View Full Version : Reeling film into spool

04-01-2010, 5:59pm
I just got the equipment to develop film. And i've been trying for 2 hours to get the film into the spool. Can't do it! What's the best way to reel the film into the spool?

04-01-2010, 6:37pm
Dont let the film or spool get hot or wet - at all! Take it slow and firm, learn in daylight first with a dud roll. Its just a quick shuffle motion between twisting the right reel with your thumb on the film while keeping the left reel stationary and releasing your thumb every time you move the right reel back so it can take up more film without winding it backwards. I wear really soft smooth gloves so I don't get sweat into the situation.

Wait till you try 120 (this was my first)

04-01-2010, 7:36pm
I was trying with 120 film... i'm fine when i was practicing with 35mm film... I never could do it even at the studio and needed my friend to do it for me... AHH!!! keke... i'll just keep practicing till i get it cos processing at the commercial labs are really expensive!

04-01-2010, 9:23pm
developing my first roll of film! so fiddly and did one step wrong but that's alright i suppose????

01-04-2010, 5:50pm
very exciting isn't it when u see the pictures appear on the negs.

03-04-2010, 12:04am
Do we get to see the results?? :)

03-04-2010, 7:57am
Hey Smallfooties,
all I can say is take it easy and don't get frustrated and try to force things in, like I did here.
See top right half-crescent marks. A b*$ch to PP out so I can't be bothered anymore.
Ruined what would've been an acceptable image.
You never know what you're gonna get til you pull that film off the reel so you can't afford to loose anything to carelessness.
Keep practicing with a sacrificial role til its second nature.

03-04-2010, 5:11pm
Practice,practice and then practice some more,when you get it,you`ll wonder why it was so hard in the first place,120 film is harder than 35mm,take it easy,don`t rush it,it`ll happen and become second nature,have fun.:th3:

03-04-2010, 7:55pm
Like Krzys said - practice in the daylight on a dud roll. Practice makes perfect!

06-04-2010, 7:29pm
What type of reel are you using? Are you using a plastic real or are you using a stainless reel? From my experience, the stainless reels are much harder to use, as you can't "walk" the film on.

If you are using plastic reels, like Krzys said above, the reels must be bone dry. Another trick I learnt was to snip the corners off on the leader, just a little bit at 45deg. I have found that there is much less binding.

I hope you did get it sorted.

28-05-2010, 3:20pm
Bone dry reels. That's the trick.
Thanks, I was wondering how to ensure a smooth load and thus stop the crescents swifty displayed.

28-05-2010, 7:33pm
120 is a bit harder than 35mm to load, but not impossible. Also try with an old uncut roll of film. Am.

31-05-2010, 12:42pm
I give my plastic reels a quick blast with a hair dryer just before loading to be sure they're dry and I also use the 45 degree snip Hoffy mentioned. Even so, once in a while I hit a difficult roll that tries my patience. I find 120 easier to load than 35mm.

04-06-2010, 12:53pm
Hey guys,
I foud even the minute sweat from your hands being inside the bag can cause the film to grabb on the reel, So when it's a little hot I just go to the deep freezer and spool up inside there (only my the bag and hands are suffed in there). It only take about 30 second for the temp to drop and causing the film to harden up and spool smoothly onto the reel. If you dont have a deep freezer you could possibly do it in the fridge? :umm: Providing you have the room!