View Full Version : 500d vs 50d

04-02-2010, 7:43am
I'm currently looking at upgrading my dslr and also switching brands.

i'm currently using a nikon d60 but looking at either the 500d or the 50d.

now before pple ask why the switch, from my experience the 500d takes better shots than the d90. I have used both as one mate has the canon and the other has a nikon.

My question is -
Is the 50d really worth the extra coin over the 500d, i'm not fussed about hd movies, i just want a camera body that is gonna last a few years and wont be replaced in the next 12 months.

chees for any feedback

04-02-2010, 8:09am
Mate I switched from a 400D to the 50D and the 2 are eons apart in terms of bells and whistles and convenience for use (adjustments to ss, ape, wb, iso, focus point, and so on.

If you have the coin a 50D is definitely the go: the 50D was superceded by the 7D recently and the 7D is about a 1,000 more than the 50D roughly speaking. I would not be going for the 500D against the 50D IF I had a choice. As you know its the LENS and quality of the lens that makes up 90 percent of a good photograph, the body primarily acts as a recorder but ask around, most will agree with me that the 50D is worth the $$ cf the 500D.

04-02-2010, 9:05am
the 50D was superceded by the 7D recently

David the 7D is not a 50D replacement but the next step up. The rumours have it that a 60D is not far away. I have a friend who has the 50D and she as a pro doing portraits is very happy with it although she is hoping to add a 5D mk11 to her kit soon.
The way it works is the ####D, ###D series are the entry level DSLR's, the ##D is the high end entry/semi pro range and the #D are the pro range.
My take on things image quality is Body 20%, Lens 30% and operator 50% so buy the best you can afford and practice, practice, practice.

04-02-2010, 11:02am
David the 7D is not a 50D replacement but the next step up. The rumours have it that a 60D is not far away. I have a friend who has the 50D and she as a pro doing portraits is very happy with it although she is hoping to add a 5D mk11 to her kit soon.
The way it works is the ####D, ###D series are the entry level DSLR's, the ##D is the high end entry/semi pro range and the #D are the pro range.
My take on things image quality is Body 20%, Lens 30% and operator 50% so buy the best you can afford and practice, practice, practice.

Yep, absolutely right IF the rumoured 60D comes to fruition. The 7D is a step up between the high end entry level (20D, 30D, 40D, 50D) and pro ranges beginning with the 5D ranges and peaking with the 1Ds. a mk IV version of it coming out soon apparently. If I could get my head around spend 2,000 plus for 7D body I would make myself get my head around jumping up to an early full frame version of the 1D and be done with it :)

04-02-2010, 11:18am
7D is well worth it, but my 40d has taken some amazing pics... so have my 30 and 20D's


04-02-2010, 11:23am
Mate, if video isn't your thing, I would suggest the 50D. You can't really compare the 50D to the 500D there in two distinct categories. 500D is still the entry level from Canon that has video capabilities. The 50D is aimed at the more enthusiast type, so you'd expect more usage out of it therefore better build quality partial weather seal, more custom controls and the menu and navigation wheel is a god send much better than on the 500D.

I upgraded from the 450D to the 50D. Like I say as always though xxxDs are great starting cameras but considering you are quite familiar with the DSLR world and came from quite a decent nikon go with the 50D.

Jordan Compte
04-02-2010, 12:17pm
a 60D already?
the 50D only just came out, what would be better with a 60D compared to 50D?

04-02-2010, 12:19pm
Mate - I have been doing a lot of looking and touching feeling between the 500D & 50D, no comparison in my opion - go the 50D. For me, if you want to HD video, buy a video camera.

Go into a camera shop and play with the two - the decision will be easy. I have done it twice now and the shop are good enough to swap the lens from one camera to the other for comparison. Borrowed a mates 50D with battery grip for a couple of hrs and it is a beast of a camera.

04-02-2010, 4:53pm
Hi ashbox, I was almost ready to post a very similar post. I'm seriously considering changing from a Pentax K200d to either the Canon 500 or 50d. I've been researching every review/rating system/picture samples I can find. Have been saving all my $$$$$ and I could get a 500D and 1 kit lens now but am hanging out for a few more $$$$ to get the 50D. I'm hoping a 60D release will knock off a few dollars of the 50D price. I'd be very interested in knowing how you end up.

04-02-2010, 6:30pm
thanks for all the feedback guys, will more than likely save a bit more and get the 50d, possibly even a 60d if it takes me that long.

05-02-2010, 8:44pm
thanks for all the feedback guys, will more than likely save a bit more and get the 50d, possibly even a 60d if it takes me that long.

I wouldn't be forking out for the much touted 60D when it hits the market....the retailers are awake to this sort of stuff and really thrash :action: you at the cash register.
I know... as I bought a 50D straight after its release and now see them for only one third the price that I paid!!!!:angry0:

My advice is get hold of a 50D now while they seem to be "old hat" stuff and believe me they are far from "old hat"...a really nice camera and you won't be paying for video function that you will never use.:D

05-02-2010, 9:22pm
The way it works is the ####D, ###D series are the entry level DSLR's, the ##D is the high end entry/semi pro range and the #D are the pro range.

I hope im not hi jacking this thread, but was wondering if there is a similar system with Nikon that someone could explain to me like that(as i understand that^)

05-02-2010, 10:31pm
yeah the d3000 is basic entry, the d5000 and d90 are mid, the d300s is high end and the d3 is pro, thats pretty much the gist of it for me

07-03-2010, 8:36pm
Hey mate, this is the questions I was asking myself very recently.

I ended up going the 50D

Go into a shop and get both of them next to each other and have a play. This is what I did and I instantly went for the 50D. It feels alot better in your hand and navigating through the options are a 10 times easier.

Less plastic may help you keeping it for a while, which was another selling point for me. I'll be holding onto this as long as I can, spend my money on glass.

08-03-2010, 5:55pm
yeah, i ended up going the 50d a couple of weeks ago, still getting used to it, much bigger and heavier than the nikon d60 i came from.

from the time i've had it i would say its a better camera and feels alot more solid than my mates 500d.

in the end it set me back 2300 with the 18-200mm glass, then had to get a cf card, and extended the warranty to 3 years so all 2500 and i was good to go.

08-03-2010, 6:15pm
Ash, show us some of the photos and tell us what you think is wrong with the D90 photos. Mostly it is related to operator error, etc, not the camera. The camera is just a sensor and a lens, it is the user who sets up the camera with aperture, iso, shutterspeed and composition that makes the photo. You may just need guidance and changing brands will not fix the issues you face.

08-03-2010, 6:15pm
Lense is naughty
Lens singular, lenses plural :D :D :D

09-03-2010, 4:07pm
Lense is naughty
Lens singular, lenses plural :D :D :D

hmmmm from now on ill be using lense when ever i want...

evil laugh...


08-06-2010, 12:43pm
well fellers, I'm glad I logged back in here today as I have only just bought a canon 50d, I bought the pack with the 18 - 200 lens hanging off the end, (brand new off eBay for $1,650 from a feller who had it given to him and never unpacked it then sold it, only two weeks old with full warranty) I updated from my old Fuji finepix s9500 which was a great camera but I gotta say the 50d makes me look like an expert, the piccys are nothing short of amazing and let me tell you I'm a died in the bone flunky when it comes to cameras, I have yet to progress past the auto setting LOL!. as for lenses well I'm tracking them down slowly but surely!!, I got the canon 10 -22mm in my sights plus a couple of others, but oh boy thats where the money is gonna go!

08-06-2010, 1:44pm
I upgraded from 350D to 20D to 40D ($680.00Ebay) and and the 40D is a great camera and can only believe that the 50D is even better the wheel is my favourite feature Never regretted upgrades only the 5D Mark II noise improvement make me green.