View Full Version : Cool Cat Gets Real Hot

10-01-2010, 8:57am
More of a snapshot than a serious attempt to take a good photo, here is my cat Kris being himself...

10-01-2010, 9:01am
Listen Kris, the stove needs a bit of a clean, you will find the cleaning stuff in the cupboard above the stove...

10-01-2010, 9:13am
lol strange place to sleep :D

10-01-2010, 9:43am
I love a cat that likes to live dangerously...

10-01-2010, 9:59am
that is a delicious and compliant cat dinner you have there for Mongo

Wulfys Kingdom
10-01-2010, 10:12am
Kitteh wonders why he can smell singed fur...

Reminds me of a photo my mum took many many many years ago... she put her pet rabbit on the stove and wrote a little sign "Rabbit Stew".

10-01-2010, 10:42am
Who can account for the way cats think. Youd di well to capture it/her/him.

10-01-2010, 11:09am
Lazy man's 'Cat on a hot Tin Roof' :lol:

10-01-2010, 11:42am
Who can account for the way cats think. Youd di well to capture it/her/him.

Over a period of more than a decade since we acquired this second-hand cat (now 14 years old), we have come to the conclusion that he doesn't think but only acts on instincts. Those instincts are eat and sleep on object of some description.

He has just got over 2 week stint sleeping on top of a 1.8m tall cupboard. This is an amazing feat as this aged cat that needs twice-daily medication to stay alive also has a touch of arthritis and the ability to leap from the floor some 1.8m often requires multiple attempts, is both noisy and not good to furniture.

For Kris, the advantage of the stove is that it is close to his food cupboard, the tin opener and the refrigerator. Those, plus someone to service his needs, are all he requires these days.

10-01-2010, 11:43am
that is a delicious and compliant cat dinner you have there for Mongo

That's why you don't get any dinner invites.

11-01-2010, 2:40pm
That's why you don't get any dinner invites.

How about take away then ........Hmmmm.................. ?

11-01-2010, 3:31pm
Analog thinks puss at 14 would be tough and stringy and Mongo might like something young and tender instead.

11-01-2010, 4:43pm
Analog thinks puss at 14 would be tough and stringy and Mongo might like something young and tender instead.

Thanks Odille. Mongo has his own tenderising techniques.

In any event, on that subject, your Avatar seems to fit the bill for a younger , more suitable cat dinner......Hmmmm....

11-01-2010, 11:05pm
Behave yourself mongo, stick to rodents and unwanted creatures that scurry underfoot.

Kris has been off his food again (probably due to the stress of keeping an eye out for mongo). I will save some hairballs for you if you like.

11-01-2010, 11:42pm
Thank you Peter, Odille and Mongo. I have not laughed so hard in a very long time.

I'm a cat lover and had two foistered on me three years ago and though I love them dearly now, there have been times where I agree with Mongo that maybe a nice moggy dinner would be good.
Like when they are playing chasy at three in the morning over my bed!!!!

Peter. As for the second one I'm sure Kris's response would have been something along the lines of

14-01-2010, 5:59pm
Dunnart pet dictionary: "cat = unwanted creatures that scurry under foot" :D

Peter - I thought you were were supposed to put them in a frypan first ? :D