View Full Version : Adjusting Colour Temp on my laptop

22-12-2009, 2:17am
OK...i have no idea where to look, have googled but can't find the answer.
I want to check/change the colour temp on my laptop (HP dv5, home vista), I'm questioning my screen calibration (have asked the local pc people but none of them have much idea) and no one could tell me where in town to go..so i have looked online and it says to first do a quick gamma something (sorry cant remember the techicnical terms) anyway it says to make sure the screen temp is set to 6500 before starting..how do i check what its currently set at and how do i change it? Am looking at buying a calibration tool down the track, but thought i should get this part sorted first! (hopefullY!)
Thanks for your help:xmas31:

22-12-2009, 2:34am
Sorry if its not to much trouble could someone explain how i adjust it on my desktop (as this is what i use the most) I'm running Windows XP...do you need to know anything else? (sorry i have no idea what info i need to give)
Thanks so much for your help!

22-12-2009, 2:50am
OK (sorry excuse my extreme blondeness!) I have found the temp - its on the bloody monitor! DUH!
So the settings are:
Brightness 100
Contrast 70
Gamma 0

Temp 6500
Red 50
Blue 50
Green 50

Does that sound about right?

22-12-2009, 5:00am
The gamma something, is an adobe product and is installed when you install photoshop etc. So if you are not using photoshop you will not have it.

I am not sure if you can find it on the adobe site for free, but the program is called "Adobe Gamma"

Doing it using this method can be quite inaccurate and you may find any prints you get done are way off, colour and brightness wise. This is because you have 'guessed' the correct settings. The only real way to calibrate your screen correctly is to use a hardware calibrator, like a spyder etc.

More info on screen calibration using the different methods is here: http://www.imagescience.com.au/kb/questions/65/Colour+Control+on+Monitors

22-12-2009, 6:02am
Adobe reckon adobe gamma does not work on LTD screens and stopped adding into PS produces. there was a bit about it on AP at the time>>>maybe when CS??? was released. I had had it PS 7 and it worked on my new screen :confused013

I would also like to know the answer RE lappy colour adjustment

PS I now remember asking the same question when I brought CS3!!

22-12-2009, 11:19am
Thanks Rick! I am using CS4, i'll have a look.
Last night (well atcually early hours this morning) I played a bit around with the contrast on my screen with a colour palette thing and couldn;t see the first 2 blacks and the last 2 whites, so have adjusted the contrast now and fixed that part (BUT it is still WAY out!) But i cant know see the texture background on that photo that i couldn't see before!
Am looking into buying a sypder (as it seems no one here can even do it for me) so i figured i will just buy one and try do it myself and i figured i would need to use it regualery anyway.
Just a quick question - when you buy a spyder does it come with a disc of software you need to install? (my desktop cd/dvd drive has crapped itself so can't install software that way) Otherwise i will just have to keep using my laptop, which is no big deal...have just got used to doing it on this one.(and its so much easier)

I'm so glad you asked the question to Ian, i was thinking i was the only one that had no clue! hehe.

So annoying I have edited 60 photo's from my beach pregnancy shoot on here and looked at them on my laptop and the colours and contrast looks so dull and flat on there, on here y looked vibrant and you could see so much detail! I honeslty did not realize the difference until seeing them on the other screen...bloody amzing...and so disappointing! (all that work for nothing, will have to redo now! yay) haha. Least it will give me a chance to improve my PP skills, goodness knows i need it!

Thanks again (sorrying for the long winded reply)

22-12-2009, 11:39am
I dont like lappy's as the colour/light changes depending on viewing angle..Theyre ok for viewing photo's, but not editing imho.
Spyder's do come with disk's yes, but the software should be downloadable also.

22-12-2009, 11:58am
Calibrating your laptop's a bit like turbocharging a scooter

22-12-2009, 12:27pm
I dont like lappy's as the colour/light changes depending on viewing angle..Theyre ok for viewing photo's, but not editing imho.
Spyder's do come with disk's yes, but the software should be downloadable also.

I agree - i didn't notice it as much before using my desktop, but now that i'm trying to fix these photo's on the lappy (as my desktop screen is to outta whack) they look different on every different which way you look at them.
But i ggotta try get them done as my friend wants one done for her parents for xmas :(

Just looking online at calibrationtools - is there one that is the better out of them all? 'the bee's knee's'?

Thanks again

22-12-2009, 12:33pm
Calibrating your laptop's a bit like turbocharging a scooter

Turbocharging a scooter sound's like fun.

(as in software?) Not to my knowledge Inspired, depend's on what colour mode you shoot in too i'd guess.

22-12-2009, 12:37pm
depend's on what colour mode you shoot in too i'd guess.

Sorry i'm not sure what you mean?

22-12-2009, 5:51pm
Well i just had some luck - one of the computer places i rang asking about calibration, rang and said one of their guys had bought his spyder into work today and he would be happy to come out and cailbrate my screen! Woohoo.
So he came out, has done it (it is heaps better than before) but he reckons its still not that flash cause i have a crappy monitor and it cant handle all the colours and cant get 'bright' enough or something like that? Least it is better than what it was though.
He used Sypder3 - he said there is more expensive ones but he reckons his does a pretty good job?
Would you guys recommend getting the sypder3 or a different one? as i have decided that will be my next purchase.

Thanks for all your help!

22-12-2009, 6:13pm
In-camera colour space sorry, Adobe RGB or sRGB etc.
I have a Spyder2 express that does the job well.