View Full Version : Zenfolio for e-commerce

06-01-2010, 11:52am
Hi All

I am currently looking at how best to sell my images. I have progressed a short way down the path of implementing my own server to host a purpose built website to enable e-commerce to support direct sales and downloading of digital images.

I stumbled across Zenfolio and am quite impressed with the layout and preentation. I see they offer an e-commerce solution. Does anyone have any experience with Zenfolio from an e-commerce perspective?

Thank you.

09-02-2010, 8:32am
Hi Gordon,

Isnt it funny that in my journey to answer the same question I've found you here on the other side of the net.

Im hoping you/we get some replies soon ....

As well as Zenfolio .... are there any decent Aussie alternatives. I'd really like to print from my choice of Australian professional lab ... if at all possible ...



09-02-2010, 6:07pm
The AUS offerings that deal in AUD are sparse. Zenfolio do deal with AUD but you will need to self fullfill the prints themselves. Digital Downloads can be paid for for in $AUD

Smugmug does not currently have any Foreign currency options so everything is in $USD

09-02-2010, 6:18pm
Smugmug does not currently have any Foreign currency options so everything is in $USD

there has been a lot of support for foreign currency support with smugmug on the "enhancement requests" forum...hopefully they'll listen

09-02-2010, 6:24pm
there has been a lot of support for foreign currency support with smugmug on the "enhancement requests" forum...hopefully they'll listen

Ive sifted through the archives of the Smugmug & Zenfolio forums and whilst it appears to be many requested for foreign enhancemanets they are very few are far between in their implementation.

09-02-2010, 6:35pm
The AUS offerings that deal in AUD are sparse. Zenfolio do deal with AUD but you will need to self fullfill the prints themselves. Digital Downloads can be paid for for in $AUD

Smugmug does not currently have any Foreign currency options so everything is in $USD

Do you know how to do this? I can only select US/Euro/2 other random currencies for digital downloads :(

09-02-2010, 6:46pm
I'm still waiting for photomerchant to deliver fulfillment, in the meanwhile I use gallery2 and it's ecommerce which works well with paypal etc, but I still self manage the printing and delivery manually

dowden photography
09-02-2010, 9:07pm
Why don't you use a shopping cart and host it all yourself

dowden photography
09-02-2010, 9:10pm
I'm still waiting for photomerchant to deliver fulfillment, in the meanwhile I use gallery2 and it's ecommerce which works well with paypal etc, but I still self manage the printing and delivery manually

Its what I do and it does the best job that I can see for free.

Once you work out how to work the paypal cart with the site (I had both carts installed and it wasn't working) you'll never look back.

I do some of the printing myself, the rest I get the colourfactory to do and handling everything is pretty easy.

09-02-2010, 10:14pm
My want is once I post the pics to the website that the entire rest of the process is automated, like smughug in the states. Makes my life easier, it's a hassle every week going through orders, finding the negative, sending that off to a lab, go pick them up, batch them into orders and then go the post office to send it off

13-02-2010, 9:35am
My want is once I post the pics to the website that the entire rest of the process is automated, like smughug in the states. Makes my life easier, it's a hassle every week going through orders, finding the negative, sending that off to a lab, go pick them up, batch them into orders and then go the post office to send it off

I hear you Kiwi ... Im so surprised there isnt a full service solution for Australian photogs ...

26-05-2010, 8:51pm
Bumping this.

Anyone used Zenfolio?

Majority of my customers will be in Australia. I don't have the time to invest in learning lessons and wasting time as I'm busy with training and a full time job.

It seems like a pretty damned good way to showcase images from shows and offer them to clients to purchase.

My want is once I post the pics to the website that the entire rest of the process is automated, like smughug in the states. Makes my life easier, it's a hassle every week going through orders, finding the negative, sending that off to a lab, go pick them up, batch them into orders and then go the post office to send it off

21-06-2010, 2:28pm
Hi there, just stumbled onto this site looking for an e-commerce solution for selling photos & prints... I've found photobiz.com to be exactly what I'm after - for ease of use and setup etc. But being American, I'm not sure if there'll be an Aussie credit card facility or what not. (I've asked the question, still waiting on a reply...)

As I have basically no website building experience, or e-commerce experience for that matter, photobiz's solution looks to be the goods.

This is strictly a hobby that I'm just doing on the side, (and to pick up a bit of extra cashola at my sons BMX racing events...) If I can set it up within a day, have it bubbling along in the background, all the while being a cinch to upload and sell new photos, I'm sold. Any recommendations?

Again, this must be easy... Help a n00b out!

21-06-2010, 3:44pm
Hi there, just stumbled onto this site looking for an e-commerce solution for selling photos & prints... I've found photobiz.com to be exactly what I'm after - for ease of use and setup etc. But being American, I'm not sure if there'll be an Aussie credit card facility or what not. (I've asked the question, still waiting on a reply...)

As I have basically no website building experience, or e-commerce experience for that matter, photobiz's solution looks to be the goods.

Again, this must be easy... Help a n00b out!

Just had a squiz at photobiz. The FAQ (shopping cart, #14) says you have to fulfill the order yourself (ie. they don't print for you) so it's basically a shopping cart system for you. At $15USD per month ($180 per year) for only 200 photos, that's pretty expensive compared to alternate options.

For example, I personally use Smugmug and their Pro accounts costs less ($150USD) and gives you unlimited photos, unlimited bandwidth, shopping cart, favourites selection, options for printing and much more...

I'd suggest searching some of the AP forums as there have been various discussions on this very topic. Here are some suggested search terms based on service names: smugmug, flickr pro, redbubble, onlinegalleries

Also Online galleries is an aussie based solution and is also an AP sponsor.

This is strictly a hobby that I'm just doing on the side, (and to pick up a bit of extra cashola at my sons BMX racing events...)

A bit off topic but I'd recommend you seek professional advice on the definition of hobby verses what constitutes a regular ongoing service as the tax office does not necessarily see it the way you'd like it :(

21-06-2010, 5:58pm
As far as I know photomerchant is the only one in oz that offers direct fulfillment

I'm trialling it but my biggest issue is volume, I'm scared by the size of the files necessary to provide direct fulfillment, compared to the small files I can get away with now remembering I often have 500-1000 photos from a days shooting

But the look and feel and options are certainly attractive

22-06-2010, 7:38am
Thanks guys, yeah, that's all good advice. Personally I really like the look of Photobiz' templates... (hey, what can I say, I'm a visual guy...) And they seem really user friendly in terms of cart usage etc.

I was thinking they were quite reasonable in that they don't charge any commissions. Photo Merchant (I started a trial last night) on the other hand charges a transaction fee for each purchase.

Tax hopefully shouldn't be too much of an issue, I'm a freelance VFX artist with a company, I'm hoping (on advice from my accountant) that I can just run this as a little offshoot and claim it all under the one umbrella. (naive, who me?!)

I got an email back from Photobiz last night, apparently they do support multiple currencies, so for AUD they recommend using paypal. Think I should investigate that a bit further, because that would be like paying a transaction fee. Which, when weighed up against photomerchant, doesn't really compare well, given that they're big advantage is the direct fulfillment option, which Photobiz doesn't offer. (again with the easy option...)

Thanks again guys, much appreciated.

22-06-2010, 8:05am
I was thinking they were quite reasonable in that they don't charge any commissions.

It seems that services that don't charge commission have higher monthly rates compared to the low monthly rates of services that do charge commissions. It all boils down to the volume of work you plan to be selling...

22-06-2010, 8:36am
PLEASE NOTE : There are some comments in this thread that purely promote commercial websites. Members with under 50 post and 30 days membership are reminded of the site rule:

7] Goods and Services for sale/wanted to buy/employment. Personal classifieds advertisements, including employment offers, must be placed in our classifieds forum. Please read the separate Rules about advertisements within the classifieds forum (also viewable as a 'sticky' at the top of the Site Matters Forum). Advertisements for goods, services, employment or other commercial offers must not be included in any other forums or galleries without first obtaining permission from the site administrator. Commercial Advertising can be arranged for a fee. Threads/Posts deemed to be commercial in nature, which have not been approved by site administration, will be deleted. Members with less than 30 days membership and 50 posts cannot post information that primarily promotes a commercial site, on any part of Ausphotography. (Also see site rule 13: regarding complaints about products/services).
Any future posts by new members that are promoting commercial sites, will be removed from member view.

22-06-2010, 10:14am
Pfft, that's a bit rough. It's contructive discussion about the business of photography with other users in the same boat as me. I'm not flogging anything.

Sorry to have caused any trouble, rules are rules I suppose.

Thanks campo & kiwi. (go the Maroons...)

22-06-2010, 10:25am
Pfft, that's a bit rough. It's contructive discussion about the business of photography with other users in the same boat as me. I'm not flogging anything.

Sorry to have caused any trouble, rules are rules I suppose.

Thanks campo & kiwi. (go the Maroons...)

The rules are there as we have no idea if new members who link or promote sites are in any way affiliated with those sites, or perhaps work for them. It also protects against people bagging out a site, when they work for the opposition. So your comment "Pfft, that's a bit rough", is not appropriate and I suggest you make yourself familiar with the rules, otherwise you may find your access to AP removed.

22-06-2010, 10:51am
Fair enough, please except my apologies. I would like to continue this discussion though.

Don't worry, the photography discussion will come. (If this little side project goes ahead, the first shoot will be this weekend)

22-06-2010, 11:38am
If you wouldn't mind me asking, (one more post, promise...) do you guys find the self fulfilling option a major hamstring?

22-06-2010, 11:58am
Not really, but, I dont have the volume that would necessitate auto fulfilment.

22-06-2010, 12:26pm
likewise, i currently do all fulfillment myself (ie. i choose not to use smugmug's printing options just yet) but in the near future this is quite likely to change as i start actively ramping up my business.

The main purpose of my initial post was to point out that for the same price (actually less) you can get more then just a website/shopping cart solution.

29-07-2010, 10:16pm
Note these comments are provided to reflect my personal impressions of Zenfolio as an E-Commerce solution. I have no alignment with Zenfolio. These are my own opinions, those considering Zenfolio should do their own research.

resurrecting this thread as the OP. I have joined Zenfolio and I find it great.

can do business in Aussie dollars
templates are good, but are also easily customised
excellent help online
fast upload of images
shopping cart works seamlessly both for buyers and me
I can manage printing myself
sales $ paid via Paypal with no fees charged by Paypal
can link my own home page to Zenfolio site

Not so good:
10% of all sales $ go to Zenfolio
can be a little slow opening site

All in all I'm very happy.

30-07-2010, 5:36am
I would recommend an Australian company, who is also an Ausphotography site advertiser.

www.photomerchant.net (http://www.photomerchant.net/?utm_source=AusPhotography&utm_medium=cpm&pm_src=web&pm_site=www.ausphotography.net.au&pm_cc=Aus-Photo-Forum&pm_src=banner)
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg175/snoopytas/advertising/PhotoMerchant-Aus-Photography-Forum-Banner-01.gif (http://www.photomerchant.net/?utm_source=AusPhotography&utm_medium=cpm&pm_src=web&pm_site=www.ausphotography.net.au&pm_cc=Aus-Photo-Forum&pm_src=banner)
Photomerchant can be your website, gallery and online store, all in one package

31-07-2010, 3:50pm
Thanks for the tip on photomerchant rick

Had a good look at it today. Hopefully they get a cheaper delivery rate sorted out. Was interested to see if anyone on AP is using them yet and the experience.


31-07-2010, 4:14pm
I havent't yet, but I was going to get set-up with a trial and see how it all works.

31-07-2010, 8:07pm
I believe Alann has set up a photomerchant site...Not sure which thread he mentioned it in though.