View Full Version : Why People should wear sunscreen

04-01-2010, 8:49pm
Me who forgot sunscreen today..

Editerd to add: Trev took this before in a very low light area (posted with his permission) - its really redder "eek:

I remebered to smother EJ in it and forgot me :eek:

04-01-2010, 9:17pm
*ouchy* hope you feel better soon!

04-01-2010, 9:20pm
Thanks Dee, hope so also - is very sore :/ hoping goes down by morning

04-01-2010, 9:21pm
Is this another ISO1600 shot?

Oh, the water is soooooo nasty for sunburn - I'm assuming boating trip. (I used to go sailing, and learned the hard way:D). Hope the pain stops soon.

(My trick sunscreen issues are a) forgetting the backs of my legs and b) forgetting my ears. Sunburn on the skin behind the knee is to be avoided at all costs!)

Mac Daddy
04-01-2010, 9:54pm
Ouch hope you get that healed up soon Cat.

04-01-2010, 10:09pm
I feel your pain Cat. Friday I went out and played golf and although I slapped a bit of screen on, I managed to not get it down towards my socks, so now I have big bright red rings around my legs. Very very painful to even walk!:eek:

04-01-2010, 10:20pm
I was just as red the other day when out for a deive. I think most of my burning occured when I was in the car - eventually found a towel to put over me. The only thing I hate when I get a little too much sun - MORE FRECKLES! :eek:

04-01-2010, 10:42pm
Cat that looks painfull. Hope the sting and burn subside soon.

04-01-2010, 11:47pm
I hear aloevera is good for burns, just have to scrape the inside of the aloevera 'leaf' and smear it on the area, that should sooth the pain a bit...

05-01-2010, 5:17am
Thanks for the sympathy all :) Yeah it's very painful at pres :/ Will remember the sunscreen next time after that :eek: Think I have some aloe vera cream in the bathroom cupboard somewhere will put that on soon - smothered it in moisturiser last night

05-01-2010, 8:25am
half a tomato Cat, rub the cut side on the red, it'll take the sting away. and isn't it always the way, we always put sunscreen on the kids but foorget about ourselves :(

05-01-2010, 8:32am
Thanks Kirsty, yeah will try the tomato also :) Yeah I made sure was a heap on EJ cause of the water reflection - even trev forgot to put some on himself but asked if I had on EJ which had already done - Trev doesnt burn like me though darker skin

05-01-2010, 8:50am
yeah that water reflection is a b*tch hey! I ended up with 3rd degree burns on the fronts of my shins a few years ago. Brody was a baby, he was sunscreened, the rest of the group we were with took off in the boat, and because i was pregnant with Abby I couldn't go :( so they dumped me on slipping sands ( a 45 degree hill of just sand) so all i could do was sit there :( the tomato worked a treat on that sunburn!