View Full Version : Need some help with unexpected situation::::

04-12-2009, 10:52am
A friend (inexperienced) had accepted a request to shoot her friend's wedding as a favour....no payment involved. It's two weeks away now and she has asked me this morning to be second shooter. I have no experience with weddings either. I accepted for two reasons....

1..for this particular friend. She is eight and a half months pregnant and I can't handle the thought of her coping all day alone.

2... as there is no payment involved, no contract, for me it would be invaluable experience...even though it is not something I would have normally sought out at this stage. For the couple getting married, as they have not made any other arrangements, whatever we can produce is surely better than nothing at all.

I have accepted and will not be backing out on my friend, so any advice to walk away etc is pointless at this stage.

I have arranged with her for us to check out the church, the nearby park etc where the couple want some pics taken.
The problem I have is that the church is darkish and the outdoor photos will be done in the middle of the day -maximum contrast. We will need fill flash outdoors and flash inside the church...assuming it's allowed (we will check). As neither of us has an off-camera flash unit, I was hoping to borrow at least one for that weekend or, if we have to, hire. If there is a kind person in Brisbane who could spare a Canon speedlight or two (or equivalent) on the weekend of the 19th Dec., I would be most grateful.

If anyone has advice/ideas for the day, also very welcome.

04-12-2009, 11:06am
In the church, if you cannot use flash, up your ISO, but make sure you have tested it before hand and found an ISO limit that does not make the resultant photos to noisy.

04-12-2009, 11:17am
In the church, if you cannot use flash, up your ISO, but make sure you have tested it before hand and found an ISO limit that does not make the resultant photos to noisy.

Had thought about that...at absolute worst, I have nifty fifty and my camera (450D) is good iso wise up to 400, ok at 800 only if necessary and useless at 1600...even with noise ninja. I could also use tripod and stick to longer range shots. I have the EF 50-250 but haven't used it in months...the IQ is crap. I'm getting 24-105 for Xmas...will chat my husband up and see if I can have it 6 days earlier, although at min aperture of f4, won't be that much use inside without flash.

04-12-2009, 11:19am
re: speedlights - alternatively, look at hiring equipment

re: in the church - as Rick said, find the limit to how far you want to push your ISO. Use center weighed exposure on the faces - even if you blow on underexpose backgrounds, get the faces/expressions exposed correctly.

What sort of lenses do you have? f2.8? faster/slower? you really need fast glass inside churches. Might be worth hiring/borrowing some if you dont.

re: outdoors shooting - find some shade - there should be shade on at least one side of the church, hopefully it's accessible. Try and position subjects to avoid harsh shadows across their faces/bodies etc.

as for ideas for shots etc, look at some wedding blogs to get some ideas on poses etc. I personally read Jessica Claire, Jasmine Star, Toni Snell (brissy photographer), [B]ecker plus a few others. I also have education material (pic pockets) by Jerry Ghionis that helps with posing and ideas.

hope some of this helps...

04-12-2009, 12:06pm

I will have 24-105IS for the wedding...on a 450D. Also have 50 1.8 and two kit lenses..18-55IS and 55-250IS. I suspect I'll be using the 24-105 most of the time.

My friend (C) has a 400D with same kit lenses as above.

04-12-2009, 2:16pm
The 24-105mmLf4 matches perfectly with a 580EXII,I have both and they work beautifully together.Where abouts in Brissie are you,maybe I can help with the Flash.PM me if you want.

04-12-2009, 2:21pm
The 24-105mmLf4 matches perfectly with a 580EXII,I have both and they work beautifully together.Where abouts in Brissie are you,maybe I can help with the Flash.PM me if you want.

I'm in Camp Hill...would be great if you could...:D

04-12-2009, 2:35pm
wish i could help you out ruth. best of luck :)

04-12-2009, 2:57pm
Hmmmm,other side of Brissie,maybe we can work something out.As I`m sure you can understand,lending $700 worth of kit to someone you`ve never met is a big ask,however,us 450D users have to stick together,:D.The 24-105mmLf4 IS USM works beautifully on a 450D,it`s a bit big but you soon get used to it,with the 580EXII on it balances out soooooo nice.

04-12-2009, 5:41pm
Ok advice:don`t do it.
:If you do,spare batteries,for flash and camera.
:Memory cards,lots of Gig,if you take 2000 shots you`ll get some keepers.
:Check out the Venue and where they want the after shots taken,try to go at the time of the wedding.Take practice shots.
:Pre Wedding,talk to B+G,find out what they want.
:Google a "Wedding Shot List"
:Use bounce flash or if you have an assistant,reflecters.
:Take lots of pics,I took 2400 at my last wedding.
:Expect the unexpected,nothing goes to plan when emotions are high.
:DON`T PANIC,you have to be at ease,the B+G will be nervy enough,if your relaxed,it will make them easier to work with.
:If you can,take some practice shots in the church and other areas.

If I think of anymore,I`ll post them.Good Luck.