View Full Version : Lightroom: quick query

18-12-2009, 8:32am
Been having a play with Lightroom 3 Beta (Mac), my first experience with this program in any form. So, I make some adjustments to an image, exposure, contrast, whatever, then - how do I save those changes? Is this done automatically or have I missed something really basic? Thanks in advance.

18-12-2009, 8:37am
the changes you make to the image is not made to the actual physical file, and are instead only stored in the lightroom database

To apply the changes to the image you need to export it as another file, or print it

18-12-2009, 8:39am
Lightroom never actually "saves" the changes you make to the file. It keeps the original file intact and remembers the edits you've made in a separate file. Then when it is rendering it on the screen for you it applies those edits over the top of the original.

To "save" your changes to an actual file for use you need to "Export" that image to a file and then it will write a new file with the edits applied to wherever you specify.

Lightroom is effectively a cataloguing/database program with minor editing functions. It's primary role is cataloguing and not as an editor. Mind you it is getting more and more powerful with what it can do in an editing sense.

18-12-2009, 8:40am
Lightroom does not physically alter your file at all. It creates what is called a sidecar file, this is just a small file that contains a set of instructions of the changes you have made. Therefore you do not need to 'save', it all happens automatically, on the fly.

This method of working means you always have the original file, and you can have several 'sidecar' files that are instructions for different processing of the same original.

So saving is automatic, but it is not really saving your edits to the photo itself, it is saving a set of instructions about what edits you did.

18-12-2009, 8:42am
lol, we all wrote three responses at the same time

Im glad we all agree


Give me a call, my number's on my website if you want a 10 minute "get up and go with LR tutorial"

18-12-2009, 10:12am
Thanks gents. Got it! So, if working on a JPEG, for example, I can apply changes without touching the original, therefore resulting in non-lossy processing of JPEG? Does it work like that? If so, 'twould be good.


Thanks for that offer.

18-12-2009, 10:20am
yes, it works like that...you can go and reset the settings you have applied at any time.

18-12-2009, 10:29am
Bewdy ripper tube! That's enough for me. Thanks, Kiwi.

18-12-2009, 10:30am
Another happy AP customer :D

18-12-2009, 10:35am
My 2009 AP invoice is in the mail

You got yours yet Michael ?

18-12-2009, 10:37am
Still waiting on my pay out :(

18-12-2009, 10:42am
Oh Tony, while we are at this

Look at the history in the left hand pane in the develop module

works a bit like layers in that you can click back through the history and see the effect (or remove the effect) of each change, works great especially is you use lots of presets like I do to fix up my dreadful OOC shots

18-12-2009, 10:51am
works great especially is you use lots of presets like I do to fix up my dreadful OOC shots

Oh brother! Cry me a river! :music: <--- closest I can get to a violin playing animation