View Full Version : My son the lizard rescuer

21-11-2009, 11:22am
My 2nd eldest, Corey, was walking home from his mates place yesterday, when he came across this little fella stuck in a chook wire fence.he broke apart the chook wire, and got the little guy out, and brought him home. We kept him overnight, in a box with some leaf litter, water and grubs, and let him go this morning :) I think that he was horribly dehydrated! the colours in his mouth were a lot paler than normal.

21-11-2009, 11:46am
Great that he freed the lizard and it was ok:)

21-11-2009, 11:54am
Good going guys :)

Hopefully this beardie will live long and avoid chicken wire in the future.

21-11-2009, 12:12pm
Oh I think he will Dave, he headed straight for the long grass when we let him go. The kids were ecstatic that he lived thru the night, and they had saved him. I hope he manages to stay away from chicken wire, and dogs!

21-11-2009, 1:25pm
He's lucky your rescuer came along and not something big and mean! Great work, my compliments to the boy!

21-11-2009, 1:36pm
Thanks Odille :) I think he deserves a great big pat on the back too, he did a great thing :)

21-11-2009, 4:20pm
My congrats to Corey, that's a great exhibition of respect for life, something to be really proud of, and well done!! :th3::th3::th3:

21-11-2009, 4:34pm
Thanks Andrew! He's a real little wildlife warrior that one, his hero was Steve Irwin.. wanted to be just like him :eek: which as a mother is a tad scary! lol I'm really proud of him :)

21-11-2009, 5:15pm
Congratulations to your son for coming to the rescue,
it will be something he'll always be proud of and rightly so.
I love it when I see examples of kids displaying courage and kindness.
and the best bit is, that you have recorded his proud moment. :)

21-11-2009, 5:36pm
Thanks Avalon, Corey has always been kind hearted towards animals.. he doesn't quite know how to deal with humans, he has aspergers syndrome, and just doesn't understand human mannerisms etc. He deals so much better with animals :D

21-11-2009, 6:09pm
Not quite sure I know how to deal with some humans either,
but I'm sure this will be a great boost to his self-confidence,
and what a great illustrated story for "show and tell"! :D

21-11-2009, 8:58pm
Lovely story Kirsty, good on your young man to take the initiative and show compassion towards another living creature. a lot of kids don't seem to get that these days.

22-11-2009, 1:05am
Nice Pics,your young bloke deserves a big pat on the back.I`m sure the Bearded Dragon appreciates his attention.Give him a "Well Done" from me.

22-11-2009, 8:27am
Thanks Lani and Kev,Hes always been compasionate towards animals.. he just seems to get them better than anyone else I know. If he could get on as well with humans as he does with animals, he'd do wonders in life I reckon!
( all this happened while I was waiting on the dressings for my toe... lol i'm surprised how well the photos turned out! :eek: )

22-11-2009, 12:18pm
Great pics and a super kid well done

22-11-2009, 12:49pm
thanks Share :)

24-11-2009, 11:55am
god bless. and what a cute lizard too :)

24-11-2009, 12:26pm
Thanks guys :th3: I think I have a future wildlife warrior on my hands with that one :D can't wait!

04-12-2009, 12:46pm
Well done to your son! Its nice to know that there are others out there that will stop and help an Aussie Native in distress. Unfortunately its not a common thing here in Orange (to help animals in distress).

I'm sure the dragon was very appreciative.

04-12-2009, 12:54pm
Thanks Raven. My kids were taught from a very young age to help the natives, we used t obe a part of the "W.I.R.E.S" program when the big boys were younger, and quite often had possums, joeys, snakes and lizards in the house. I think they grew up thinking that the animals were part of their family ..lol :D