View Full Version : Angles for a larger model?

13-11-2009, 11:05am
Hi :)

Well tomorrow i am going to take some maternity pics for a friend of mine...i am a complete amatuer when it comes to this, but really want to do a good job for her (and myself) and make sure i sure i do her justice.

She is a gorgous girl, with a larger build...so i'm wondering what angles and poses would best suit someone with this build..She is very comfortable with herself and from what she said she would like some "la natural" poses done...obviously tasteful with nothing showing. I think i read somewhere that 'front' on should be avoided...what about with the arms? what is the most flattering for the arms/tops of arms?

Any suggestions for the most flattering poses/angles and what to avoid would be much appreciated. :)


Adrian Fischer
13-11-2009, 11:14am
I would suggest you do a hunt around various photographers sites and see how they handle it. A picture is worth a thousand words. Have a look at some of the links to webpages from the members bio in AP.

13-11-2009, 11:24am
First tip is to shoot with a longer focal length as that is more flattering, also shooting down and from an angle helps, as the subject then looks up and there is a reduction in the chance of a double chin. Having the arms out from the side, resting on hips also stops them from looking squashed, and gives more shape, maybe use some fabric to drape a bit so there are not big expanses of flesh as well. Another trick is to frame her in the shot so that part of her is out of the shot, and you then focus on the face, if you know what I mean. :)

13-11-2009, 11:25am
Nicole, I have arranged to do similar shoots on several occasions and can now safely pass on the following three tips.

Tips for shooting pregnant models.

1/. Don't put the shoot off until they get bigger, babies have a tendency to arrive early.
2/. Don't put the shoot off until they get bigger, babies have a tendency to arrive early.
3/. Don't put the shoot off until they get bigger, babies have a tendency to arrive early.


13-11-2009, 11:44am
Thanks Adrian...i was wondering how i do that...see members bio's i mean? Do i just click on their name? I Have had a bit of a look on flickr and things for 'inspiration' and your right the photo's really do speak 1000 words, they have helped alot!

Lani your tips are extremely helpful..i was dreaming abotu double chins last night! lol I only own one lens (Tamron 17-50mm 2.8) how do you think it will go? For this kind of shoot what would you say would be the 'ideal' lens? I'm making myself up a wish list at the moment of what i want! :D

Haha i've been thinking that too Fantasyphoto..she will be 34 weeks she wanted to put it off awhile longer, but she is getting induced early as she has gestastional diabetes and at risk of other things, so have a feeling she will have bub sooner than later! :)

Burning Image
13-11-2009, 11:49am
short lighting and also 3/4 pose helps

13-11-2009, 11:56am
When I have worked with plus sized models in the past I have found strong directional side lighting works well. Use a north facing window with a shear white curtain as a diffuser if you don't have off camera flash equipment.

It is very important that you expose only for the highlights and allow the rest of the body to fall into the shadow area effectively slimming the model.

JM Tran
13-11-2009, 11:57am
-dont have anything stripey on her
-LONG FOCAL LENGTH, I cannot emphasize how important this is for a larger subject lol
-edge lighting really helps thin the subject too

13-11-2009, 12:42pm
So if i hang like a white sheet over a window that will help?
(and yup dont have anything except my camera Canon 50d and the tamron 17-50mm 2.8 lens)...when i have 'healthier' finances i would like to add, but until then will be relying on the natural light.

I know this sounds extremely dumb...but i'm not very good when it comes to correct terminology..i'm getting there though! The longest focal length for my lens would be 17 would it? so i would keep it at 17 the whole time and zoom with my feet?

My friend is pretty understanding and knows i haven't done anything like this before, so luckily she will be patient with me and is willing to try alot of different things, so hopefully at the end we will have something decent a hlaf professional looking! (She is my guinea pig! haha)

So what i need to remember..shoot from above, and on a angle is more flattering 3/4 poses, use a north facing window with a sheer white curtin so help 'shadow' parts creating a slimmer look, use the longest focal length, wear nothing stripey and i read somewhere that if i wore a white top it would help 'bounce' light..is that true or a load of ??

13-11-2009, 1:14pm
The 17mm (wide angle) will make her look like a blimp :eek: if the 17-55 is the only lens you have then keep it at 50mm.

The material for the window should be shear and translucent a cotton sheet will most likely cut down too much light.

You can also use a reflector to add light, if you don't have a commercial one use a large piece of white cardboard or something similar.

13-11-2009, 1:42pm
Hahahahah 'a blimp' hahaha sorry that just made me laugh so much!
So lock it into 50. I'm looking at buying a new lens would you say a 50mm 1.8 or 1.4 would be the best option for this type of work? If not what lens would you recommend?

I'm pretty sure i've got a transulent sheet/material i can use so that will help...i have a large price of white canvas..could i use that as a reflector?

13-11-2009, 2:02pm
Not knowing what sort of camera you have makes the recommendation a lttle difficult, I'll work on the assumption you are using a Nikon or Canon (crop sensor) camera based on your choice of lens.

When I still had my natural light studio I was using a Canon 70-200mm f/2.8IS but that studio was six metres long. Ideally you should have an effective focal length of 105mm or a little more (a 50mm lens is about 75-80mm on a crop sensor camera). For small studios I have always liked the Canon 24-70 f/2.8 lens but there are a lot of new model lenses that I have not tried yet that may even be more suitable.

At the 70mm focal length on a Canon body that is equivalent to 112mm...... sorry if this is getting a little confusing.

The reflector needs to be something stiff as it may need to be tilted and the canvas will just flop about. It is possible with practice to produce excellent portraits using simple window lighting and a reflector.

13-11-2009, 3:47pm
3/4 pose is important, this is most flattering to us larger ladies. And if it is a standing shot, do a couple with the weight on different legs (ie the forward leg and the backward leg from the camera pos) and see which looks nicest.

13-11-2009, 8:22pm
short lighting and also 3/4 pose helps

-dont have anything stripey on her
-LONG FOCAL LENGTH, I cannot emphasize how important this is for a larger subject lol
-edge lighting really helps thin the subject too

take not of all that is above ^^^ That would be my advice. Good luck :th3:

13-11-2009, 9:12pm
Sorry i thought i mentioned my camera! Its a Canon 50d.

Thanks so much for all your advice i hope i can get at least a few decent shots for her.
i have some white A3 paper here and some brown cardboard, so will glue the paper on that and see how that goes as a reflector.

If anyone has any 3/4 pose pictures they could post for me of give me a link to go to, to look at that would be much appreciated..i have some pictured in my head, but just want to confirm i'm on the right track.

Thanks again

13-11-2009, 9:19pm
I know this sounds extremely dumb...but i'm not very good when it comes to correct terminology..i'm getting there though! The longest focal length for my lens would be 17 would it? so i would keep it at 17 the whole time and zoom with my feet?

Haha how dumb am i!!! i was thinking it was like eye sight..you know when someone is short sighted they cant see in the distance and long sighted you cant see up close...was thinking it was the same kinda think (long was the short) and short was the long..my goodness i am dumb! :rolleyes:

19-11-2009, 2:30pm
How'd you go with the pics?? I hope they turned out ok :)

Erin :)

20-11-2009, 5:40am
yea come back and comment .. im keen to know how you went as well :)

20-11-2009, 8:51pm
Haha sorry i couldn't find where i posted this question (I was looking in technical help for it =/)! I have been meaning to come back since saturday night! lol

Just wanted to say thankyou so much everyone for your help/input.

They turned out ok...lol. Not fantastic, but not bad either..am pretty happy though with it being my first try.
It was the first time i have met the husband, and he was as shy as anything and did not say a word, and when i got there was in the old singlet and shorts, not ready at all! haha He was very sweet though and just kept looking at her (Julie) with so much love in his eyes, it was like every time i got him to put his arm around her and look at her he just wanted to kiss her! :cheeky33:

They wanted the pictures done at home, and the only room in there house was therre room, was quite small and there bed took up most of the room, so it was hard to try and get a good angle without something obsuring the frame if you know what i mean..but they did turn out ok.

Still trying to PP them all, as my 2 girls have been sick the first on monday vomiting for 24hrs and the other yesterday and today, so i haven't had much of a chance to get right into it. Have emailed a few through to Julie to look at and she couldn't be happier..she's over the moon, i told her not to get to excited cause she hasn't seen them all yet!

Having trouble getting her skin looking smooth and even as she has bad sunburn, and when i convert to BW her face seems a bit hard if you know what i mean, so playing around with that atm.
I'm just trying to upload a couple to flickr now to show you what i did...like i said they're okay but loads of room for improvement@! LOL

THANK YOU AGAIN EVERYONE, Your input helped me so much!

20-11-2009, 9:01pm
Here is two that i already had uploaded! (and yes there's a full body shot!) i think i took about 6 full body ones, that turned out okay...this is her favourite..although i must admit the cloud coming out of his head really bothers me, its the first thing i noticed..will have to play with the PP and see if i can make it a little less noticeable. And i find the sun is a bit bright on her face and sand...it was taken around 5.30pm but the sun was still a bit high


and her tummy
