results at the widest aperture, and somehow seem to diminish as the aperture decreases in size.

If the price is right tho, and it comes in at approx $1300, the resale value of the 17-35 is basically going to crash into a heap.
Why would you bother with it when the newer lens(obviously the implied replacement for it) is going to be much cheaper and has VRII!!??

I'm off to check Nikons MTF chart for the 24/1.4 .. at that price it bloody well has to be their best fast lens ever!

Gregg Bell
09-02-2010, 5:52pm
Have I told you guys, how much I love nikon? Lets all hundle up and sing kumbaya :)

09-02-2010, 6:27pm
Have I told you guys, how much I love nikon? Lets all hundle up and sing kumbaya :)

Down boy!.... they still have a long way to go yet!

Quote from a head honcho on a Japanese looking website recently had him saying that there are "a few fast primes on the way this year".

It was too cryptographic for me to understand, but the chap that translated the webpage explained it that way.

many still as yet too old primes in their lineup, and the obvious one is the 85/1.4 with AF-S AND VR. At the right price(less than $2K) that'll be a bigger seller than the 24/1.4 will be.

ps.I couldn't resist, and had to check the MTF chart on the 24/1.4 too, and it looks very good too. Slightly better than the 24/2.8 AF-D lens currently available(at 2 stops wider aperture mind you!)

pps. mind you, your deep love of Nikon has to be measured as a proportion to the level of care in emptying your bank account too... as an inverse of course :p

Gregg Bell
09-02-2010, 6:35pm
Down boy!.... they still have a long way to go yet!

pps. mind you, your deep love of Nikon has to be measured as a proportion to the level of care in emptying your bank account too... as an inverse of course :p

sorry I have trouble containing myself when I hear about a new lenses. Especially these kinds. :D

09-02-2010, 6:47pm
that depends, one might prefer to play with the plethora of telephoto lenses and prime lenses and tilt-shift lenses of that other side, than just the 14-24:)

umm... nope:p

09-02-2010, 7:20pm
Will be interested to see some images shot with the 16-35 especially on the D700 :)

but if its around $1200 US will it be $1800 ish in Aus?

maybe a 2nd hand Nikon 17-35 or even a Tamron 17-35 would be better value for amateurs??

09-02-2010, 8:14pm
Nikkor 16-35mm f/4G ED VR


Nikkor 24mm f/1.4G ED

Both are "N" (Nano crystal coat) lenses.

I've been considering the 20 or 24mm f/2.8 prime for a while. I'm note sure if the f/1.4 would really offer anything apart from better optic coatings, so it will be interesting to see some reviews.

I couldn't see if this was already posted, so I hope I did repeat something.

Mod note: threads merged

Gregg Bell
09-02-2010, 8:17pm
A little late mate, it's all in the "latest rumors" thread.

09-02-2010, 8:19pm
If I was shooting FX I'd get the 16-35 for sure, despite the ridiculous price.

But what I'm really looking for is some new bodies. Just need to replenish the NAS account first :D


09-02-2010, 9:35pm
A little late mate, it's all in the "latest rumors" thread.

No wonder I couldn't find it. Not a rumour anymore!

10-02-2010, 6:13am
Is it written somewhere that the 16-35 is for FX?

I think the 17-35/f2.8 still has some life left in it, that extra stop of light can come in handy. Who would use VR at 35mm on FX?
The pricing for the 24mm is ridiculous...

10-02-2010, 7:06am

I think the 17-35/f2.8 still has some life left in it, that extra stop of light can come in handy. Who would use VR at 35mm on FX?
The pricing for the 24mm is ridiculous...

who would use f/2.8 at 17mm? Who would use 19mm? ..

Who would use.... <insert any other feature here too

Live View was also frowned upon my the majority when it first made its mark in the DSLR world too.. but it has to be one of the handiest features available.

VR is a user selectable feature

You're right tho in that there's nothing wrong with the 17-35/2.8 and it's been a very well regarded lens from day one, but if it came to a choice between the two as a new purchase the newer lens looks more enticing.

The price for the new 24mm is approximately where you'd expect a new pro Nikon lens to be priced at.. approx 33% more than the equivalent Canon.

10-02-2010, 8:09am
who would use f/2.8 at 17mm?

I'll open my 17-55/f2.8 right up indoors if i want a wide shot or have limit room/light to work with and the subject isn't too close....but in reality the difference between f2.8 and f4 is not going to be huge.

I @ M
10-02-2010, 3:10pm
And Nikon Aus (http://www.nikon.com.au/). still don't have any details of the new lenses on their website.

Talk about slack !!!!!!

10-02-2010, 4:21pm
yes they do. it was up yesterday. i checked but didn't like the lack of detail compared to the USA site.


I @ M
10-02-2010, 4:29pm
Hmm, strange, they do now here as well. :confused013
Musta been one of those cache thingys. :D

11-02-2010, 4:16pm
Mannnn... All the good stuff got announced when I was way.
Anyways...woohoo!! My sigma 10-20 is making way for the 16-35. But I think it'll be a top seller so probably better to wait 6 months for demand to settle. But then again, will the Aussie dollar be as strong then?? Decisions, decisions.
24mm 1.4= drool. Where's my lotto ticket again??

11-02-2010, 9:06pm
who would use f/2.8 at 17mm?

99.9% of times, I use my 14-24 at f/2.8 !

11-02-2010, 9:14pm
Considering the price of the 28mm f/1.4 AF-D on the second hand market (I saw one last year at ECS for sale at $3,850 !!! :eek:), the new AF-S 24mm f/1.4 N is really cheap ! :cool:

18-02-2010, 6:42pm
24/1.4 is a dead cert(one day, soon enough)

50/1.2 will most likely have to be a manual only lens(no room for the contact pins on account of the large real element) so that will be an engineering marvel to behold if they do one as an AF-S and with CPU'ed :D
F mount is much smaller than canons EF mount(that's the main reason Canon made the decision to change from their FD mount, wasn't it?

canon did released a 50mm f1.2? if i 'm not mistaken.... ;D
it would be very nice if Nikon did too...

18-02-2010, 10:37pm
Considering the price of the 28mm f/1.4 AF-D on the second hand market (I saw one last year at ECS for sale at $3,850 !!! :eek:), the new AF-S 24mm f/1.4 N is really cheap ! :cool:

And if you see the reviews on how ordinary this lens performs at wider than f/2.8 you wander what all the fuss is about? I think there's going to be a rash of 28/1.4's for sale on ebay soon, and in that mad scramble to offload them the price will have to come down to more level headed values(ie. less than the asking price of the 24/1.4)

canon did released a 50mm f1.2? if i 'm not mistaken.... ;D
it would be very nice if Nikon did too...

Nikon do make a 50/1.2, which can still be had new.
manual focus only, and Ais too, which means it will not meter with bodies lower in the range than a Dxxx, and the possibility of chipping it(adding a CPU) looks slim, or dodgey at best.
A fellow named Bjorn sells CPU sets for various Ais type lenses, which then allows you to modify your old manual lens to be fully compatible with all Nikon bodies for metering.
This lens doesn't leave a lot of room to add the CPU contacts behind the rear lens element.
not sure if Bjorn has a 50/1.2 CPU available.

New Nikon 50/1.2 is priced at approx $1K(or just over!).
Gives you an idea of just how expensive an Auto Focusing version would end up retailing for!... well over $2K I reckon.

ps. 50/1.2 is a nice lens, but not brilliant(the Canon version looks to be brilliant, and the raves it gets are justified)

19-02-2010, 3:59pm
New rumour

24-105 F/4 VR FX

20-02-2010, 10:22am
I reckon an 18-105mm f/4 VR Fx

If they're going to maintain their oneupmanship momentum, they have to do it better! :D

Otherwise a 35-150/4VR would be more likely, and maintain the same principle they have with their f/2.8 zoom lens lineup(a continuous focal length of 14-200mm @ f/2.8).
They could do it easily and have a 16-400mm @ f/4 lens lineup!
That'd give them a pretty good lens lineup relative to Canon, and suit 99% of user requirements.

They just need to work on their pricing! :rolleyes:

20-02-2010, 7:03pm
$2695 for the 24 1.4 and $1725 for the 16-35 f4 VR.
The price of the 16-35's pretty close to a 14-24?? But I'd still expect the first batch to sell out though.

22-02-2010, 5:50pm
i know this is going of the original topic but this thread has got me thinking about the cannon argument of " we have so many lenses to chose from". maybe so but how many do you need? yes cannon has a F4 range but dose nikon need to follow suit? where would it sit? we nikonians have 2 choices, fast fixed aperture f2.8 pro lenses that are sweet as, or kit style lenses that cover more range are lighter but are slower and suffer from some of the usual zoom problems.
what would the f4 range offer? if they were pro spec they would not be much cheaper or lighter than what we already have, if they were cut down spec they would be dearer than the kit style, but still suffer the same zoom related problems.
so where does that leave us? yes nikon is missing some primes and some lenses need an upgrade, this is, IMHO, where nikon should be looking at fixing up its lens range.
as for me, i would rather save a bit longer and get the pro lenses, because as i get sucked in to buying the latest greatest camera that comes out i know my lenses will be with me for a long time.

JM Tran
22-02-2010, 6:18pm
i know this is going of the original topic but this thread has got me thinking about the cannon argument of " we have so many lenses to chose from". maybe so but how many do you need? yes cannon has a F4 range but dose nikon need to follow suit? where would it sit? we nikonians have 2 choices, fast fixed aperture f2.8 pro lenses that are sweet as, or kit style lenses that cover more range are lighter but are slower and suffer from some of the usual zoom problems.
what would the f4 range offer? if they were pro spec they would not be much cheaper or lighter than what we already have, if they were cut down spec they would be dearer than the kit style, but still suffer the same zoom related problems.
so where does that leave us? yes nikon is missing some primes and some lenses need an upgrade, this is, IMHO, where nikon should be looking at fixing up its lens range.
as for me, i would rather save a bit longer and get the pro lenses, because as i get sucked in to buying the latest greatest camera that comes out i know my lenses will be with me for a long time.

well Brenton, as a proponent of the F4 range of lenses for professional photography, here are my reasons why I use and choose F4 lenses

1) Weight - any pros that do weddings or PJ work will know that weight is a crucial factor which can affect their work and end product due to fatigue and size and costs. My 70-200 F4 IS weighs under 700g, my previous 2.8 IS weighs 1.5kg - combined with a Canon 1D series body thats 3kg, plus the flash on top thats nearly 3.5kg - the weight of an assault rifle like what I used to carry in the Army. Sure, I am used to the weight and can carry more but it doesnt mean that I would like to, all soldiers want lighter weapons and ammos, so do photographers.

2) Size - while it might look cool to carry around massive f2.8 lenses - pro photographers dont think it is, we think its a burden, and a lot of us dont feel the need to use only f2.8 lenses when one can use an F4 and do the job fine.

3) Aperture Speed - for me, I dont use F2.8 that much, because I find that under low light, its not adequate enough - so I use an F2 lens or below such as the Canon 135mm F2 - much much lighter than the heavy f2.8 IS and brighter too. The F4 lenses are adequate in most medium to low light situations but when it comes to shove I will change to an F2 or below lens.

4) Choices - we live in a consumer society and given choices everyday. If we were left with only Ford or Holden to choose from, or Qantas and Ansett - life would suck very much. While Nikon owners always say they are happy with the lens range they have - I bet anyone would be happier if they were given more choices in life, its just human psychology. I dont need all the 70-200 lenses or any other range of lenses, but its good to give people choices in their spending and decision making.

22-02-2010, 6:49pm
What Jackie says makes sense, and there's nothing like having the option to choose between one or another.

BUT!!!! it's very often forgotten that Nikon did used to have a 70-200/4 lens available way back when, and THEY chose to stop production of this lens(and yet continue production/development) of the 80-200/2.8.. even alongside the 70-200/2.8 VR!!!!

Obviously Nikon understand their consumers wants and needs a lot better than us experts do, as they're the people that need to produce a healthy bottom line.

So it stands to reason that if they stopped production of a lens, then that lens wasn't selling very well.
(because who in their right mind would stop production of a product if it was selling well and making money? :confused:)
If the lens is not selling in the numbers required to make it a viable business proposition, it begs the question; is it relevant as a product to continue with?

Nikon obviously thought not.

JM Tran
22-02-2010, 7:05pm
I think Arthur, if Nikon did revise the 70-200 F4 again with brand new optics and weather sealed body and add VR and make it AFFORDABLE! Like around the 1500 mark like the Canon equivalent, then I think there would be quite a lot of ppl interested again, even pros!

Hell, Nikon even had a pancake lens a few decades ago:)

22-02-2010, 9:24pm
At that price it competes with the 80-200/2.8, which I think exists solely for that purpose, a cheaper alternative to the 70-200VR.

So Nikon must think that most people don't care about weight all that much, and would rather a pro caliber pro lens.. or a cheap caliber consumer lens, such as the 70-300VR(which BTW is f/5.3 @ 200mm) and has excellent IQ at that focal length.

In an ideal world, the 80-200/2.8 would be dropped in favour of a new 70-200/4 with VR at that price point. The question is though, how well is the 80-200 selling, and would replacing it make Nikon any more money?
Would it steal sales from the expensive 70-200VR(version 1)... etc.

Only Nikon would know whether the millions of D40-D5000 owners would spend $1500 on a 70-200/4VR.
The 80-200mm/2.8 is too limited without AF, and both the 70-200/2.8VR's are too expensive for those types of customers.

It'd make sense to give that (huge)customer base a cheaper option.
Those (D40-D5000)customers may have to turn to Sigma for that focal length, I reckon! :D

my hunch is that they have to be working on something.. they'd be mad not to be.

09-05-2010, 10:00pm
D4 is being field tested, probably released about mid-year

New lenses.

24 1.4
50 1.2 !!


Let's wait till September 21th at the Photokina in Cologne (Koln) Germany.

02-07-2010, 11:46pm
$2695 for the 24 1.4 and $1725 for the 16-35 f4 VR.
The price of the 16-35's pretty close to a 14-24?? But I'd still expect the first batch to sell out though.

I got one of the first 16-35 lens to try on my D3 and D90.
I am very glad they came out with this lens.
Soon after, I was able to pick up a mint AF-S Nikkor 17-35 at a fire-sale for only $800 USD.
For my use, I prefer f/2.8 to VR.
I kept the 17-35 and sent back the 16-35.

Let's talk more about the D4.
It seems that no-one has a clue what Nikon is going to do.
I was totally blown away when the D3 came out and do not expect the D4 to be so revolutionary.
I do not expect an official announcement till Fall of 2011.

07-07-2010, 5:19pm
D4 is being field tested, probably released about mid-year

New lenses.

24 1.4
50 1.2 !!


Hmm, I might be able to afford a D3 soon...

08-07-2010, 11:13pm
Sign of things to come. Nikon's new president sounds pretty ambitious.

05-08-2010, 3:01pm

Nikon schedules multiple press events in Europe for August 19th, 2010.

05-08-2010, 3:08pm
Perhaps announcement of the D3X, D90 & D700 replacements.....

05-08-2010, 3:10pm
D95 my bet (D90 upgrade) I dont think they'll touch the others quite yet.

Who know tho

05-08-2010, 3:49pm
Fingers crossed for a couple of highly anticipated lenses.

06-08-2010, 4:54pm
D95 my bet (D90 upgrade) I dont think they'll touch the others quite yet.

do want

14-08-2010, 2:42pm
Nikon D3100 ?? :

14 MP CMOS Sensor (23.2 x 15.5 mm)
Live View
3 inch Display
100 – 12800 ISO
ISO setting manual or automatic
11 AF points
full HD Video (1920 x 1080)
price 650 €
new EXPEED2 processor
improved objects recognition for the AF control
improved in-camera menu
user can save picture profiles

And the 4 new lenses:

Nikkor AF-S DX 55-300/4,5-5,6 G ED VR (ca. 420 €)
Nikkor AF-S 85/1,4 G with Nano coating (ca. 1650 €) – the new lens contains 10 lens elements in 9 groups (the old version has 9 elements in 8 groups)
Nikkor AF-S 24-120/4 G ED VR with Nano coating (ca. 1220 €)
Nikkor AF-S 28-300/3,5-5,6 G ED VR (ca. 1000 €) – it will contain 19 lens elements in 14 groups


Is this the D90 replacement?

14-08-2010, 3:44pm
That 24-120 could be a winner if it has all the attributes of a fantastic lens, would tempt alot of people to pass on the 24-70 I think. If it is just a re-work of the old AF-S 24-120, then it may disappoint..

The AF-S 85 f/1.4 will surely be the same glass as the current model with AFS added?? The price of the old may drop enough to tempt me to get one.

I @ M
14-08-2010, 3:53pm
Wayne, the 85mm has become an afs lens with more glass inside it than the 'old' version so it will be priced accordingly. :(

The part that peeves me is that Sigma have delayed the release of their version from initially Summer to now Fall ( US ) waiting for a price on the Nikon unit in order to maximise their profit margin!!!!


14-08-2010, 7:03pm
Interesting, seems like there is a bit of variation in the specs going out for this potential
This is a break down of the main specs/features:

continuous AF in video mode/live view (yes, that’s right – it seems that the continuous AF I mention earlier today will first be introduced in the upcoming Nikon D3100)
new AF points configuration which should cover a very large portion of the viewfinder. Total of 11 or 12 AF points.
10 MP CMOS sensor
HD video: 1080p/24 and 720p 30/24!
AVCHD video codec
In camera video editing capabilities
3fps (same as D3000)
will be sold in a kit with the 18-55mm lens
expected announcement in “few weeks”
no swivel display

It seems interesting, almost like a hybridised D90-D3000.

I tend to believe the sensor will be around 10-12 MP, I can't see them overtaking the flagships with the lower in the range camera in that front. With a the 11 AF points and improved ISO sounds like a relatively useful camera. I would prefer to see something released at the same time on the D700 front...generally these things seem to be batched however they might be waiting to release the D4 with all the upgrades first and then buff up the D700 next year around this time (IE D4 early next year, D700X or whatever August, either way I reckon we will see more megapixels with the same awesome ISO abilities with improved processing and probably adding video to put it in the same boat as the 5D MkII while surpassing it).

Lens wise I am much more interested, will definitely be chasing the old 85 F1.4 when the new model comes out. Not so much interested in the big range zooms (already have a 70-300, don't really want F4 glass in the 24-120 range)....though I will say the 24-120 provided its a relative lightweight (and provided its not like that other old bastard 24-12) could be really nice as a general walkaround...and stated by others might drop a little of the pressure off the 24-70 F2.8 by filling that hole. The 55-300 is an interesting prospect, looks like a replacement for the 55-200 VR models as the new standard kit lens. Probably won't see them stop the 70-300 though as its sort of the second choice mid-range glass.

Utterly bemused by the 28-300....its gonna be a monster and probably similar to the 18-200...probably jack of all trades and master of none.

Definitely some interesting developments to watch on the 19th of August...hopefully there will be a glut of 85 1.4s out there :P.

23-08-2010, 11:33pm
Looks like a couple of new things expected on the 15th of September. New Camera and new lens...at least.

The new camera:
The D90 replacement.

Some of the figures being talked about (Caution, may cause druelling)...looks like the D300 replacement next year will be a big step up if this is where they are going:
* Magnesium-alloy body
* 16MP sensor
* 1080 HD video
* Somewhere between 6-8 fps
* Improved ISO range: 100-25600*
* 39 AF points
* Price: $1199 for body only

The new Lens
Nikkor 200mm f/2.0 with Nano coating and VRII, naturally with the lovely high retail of around 5k I am sure.

The D90 replacement raises an interesting question...effectively it is a D300s with slightly less AF points, possibly improved ISO and a higher res sensor (not to mention a Mag body which is a bit of a step up compared to the current D90)...so what is going to happen with the D400 (or other designation) I wonder? An insane Megapixel and ISO machine in an APS-C crop...or a baby full frame.

There is still talk of the D700 replacement this year as well...which is interesting given the order they have shown so far. Looks like Nikon might be about to seize the intiative from Canon with a whole new range in a year...and it might explain why all the long lens demand hasnt been fufilled recently.

27-08-2010, 8:08am
fingers crossed for a compact SB600 replacement with controls/ergonomics like the SB900

27-08-2010, 8:45am
Yeah maybe they'll follow the lead with the 7D and go high MP's??

How's that lens going for you NAM? ;)

27-08-2010, 11:05am
Hopefully 16MP is the new 12MP for Nikon crop sensors :D If the D400? is 16MP & 2 stops cleaner than the D300, I don't think I will need another camera for a long time :D


27-08-2010, 1:55pm
I think the 14+ MP is a certain and I still reckon much of the specs would at least rival or better the D300s.
Seems like D7000 is the likely name for the D90 replacement so in the future we might have 3 consumer lines:
D3000->D3100->D3200 etc.
D5000->D5100->D5200 etc.
D7000->D7100->D7200 etc.
And my bet is now on that the D300s replacement will come in the form of a pro unibody config ala D2 series. The D7000 moves up a notch to close to the current D300 range.
The D5000 series moves up to close to what D90 used to be.
And that the Mirrorless Nikon would crossover at the D3100 range but with room for further higher models but without mirror.

27-08-2010, 2:43pm
Nikon D3100 ?? :

14 MP CMOS Sensor (23.2 x 15.5 mm)
Live View
3 inch Display
100 – 12800 ISO
ISO setting manual or automatic
11 AF points
full HD Video (1920 x 1080)
price 650 €
new EXPEED2 processor
improved objects recognition for the AF control
improved in-camera menu
user can save picture profiles

Is this the D90 replacement?nope. the d3100 can only take lenses with built in motors. a d90 with this would be a backward step.

27-08-2010, 2:58pm
Swifty, the news on the D5000 is that it is a dead end. An experimental stopgap to the entry market before the D3100 but not one they are likely to continue according to most people with the knowledge in the area.

Probably more likely:
D300s -> Replacement most likely a D400 next year at a similar time to the D4 where they go is anybodies guess...Nikon never follows the rules.
D700 ->Replacement
D3x -> Probably will be retained for a little while, but at the moment D3s/D3x.
D4 -> higher res sensor and good ISO...probably not to the Mp of the D3x though.

I dont see them continuing the D5000...just doesnt have a market....supposedly the D90 and D5000 are meant to be replaced by the 7000 (hence the medium number).

27-08-2010, 7:46pm
Swifty, the news on the D5000 is that it is a dead end. An experimental stopgap to the entry market before the D3100 but not one they are likely to continue according to most people with the knowledge in the area.

Probably more likely:
D300s -> Replacement most likely a D400 next year at a similar time to the D4 where they go is anybodies guess...Nikon never follows the rules.
D700 ->Replacement
D3x -> Probably will be retained for a little while, but at the moment D3s/D3x.
D4 -> higher res sensor and good ISO...probably not to the Mp of the D3x though.

I dont see them continuing the D5000...just doesnt have a market....supposedly the D90 and D5000 are meant to be replaced by the 7000 (hence the medium number).

Fair enough but of course all this is just rumours and opinions.
Depending on how high the position the D90 replacement, I think there might be enough space for a D5000 replacement.
Based on the supposed D7000 specs, its nudging the D300s and Canon 7D ranges which leaves a fair gap between it and the D3100. Since the lower end is where the volume sales are, I'd see Nikon trying to exploit that as much as possible. The big question mark is where the Nikon mirrorless will be positioned. As a parallel product to the APS-C line or positioned in between Coolpix and below DSLRs.
Total speculation but I reckon the D300 replacement will have an integrated grip. I'm also gonna speculate on another FX camara (maybe D600?) priced a little below the current D700.:D

I also agree the D300s replacement will come with the D4 generation, IMO some time shortly after mid next yr.
I would love to see a D700s in time for xmas this year (ie. D700 with the D3s sensor) and I think there's an equal proportion who would like the D700x instead (D700 with the D3x sensor). But since there's also rumours Nikon have moved to manufacture their own sensors and the shortage of D3s recently, my bet's on a D700s.

27-08-2010, 8:10pm
I heard a rumor that Darren was starting a new poll tomorrow?

Bear Dale
27-08-2010, 9:11pm
What on earth are Nikon shooters going to do with a 16MP sensor?

Everyone knows that Nikon shooters have been telling us for years that you only need 12MP :)

27-08-2010, 9:38pm
Fair enough swiftly, will be interesting to see anyway.

Some other interesting talk about the releases for photokina on the 15th. Definitely looks like an SB600 replacement might be on the way. And another lens might be released as well...no idea what it will be.

In addition to the D7000, the new 200mm f/2 lens and the P7000, Nikon may announce a new Speedlight and a second lens before Photokina. I do not have any details, but the flash could be a replacement of the SB-600 (you probably remember those SB-600 being discontinued reports) but it could also be a replacement of the SB-400. I do not think that the SB-900 will be replaced, since it was announced 2 years ago (SB-400 and SB-600 were announced 6 years ago).

The second lens will be a tough guess. According to my initial list of expected lenses in 2010 from February, the choices are for a new DX zoom that will go with the new D7000, a new AF-S 35mm f/1.4 or the long expected 80-400mm replacement.

If Nikon announces 2 more lenses, this will bring the total lenses for 2010 to nine, which is a new record. There could also be another announcement after Photokina (around November/December).

I reckon we are more likely to see a D700x...the iso performance it already has is outstanding....could also be a balance on the old sensor...the D3 sensor is basically used in the D700...so D3x sensor might make sense.

27-08-2010, 10:05pm
I think the release of a D700s will require a better yield of D3s chips and to run out (or phase out) of the old D3 sensors. A D700x would indeed be a surprise.

We are more likely to see a D91, D7000 or D5100 next month with 14mp DX sensor, High Def Video and a stereo mic plug.

27-08-2010, 10:12pm
Do you think we have seen the last of tilt screens?
Perhaps they were to expensive for Nikon to manufacture and repair?

27-08-2010, 10:29pm
No doubt the D7000 is coming next month...its well known, high resolution just see above. We are spectulating on what happens by the end of the year.

28-08-2010, 8:14am
Do you think we have seen the last of tilt screens?
Perhaps they were to expensive for Nikon to manufacture and repair?

I hope not, I think they're extremely useful for shooting in difficult conditions, ie when you need to lift the camera above head height or below just about on the ground to properly frame a shot. I hate getting on my knees in the mud.;)

I have a C5050 and D5000 to use for those shots in particular.

03-09-2010, 2:40am
Rightio. Looks like the second new lens has been revealed.

Supposedly its a 35mm F1.4G AFS.

So that brings the expected launch to now include:

200mm F2 VRII
35mm F1.4G AFS
SB-650 (the SB-600 replacement flash...expectation is for an SB-600 performance with an SB900 interface).

The 35 might be interesting depending on the price.

03-09-2010, 8:48am
booya! i'm glad i stuck with nikon

now we just need a good price on the 35, and solid specs on the SB650

the 24 was very tempting, so if the new 35 shoots as nicely wide open and focuses as closely, it'll be a winner. i love the 35/2, and hope the new one is as small and compact as possible.

03-09-2010, 9:01am
I'm hanging for a fast 35 with top performance too. The 24 is a pricey beast and I'm hoping the 35 is somewhat more affordable!

Lance B
03-09-2010, 9:12am
What on earth are Nikon shooters going to do with a 16MP sensor?

Everyone knows that Nikon shooters have been telling us for years that you only need 12MP :)

That's correct, but if they do release a 16Mp sensored FX camera and we want to buy a new camera, what are we to do? :confused013

03-09-2010, 9:22am
That's correct, but if they do release a 16Mp sensored FX camera and we want to buy a new camera, what are we to do? :confused013

I'd prefer not to upgrade Mp count too but sometimes there is no choice :(

I'm more then happy with the resolution on my D300 - in fact i don't want more megapixels because that means upgrading my storage. I recently shot a wedding and my second shooter had a 5DMKII - he shot 32GB of images at the wedding with an average filesize of 25M. I much prefer my small files at 12Mb each!

Lance B
03-09-2010, 11:18am
I'd prefer not to upgrade Mp count too but sometimes there is no choice :(

I'm more then happy with the resolution on my D300 - in fact i don't want more megapixels because that means upgrading my storage. I recently shot a wedding and my second shooter had a 5DMKII - he shot 32GB of images at the wedding with an average filesize of 25M. I much prefer my small files at 12Mb each!

LOL, yes the storage does become an issue, but of course, storage keeps becoming cheaper and cheaper and faster and faster. :)

Personally, I am happy with 12Mp too, but, if they bring out a 16Mp FX camera with the same or better noise than the D700, I may be tempted. The only issue I may have with the extra Mp is that the extra Mp starts to affect diffraction at smaller apertures and the way the D700 already renders an image is spot on in my books. It seems as though the D700 is at a sweet spot, but I am also prepared to be proven wrong! :)

Actually, I would like to have whatever they've done to D3s sensor put into the D700 as the extra high ISO ability would be nice. Some are quoting up to 1.5 stops better high ISO ability which is quite amazing!!

03-09-2010, 11:45am
LOL, yes the storage does become an issue, but of course, storage keeps becoming cheaper and cheaper and faster and faster. :)

Agree, I've lost count of how many external HDDs I've got!! As for fast, that last wedding we did totalled about 50GB of images all up. Even at the fastest read/write speeds of today, its takes time to do the initial backup before processing starts.

Actually, I would like to have whatever they've done to D3s sensor put into the D700 as the extra high ISO ability would be nice. Some are quoting up to 1.5 stops better high ISO ability which is quite amazing!!

bingo - As much as I wanted the D700, after seeing the D3s high ISO performance, I can't see myself upgrading to D700 until the D3s technology filters down, or i save enough to upgrade to two D3s (as i can't stand shooting with two different bodies)

Lance B
03-09-2010, 11:55am
Agree, I've lost count of how many external HDDs I've got!! As for fast, that last wedding we did totalled about 50GB of images all up. Even at the fastest read/write speeds of today, its takes time to do the initial backup before processing starts.

Yes, that is still an issue even now. It's amazing how long each of my 8Gb cards take to download once they are full with 305 14 bit RAW images!

bingo - As much as I wanted the D700, after seeing the D3s high ISO performance, I can't see myself upgrading to D700 until the D3s technology filters down, or i save enough to upgrade to two D3s (as i can't stand shooting with two different bodies)

I just can't imagine being able to use ISO6400 with the same low noise of the D700's ISO 2000 or thereabouts, but I am sure it's be nice! :)

04-09-2010, 1:35am
The 24 is a pricey beast and I'm hoping the 35 is somewhat more affordable!
I'd guess ~ $2K :(, so I don't expect I'll be selling my f/2.0 anytime soon.


04-09-2010, 11:15am
A new flash eh? I might wait a little longer to get the SB600....

Lance B
04-09-2010, 11:45am
I have just ordered a Nikon 300 f2.8 VRII and hopefully pick it up next week. :D

04-09-2010, 2:36pm
I have just ordered a Nikon 300 f2.8 VRII and hopefully pick it up next week. :D

all shades of green over here :th3:. Post up some pix when it arrives. What have you in mind for the 300/4?

04-09-2010, 3:28pm
Might see a firesale on the SB600's soon. There was one on the SB800 when the SB900 were about the hit the shelves but unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to pick up a cheapie.

35mm 1.4 - yes please!!

Lance B
04-09-2010, 5:14pm
all shades of green over here :th3:. Post up some pix when it arrives. What have you in mind for the 300/4?

I cannot comment for fear of incrimination. You will need to look at your DPR profile.

04-09-2010, 11:23pm
Used SB800 have gone way up in price since the "FireSale"
Same is true of the AF-S 17-35 when the 16-35 was released.
I picked up a mint copy for $800 USD
I plan to use it with the D3100 for indoor video.

06-09-2010, 11:17am
RRRoger: too right about the SB800. I bought one cheapish towards the end of it's production life cycle but wasn't quick enough for really cheap firesale prices. Can't rem exactly what I paid but it's pretty similar to current used prices or even slightly cheaper. But gray SB900's r hitting the $550 mark so that must put some downward pressure on the used SB800 price.

On a different note, Nikon's prez recently gave an interview and alluded to wanting to create a 'new' camera market segment (meaning not a me-too mirrorless camera system??).
Earlier in the year (can't remember the exact source) there was also an official interview hinting to a 'surprise' this year from Nikon.
With Photokina around the corner and now we're in the last third of 2010, I wonder what Nikon have up their sleeves.

06-09-2010, 11:28am
well d90 prices have steadied after thier drop.... might be a bit of time before its replacement is out.

06-09-2010, 12:55pm
The replacement will be announced by the 15th Ving, which will likely mean the cameras will probably ship early to mid October....late October at the latest. The reason the prices have stopped dropping is probably that to go any lower would cut margins to far...no point selling cameras for free.

06-09-2010, 1:04pm
I'm seeing many cheaper SB-800's recently, some as low as US$230-250 in ex condition and boxed.
The SB-900 can be had for sub AUD$500 if you know where to look and are prepared to deal straight away.

06-09-2010, 2:02pm
Sub $500!! Oohh.. Very tempting to add another speedlight.

06-09-2010, 2:15pm
Sub $500!! Oohh.. Very tempting to add another speedlight.

That's what I thought when I bought 6x SB-900 in one hit.