View Full Version : Your best shot from 2009

28-12-2009, 2:39pm
Ok folks, as 2009 comes to a close, I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone thought their own best shot of the year was. We often post pics asking for others to comment, this time it's your turn to show us your favourite work and reasoning.

So post ONE image, your best or favourite that you took during the year and tell us why you picked it (was it technically difficult, emotional, your first feeling of 'nailing it', a difficult subject, simply enjoyable etc?). It's your choice.

Please note:
To keep this thread clean, we'll make this a no comments thread at least until the new year when everyone has had a chance to post their image and summary. I don't want this to be a competition or a critique thread, more a showcase of your work and what inspired you. Comments and critques should be in the member photos area where(if) the original was posted.

28-12-2009, 2:42pm
I'll kick it off....my favourite and probably my best was seen in this (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=42634)thread. I love watching the weather and storms in particular but don't get enough of them where I live. This was my first with my dSLR and I really enjoyed it. I think I got a bit lucky too! This was shot from my front verandah where I had the camera set up on the tripod and I was able to sit beside it and enjoy the show.


28-12-2009, 4:33pm
Its hard to decide but heres mine
12hr at Bathurst in 2/2009. Subaru didn't quite make the turn.
4 Togs and only i got the shot so it was special for me.

Helen S
28-12-2009, 5:15pm
It's been a pretty good year photography-wise, but being the stormchasing freak that I am, it would have to be this one:


28-12-2009, 5:39pm
This would be one of my best efforts for 2009 Mick. From the Swan River, South Perth. Haven't done a lot of panos, maybe I'll make it a new year's resolution to try more.


28-12-2009, 6:40pm
2009 was not a great year for me photography wise; didnt get out amongst it much and had a few more important distractions to deal with, but this would be my favourite shot for 2009.


I did no post processing on this one, just cropped ibit after spending a weekend with Mrs B at Caloundra which we needed badly: Bring on 2010 and my new camera and I will be free to learn more about this difficult pleasure

28-12-2009, 8:00pm
A difficult one as for the latter half of the year I haven't had much time...in fact the poor old camera didn't see the outside of the bag for almost 2 months.
But after tossing up two or three from the first half of the year, I was reasonably pleased with this one:

CPL filter. Very little PP on this...bit of sharpening, resizing...think that was about all.

28-12-2009, 8:49pm

28-12-2009, 8:58pm
i couldnt pick one if i tried :confused013

29-12-2009, 4:43pm
I've been trawling through my folders and I think this is my favourite for 2009.


I just love the darkness overall and the stand of lights in Mawson Place.

This was taken on a Hobart meet (my first) and it was a pretty damn cold night!

31-12-2009, 2:39pm
Cheryl, there's a sense of magic with that frame. Good work.

old dog
31-12-2009, 3:13pm
this is almost impossible to pick a favorite for the year but this one could be close.


31-12-2009, 3:29pm
i have given it some thought...

i guess this one is top ten...


i just cant pick a best.

31-12-2009, 3:50pm
I like this one



31-12-2009, 7:58pm
OK...brand new member first photo loaded - still waiting for dSLR...this was taken with a basic P&S and I have chosen it as my favourite simply because it has both of my granddaughters and me on Christmas night at Sydney airport (Santa wasn't watching). I hope this works.

31-12-2009, 8:16pm
That's what it's all about, Daniel. Thanks for uploading.

31-12-2009, 8:26pm
I have posted this on here before,was my favorite was such a fun shoot.

Big Pix
31-12-2009, 9:20pm
may not be my best, anyhow a personal favourite......


31-12-2009, 9:58pm
this one because it was pure luck that it worked... :p

31-12-2009, 10:08pm
This one, because I like it


01-01-2010, 12:04am
Hmmm difficult one some great shots here guys!
I would think the one of Charcoal, my wife's cat, is my best for the year! It was taken with the Canon 450D and 15-85 lens.

01-01-2010, 12:42am
Heres mine - was a wonderfull day out.

01-01-2010, 10:30am
Mine - The shot where all the darkroom work started to feel like it was coming together:


01-01-2010, 11:12am
This would be my pick for the year. My daughters at their Grandparents 50th Wedding Anniversery.

I had my camera out of the bag on very few occasions for 2009 and only had it at this do because my father inlaw had an old manual focus 50mm 2.8 lens that I wanted to try.

It was my first try with a manual lens and low light without a flash.

I missed the focus on about 99.9% of the shots for the day but it was a good learning experience


01-01-2010, 2:20pm
This would be my best Landscape shot of the year. I like the composition and the light on that Gum Tree.


01-01-2010, 3:15pm
beautiful photos, I really like Para or Adamm photos I can't decide.

This is one of my favourites, taken while on holiday in Morocco around the corner from our hotel.

01-01-2010, 10:26pm
Personally, I reckon this was my best for the year. My daugher was playing touch footy, and they were talking amongst themselves, getting ready for the game.

I sat back with the 55-200, and caught a shot of her, without her knowing. Entitled Football - Serious Stuff....


10-01-2010, 3:28pm
:kewl: Cool Pics everyone here are two of mine from 2009.

10-01-2010, 5:13pm
Not because it is great. I just like it as it reminds me of the great times we spent paddling up the Katherine Gorge while I was on a secondment to the Northern Territory Government.


10-01-2010, 5:43pm
Being the architecture lover I am it would have to be this. It will be a favorite for a long time regardless of it being from a P&S.


10-01-2010, 5:56pm
mmm, Gold Coast Q1, It's an awesome view from the top too!

Thanks all for posting to this thread, it's good to hear from people what floats their photography boat!

We'll do it again next year and you can see how your skills and desires have changed. In the mean time keep them coming!

sir mudkip
12-01-2010, 8:13pm
Mine would have to be this one, as a beginner I have a long way to go before I get more "keepers" every time I take the camera!

http://img532.imageshack.us/img532/3453/imgp2815.jpg (http://img532.imageshack.us/i/imgp2815.jpg/)

13-01-2010, 7:05pm
Here you go.. probably my favourite from the year..


16-01-2010, 9:11am
This is a great thread Michael. The shots here are amazing.

This is a shot from Tamara beach. I wasn't happy with the colour version and tried to tweak it for about half an hour. The weather was too bleak so I tried a B&W conversion and it conveyed to me the scene as I saw it while there.

Well done everyone.


16-01-2010, 9:26am
It's a bit difficult to choose one out out of 3 that I really like :(


16-01-2010, 9:33am
This would have to mine, as it was one hell of an intense storm, the best I have seen.


Dylan & Marianne
05-03-2010, 10:46am
I only just stumbled across this thread !- awesome stuff here
My favourite in terms of the memories it evokes:
This panorama on ring road 1 around iceland. Not many places in the world you can stand in the middle of the country's main highway taking 15 shots and set up for it without a car coming


05-03-2010, 12:46pm
Wow amazing shots guys! I have been feeling very uninspired lately so seeing these images makes me feel a litle more excited to take more photos. My favourite shot of the year would be one I took of my daughter at Roma street parklands. We were just about ot go because a storm was coming and I got this one. It may not technically be the best photo I took but I love it.


06-03-2010, 3:33am
I was playing around with a sound activated flash trigger and this is the only balloon that got a vertical split .....


06-03-2010, 9:39am
Whoa! Love that balloon

06-03-2010, 1:01pm
My best photo was this one of the lightning. I had tried before but never got the shot, after doing alot of reading this was my result when we had lightning again.

06-03-2010, 2:40pm
Whoa! Love that balloon

Thanks :) I had great fun with the sound trigger - another one of my favourites was with food colouring and a sideways shot with the pellet leaving the back of the balloon - pity I never had a flash on both sides for that shot ...


06-03-2010, 8:00pm
Thanks :) I had great fun with the sound trigger - another one of my favourites was with food colouring and a sideways shot with the pellet leaving the back of the balloon - pity I never had a flash on both sides for that shot ...


Simply amazing

07-03-2010, 4:56am
Simply amazing

Thanks :) I've explained how to do it on my blog (http://desmonddowns-ttlblflash.blogspot.com/2010/01/i-have-been-asked-to-share-my-technique.html) .

It's using a voice activated switch kit to trigger the flash - I tried a few with a glass of water was well ....


07-03-2010, 9:10am
Hi Guys,

Not my best but one of my favourites of the boy.
After seeing it, the boy told me he thought the picture was of him "Emerging from the Darkness" of not knowing what he wanted to do with his life and now has his eyes fixed on the road ahead (Deep for a 15 year old).
It was around the same time he decided he wanted a career in cycling.


08-03-2010, 1:45pm
Taken on a windy day South Freo