View Full Version : What will they grow next?

21-12-2009, 6:43pm
Ok, please explain this...we found this during the Maldon meet yesterday.



21-12-2009, 6:49pm
Mate, didn't you always wonder where those white posts came from? I mean, they have to grow them somewhere. Belinda thinks they are all the same size because they don't start out from seed, they are grown from cuttings.

You have done a much nicer job than I did of them, by the way. I couldn't think of any way to make an attractive shot out of them, but you seem to have nailed it.

21-12-2009, 6:52pm
Tannin is right, they only grow from cuttings....love to see some of your work with the 7D!!:xmas31:

21-12-2009, 6:53pm

21-12-2009, 6:54pm
so that explains it:confused013

21-12-2009, 6:55pm
Tannin is right, they only grow from cuttings....love to see some of your work with the 7D!!:xmas31:

Haven't got the 7D yet, I'm hoping it will come this week! (but I may have also been fleeced by flea-bay...it better come!)

21-12-2009, 6:57pm
is theis a really bad corner where people just cant see a couple of poles :eek: lol

21-12-2009, 7:00pm
Maybe they wait until it's dark and jump out in front of cars....:lol2:

21-12-2009, 7:20pm
No. Sadly this is where all the dead, little red square stickers are buried. sniff, sniff. There's no names because their just a "reflection" of their former self.


21-12-2009, 7:29pm
Ok, please explain this...we found this during the Maldon meet yesterday.

l went on a 1 hour bike ride and got stuck in this ... it took me 3 weeks to get out :eek:
Didn't know which was left, right or straight ahead ... and just when you think your out .... it pulls you back in :D hahahahaa

...There's no names because their just a "reflection" of their former self.

Wmhahahaha :lol:


21-12-2009, 8:33pm
A council worker was made redundant and on his last day stuck his quoted here and headed to the pub?

21-12-2009, 8:59pm
What a great shot Mic, true story telling image....just not sure which story it tells though. I do like a couple of the previous suggestions....made me giggle. :D

22-12-2009, 2:41pm
nice post

22-12-2009, 5:56pm
nice post


22-12-2009, 7:44pm
Be interesting to see an "after dark" shot. :xmas31:

22-12-2009, 7:48pm
Are those posts mature now? Might have to send a combine harvester around....

22-12-2009, 10:14pm
I've formulated two theories on this one now Mic.

I reckon they've planted these U-Bute new GM posts alongside the road here, and too close to field that has been well fertilized with the remnants of many broken political promises of better roads and other such pledges that offend the nose of most Aussies.
And I reckon Bob Hawke must have passes by here at some point just after his assertion that by 1990, no child will be living in poverty, so this spot must be well fertilized little bottomless swamp. It is after all, close to the middle of nowhere!
I reckon that Vic Roads planted all those infertile GM mile markers fully thinking that they are totally neutered, but they mustn't have seen the movie Jurassic Park, where the all female population had overcome all obstacles and naturally changed their sex in a random manner.(something about chaos theory, I think). Anyhow it seems that scientists and politicians, and possibly even bureaucrats don't watch movies, and that inanimate plastic posts do!.. hence with the bristling nature of that swamp, and considering the possible political manure manifest in there, coupled with the natural run off from the surrounding hills which would also be brimming with many tons of other, more natural, fertilizing agents.... this image comes as no surprise!

either that, or you're THE MAN when it comes to clone stamping! :D

22-12-2009, 10:22pm
either that, or you're THE MAN when it comes to clone stamping! :D
