View Full Version : how to add email to webpage?

30-10-2009, 9:26am
When setting up an email account on a web-page so people can make contact with you, what is the best way to do this to minimse spam attacks?

30-10-2009, 9:55am
dont make it active

example@blahblah.com.au as the forum automatically does,

if ppl really want to contact you make em work for it, that way you know someone had to make the effort.
wont stop all but stops A LOT

30-10-2009, 10:16am
You could also consider setting up a standalone contact page and you don't have to publish the email at all. Keep the contact form simple with data entry boxes for their name, email address, subject and enquiry and it handles it all itself. You nominate an email address for it to be delivered to but it isn't published on the page.

I use a wordpress plug-in contact form which does the job nicely, including handling spam. For even tighter control you can also use that "captcha" thingy where they have to type in the characters before submitting.

30-10-2009, 11:01am
or use a javascript function to "hide" it from bots that scan for active links and/or "non-active" text that looks like email. See this thread for a few ways to do it:


30-10-2009, 8:40pm
thanks everyone!

30-10-2009, 8:45pm
is the <a href="mailto: example@example.com">click to contact me</a> a safe way of going about minimizing the risk of spammers?

30-10-2009, 8:52pm
is the <a href="mailto: example@example.com">click to contact me</a> a safe way of going about minimizing the risk of spammers?

Doing that makes it active, bots etc will find it & you will get a lot of spam .
there are ppl out there who do nothing but troll sites & just click an active email addy hell there are even programs that search for it . next thing you know you have wonderful offers.

Personally I would go & do go with just text.

30-10-2009, 11:15pm
I'ld set up a form and have the CGI that processes it send it to your address using sendmail or so.

31-10-2009, 10:41am
So when you say type it, but not literally so, so you mean something like

example [at] gmail dot com

31-10-2009, 5:35pm
So when you say type it, but not literally so, so you mean something like

example [at] gmail dot com

:th3: yep actually that way better also.
at least that way, you know a person is behind the sending.
bots have trouble working it out.
Like i said before wont stop all but will stop A LOT

take a peek on my sites if you wish to double check

01-11-2009, 11:09am
or use a javascript function to "hide" it from bots that scan for active links and/or "non-active" text that looks like email. See this thread for a few ways to do it:


Thanks campo, I ended up going down the javascript route, works well.