View Full Version : AP Meet - Sculpture By The Sea meet fun pics

07-11-2009, 4:54pm
Ok I'll get the ball rolling. A few shots of the hardy souls who got up at ungodly hours this morning to catch the sunrise over Bondi (which was well worth it, mother nature turned a fantastic sky for us). ;)

At the start of the walk, with the sun just over the horizon :

As Ness couldn't knock my tripod anymore, she had to find other creative ways of interfering with my shots :

Case in point :

And Bryan getting low on the sand for a shot :

Let's see some more from everyone else who turned up. :D

07-11-2009, 5:03pm
Looks like you had a great time :)

07-11-2009, 5:24pm
Here's a couple of shots from the S.by the sea, AP Sydney meet
never fails to amaze how people are thinking when they create their art

07-11-2009, 5:29pm
Great photos. It was a great morning. I'm still working on my photos, but here's a fun one I took as well.

07-11-2009, 5:45pm
That's a great shot Judy, nicely done ! :th3:

BDH - #5 is a magnificent shot, but only because of the good looking Nikonian you managed to capture in the frame. :p

07-11-2009, 5:50pm
That's a great shot Judy, nicely done ! :th3:

BDH - #5 is a magnificent shot, but only because of the good looking Nikonian you managed to capture in the frame. :p

I didn't see that, dont worry I'll crop the guy in the BG out

07-11-2009, 6:00pm
lol well played BDH. ;)

A shot of Judy at work, and an example of the great dawn sky we had this morning :

07-11-2009, 6:15pm
These all look great guys! I can't wait for next year now.
Here's a link to my first Pano:

07-11-2009, 6:36pm
Looks like you guys had some fun on your meet. Some great shots you captured.

07-11-2009, 6:46pm
Some really nice shots there. The horse is incredible.

07-11-2009, 8:07pm
We went after lunch. Sorry I wasn't with the group. Some great work out there. My favourite was the tall lime green thing that slowly swung in the breeze, and change it's look as it swung. To much dust in my pic to post yet. I like these ones as well.


07-11-2009, 8:14pm
Thanks AmPhot for telling everyone what I get up to on these meets :D

Neil - yes that tall lime green thing was good wasn't it? That was my Mum's favourite.
I liked the sand shoes amongst many others. Will post pics tomorrow (including team pic) as I'm a little tired after a 4am start!

Thanks for good meet as always - what shall we do next? Xmas party meet?!!!

09-11-2009, 4:34pm
Thanks for good meet as always - what shall we do next? Xmas party meet?!!!

Yeah but of Glenn wants to meet at 5.15am, the only way I'm going to be drinking is if I'm still up from the night before!

09-11-2009, 4:37pm
lol no worries Tony, I can bring a cup of concrete for you to deal with the early start ! ;) Champagne breakfast somewhere perhaps ? Xmas meet sounds like a good idea, we'll have to start thinking of something so we can get it organised (just to depress everyone, it's only 5 1/2 weeks till Giftmas). :p

09-11-2009, 11:17pm
Here's a few more of the sculptures - I wasn't quite sure where to post these. This is good a place as any as I don't care if they CC'ed or not.

10-11-2009, 6:04am
Love that last pic, Nellie. And I like AmPhot's pink sky with Judy in the shot. But I'm a sucker for pink skies. And I like the clock face or whatever it is, remionds me of the ruins of a civilsation.

I found the ingenuity and imagination of the Currumbin sculptures amazing, looks like it is equally so at Bondi. Can someone post a pic of the mentioned green thingy, even if ti does have dust on the pic. Pretty please.

10-11-2009, 8:13am
Odille if you look in the sundry forum ive posted a shot of that sculpture there. Im typing this on my phone so i cant post a link sorry. :confused013

10-11-2009, 8:57am
Thanks Odile - I finally remembered to meter the sky rather than the object so I didn't blow out the highlights.

10-11-2009, 8:47pm
lol no worries Tony, I can bring a cup of concrete for you to deal with the early start ! ;) Champagne breakfast somewhere perhaps ? Xmas meet sounds like a good idea, we'll have to start thinking of something so we can get it organised (just to depress everyone, it's only 5 1/2 weeks till Giftmas). :p

Giftmas meet sounds good. i reckon it wouldnt be too hard to find gift as we know what everyone likes hehehe :)

10-11-2009, 9:06pm
Well time to post a few of my fun ones...

I've never seen so may men interested in a handbag:


There sure were some funny lookin' people around (I think I last saw this guy in Deliverance):


And finally my favourite sculpture:


10-11-2009, 9:10pm
Dusty Green Thingy! And a bunch of Bover Boys, about 200mm high.

11-11-2009, 11:25pm
looks like a really fun day :)