View Full Version : Epson pano awards

Nikonian Bob
06-02-2010, 7:29am
HI, Thoroughly enjoy looking through the pano pic.s, but not bright enough to do it. Just thought I would pass on that Epson is running a pano award, closes 30 april. Sorry if it has already been advised. Bob W

06-02-2010, 12:17pm
Thanks Bob
Here is the address http://www.thepanoawards.com/

06-02-2010, 11:50pm
@Bob (I refuse to acknowledge Nikoff as a brand ;)

Panos are easy.....check this out. It is my favourite stitching program, I find it works better than my CS3 and it is FREE from Microsoft


15-05-2012, 9:33pm
Sorry for raising an old thread, but it is regarding the IPP Award for this year. So if it needs it's own thread or removed completely, Mods please do so.

The 2012 IPPA Competition has been judged, and winning entries displayed, although at present the stats are yet to be posted (how many countries, how many awards etc, etc).

Some really good photo's, including some truely amazing 360°VR images and well worth the visit and the time to drool at some true fantastic work.

The Epson Photographic Pano Awards (http://www.thepanoawards.com)

Yes I did enter and my results here (http://www.wildlife-horizons.com.au/?page_id=491) but no, I didnt make the top 50, maybe next time.


17-05-2012, 8:52am
Really wish I had remembered to enter with a few of the storm shots I had from the year...but missed the deadline. Ah well, next year ;).

Notice that in the Amateur section Dylan picked up 40th place in the natural environment.

17-05-2012, 1:24pm
G'day John,

I also saw Dylans name in there and wondered if was Dylan from here.
Alot of aussies in the top 50, and who knows how many that got awards that were not among the top 50.
My sis-in-law told me yesterday that its not that difficult to do as it's all done in the cameras these days and not a matter of skill anymore.
I'm now biding my time until we get an invite for dinner, and then I'll compliment her stove for the meal (it might be the last invite we get, oh well).

I wondered how many other members here got awards.


17-05-2012, 2:08pm
lol at the stove comment.

I looked through the Epson page, some incredible images on there!

I especially liked the 360 one with the helicopters, explosions and cars. Really appealed to me for many reasons haha.

24-05-2012, 7:11pm
I think the Dylan that got in the top 50, might not be the Dylan from here (dtoh), as the surname is different and the photographer is from WA, but that doesnt go to say that there isnt more than one Dylan here.
