View Full Version : Canon G10/11. What you guys think?

29-01-2010, 5:02pm
Wanting to get the wife into photography and from all reports these little compacts are great.

Does anyone have any first hand experience?? Checked it out at today and looks like a decent bit of kit.

I @ M
29-01-2010, 5:16pm
I have seen and used (briefly) a G11 and yes, it is a very nicely made bit of gear that gives very pleasing pictures straight out of the camera.

If I could afford one and wanted to have a holiday with much much better than your ordinary snapshots and without the size factor of a DSLR the G11 would be right at the top of the list.

Run a mile from the G10, they went backwards from the G9 by upping the megapixels and then forward again with the G11 by reducing the megapixels.

For once, somebody learned a lesson and rectified it quickly. :D

29-01-2010, 6:07pm
these can be a bit fiddly to operate, with the way the joystick and menus work.
Also only goes up to f8 (from when one of our group had one)

But, the pictures are superb!

29-01-2010, 7:19pm
I got a G11 only 2 days ago, so far getting used to it, but loving it.

29-01-2010, 7:47pm
I have used 2 G10's and I found them pretty good for a handy holiday/snapshot camera. They have some pretty funky selective colour presets though which were fun to play with.

30-01-2010, 4:51am
I have the G9 as well and it takes great picts right out of the box.
See photo below.
So the G11 should be great as well

30-01-2010, 8:29pm
I keep a G9 in my handbag. Great little piece of gear but limited in low light for hi quality images. Looks wild with a 580exii on top!

30-01-2010, 9:37pm
I beleive that they also shoot RAW format as well, so you will be able to get more creative if you choose to do so!

01-02-2010, 8:18pm
only goes to F8?? really hmm fair enough it is a compact afterall.

01-02-2010, 11:05pm
My business partner just bought one and I have played with with it a little. Found it nice to use - not too small - and I like the physical control choices they made, i.e. the things that can be directly controlled by dials & stuff. Has a viewfinder, which I like and shoots RAW, which is also great. Reasonably large sensor for a compact and a useful, though not outstanding, focal length range. Very easy to use if you're used to the Canon way of doing things - I knew how to do everything straight away without needing to think about it.

The f8 thing I think is because diffraction makes any smaller aperture a bit pointless and the DoF is so great with such short focal lengths that pretty much everything is in focus at that aperture anyway.

02-02-2010, 1:29pm
I had a G9 and although its quite good for a compact camera, i found it fiddly to use for most part. In fact if i were to go back to another compact, i'ld just get a smaller point and shoot style one.
It does have some cool features like timelapse though etc.

03-02-2010, 6:32pm
Considering this is for a gift for a family
member it sounds like a good first decent camera without being a slr.

03-02-2010, 10:00pm
the G10 has lot more image noise, this was addressed in the G11 with good results, so I would go the G11.
Nicest usability compared to similar models in other brands.

07-02-2010, 9:41pm
G11 is the go, well lets be kind and say it is corrected....from the G10 noise issues.

But buy the Panasonic LX3:)

25-02-2010, 1:19pm
Just remember f-stops dont translate to similar depths of field when sensor size varies. eg. f8 on a crop slr has significantly less depth of field than the g11/10 will have. Just the same as a crop camera has significantly more depth of field at f8 than does a full frame slr, and then the same goes for full frame versus medium format.

03-04-2010, 10:54am
Ive got the g10 - perfect little travel cam. Like luna-blu says - there is a bit of noise though, which has been much improved in the g11. In retrospect id rather have the cleaner sensor than the extra mp.

03-04-2010, 11:06am
I had a g10 as back up on our boats great little camera were sold while ago but a mate of mine has just recently got a g11 had a play with it looks like a few improvements on the g10

08-04-2010, 4:52am
ive been thinking about getting a g11 too. might have just made a decision..

08-04-2010, 7:19am
Having had the G2 and G9 I would go for the G11. Point and shoot in auto then go to manual mode as you gain more experience. A host of options and so cheap considering I paid nearly $2000.00 for G2 when it first came out. Enjoy.:wd:

Phil The Burn
16-04-2010, 11:45am
I have a G11 as my backup, it's great for street photography, superb for macro work, and great for landscapes. DoF is the only real let-down, but hey, it's a P&S..

It's also ideal for any situation where a DSLR is going to be too big & heavy.