View Full Version : Joomla ??

30-11-2009, 3:21pm
Just wondering if there are any Joomla people here.

Any others developing their own joomla sites?

30-11-2009, 4:29pm
There are a few PHP programmers here, Sambob, but I don't know of anyone using Joomla.

30-11-2009, 4:40pm
I have created a few joomla sites and still look after a few.

30-11-2009, 6:58pm
Yes, and we use it at work, though our site is quite large. We also have the benefit of having one of the core Joomla developers on our books...

For a small site that you use infrequently - probably overkill. There are simpler systems.

30-11-2009, 9:19pm
I've played with it, but not rolled out to production.

Interestingly there is a Joomla to vBulletin integration module.

01-12-2009, 6:34am
Ok, so a few here are up to speed on it.

So any discussion may create discussion and not a dead thread.

I use it for my own site and also a few client sites. (4 years experience).

Looking forward to the improvements in 1.6... should be quite a leap forward.

01-12-2009, 9:45am
Not trying to be rude here but you'll probably get better discussions from a joomla forum. I visit here to improve my photography! Just a thought.

01-12-2009, 11:30am
Hi Allann...

Taken aback slightly by reply (I am relatively new here). I to am here to learn about photography.

Having initially looked at other topics to see if general discussions existed here (like most other photography sites and forums) I saw many that dont directly or specific relate to photography.

To join in a discussion or not to join in a discussion is surely up to the individual... and it is not too welcoming to have a slightly dismissive reply intimating that I should go somewhere else.

Joomla is a massively popular, easy to use and setup CMS that is extremely relevant to photographers.. a quick look at there Joomla showcase area shows that photography and photographers rank VERY high, in fact just behind the top categories of Travel & Tourism and Software categories.

I understand and respect that you might not be interested in Joomla but others may be and though (as a photographer.. I would open up a discussion for any like minded people to join in).


01-12-2009, 11:56am
I didn't mean anything by my response and certainly wouldn't want you to go elsewhere. I must have misunderstood your initial reason for posting, because it sounded to me that you were after help/discussion on the merits of Joomla, in which case you would have received better replies from a Joomla forum.
Sorry for any misunderstanding my response may have caused.

01-12-2009, 12:03pm
No problem Allann.... :food04:

online things can sometimes get lost in translation. Thought the reply was strange.

All good and thanks for reply:wd:.

01-12-2009, 12:24pm
Publishing on the Web is definitely part of modern photography!
In fact we discuss it briefly in the New to Photography leaning plan.

That said, I think Allan was suggesting getting support for a CMS via AP was not the best option as the number of people on AP with those skills is very limited compared with the Joomla forums.

I generally minimise my IT tech talk on AP (yeah - its true!), and I'm the senior site tech guy :rolleyes: for a couple of reasons:
a) I don't want to be tech support for everybody :eek:
b) My focus is to keep AP running well and adding useful features when needed :th3:

Is Joomla a good option to publish Web sites? Yes!

Is it for the non technical? Only if you get it via a managed service (my 2.2 cents worth)

01-12-2009, 12:38pm
Hi Kym and thanks for input...

Wast looking for support... just wondering how many here were into joomla. (I am a pro photo and joomla person - currently developed/manage several)

As a BG... I have almost 5 years experience in joomla, about the same in Menalto Gallery and Coppermine (amongst others).

As a passionate photographer and passionate Joomla person I like to share these passions with others ... share the knowledge, learn from others etc......

Thats all... and if others were also interested/ using joomla then a workgroup /brainstorm etc could result.

Announcing the above experience / motivation would (IMHO) have had the SAMBOB come across as a tosser (which may be the case anyway now ;))
