View Full Version : anyone ever made gingerbread houses?

Hamish McHaggis
17-12-2009, 7:18pm
Well, I have and it's great fun!
Sorry the pics are not the best, but I'm having a sugar high at the moment...
Oh, and I've called my dentist....

old dog
17-12-2009, 7:22pm
these are terrific Colin. Looks like home made. The kids should love these.....and the adults too probably.:)

17-12-2009, 7:43pm
mmmmmm drool - mint leaves mmmmmmm

Hamish McHaggis
17-12-2009, 7:47pm
hahaha Mark, you spotted the mint leaves...

17-12-2009, 7:52pm
first one is a cracker imo they look goooood great work.

17-12-2009, 10:35pm
mmmmmm drool - mint leaves mmmmmmm

Plus Freckles and Smarties :banana:

18-12-2009, 7:23am
Nope- you can keep the freckles and smarties, the bananas, the sour drops and even the coconut balls. All I want is the mint leaves.

In fact I think I need some today - write note MUST go shopping

BTW Hamish - Where are the jelly babies who live in the ginger bread houses?

18-12-2009, 10:54am
Beautiful love the lollies:christmasparty:
Have a happy Xmas

18-12-2009, 11:18am
Great decoration, love the little gardens.
I loooooooooooooooooove mint leaves too.

18-12-2009, 12:48pm
They look great Colin :) Great work :)

18-12-2009, 1:34pm
Mmmmm havent ever made em but some Sweedish friends make us one each Xmas. They look good, is the inside of the house filled with lollies too?

Hamish McHaggis
18-12-2009, 2:14pm
Yep, we got into this from a German friend - they're big into gingerbread houses in Europe.
Inside not filled with lollies unfortunately, though no reason why it couldn't be :)

18-12-2009, 2:42pm
never made any but demolished quite a few - yummmmmm....

BTW the images are nicely photographed with good colour, perspective and use of DOF.

Hamish McHaggis
18-12-2009, 4:59pm
LOL Mongo, thanks.
I'll send you some bits for Xmas!

18-12-2009, 6:31pm
These look fantastic....good move on the dental appointment...might need to consider a gym membership too. lol
I had one given to me as a present from a child in my class a few years ago, beautifully wrapped in cellophane. Made the fatal mistake of leaving it on the table, and our dogs inside.....came home to the base board and cellophane on the floor....not one thing else remained!

18-12-2009, 6:53pm
LOL Mongo, thanks.
I'll send you some bits for Xmas!

Thanks Hamish - Mongo never forgets a food favour

Hamish McHaggis
18-12-2009, 8:14pm
...might need to consider a gym membership too. lol

Yep, the thought had occurred to me too Lani :)
At least your dogs spared you the same fate...

21-12-2009, 2:47pm
Great ginger bread house, looks awesome :) and yummy. . .

22-12-2009, 2:36pm
(drool) gingerbread (in best homer simpson voice)