View Full Version : Why I hate Microsoft... (rant)

21-10-2009, 4:32pm

Remember that Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant add-on that Microsoft sneaked into Firefox without explicit permission from end users?

Well, the code in that add-on has a serious code execution vulnerability that exposes Firefox users to the “browse and you’re owned” attacks that are typically used in drive-by malware downloads.

Simply ... they do things to you without your permission! That just sux! (Electronic rape if you will :crzy: ) :action: :action:

What did they do...
Well if you have Firefox installed you sometime enhance it with add-ons.
All well and good. That's your (or my) choice!

But!!!!! :angry0: M$ decided that Firefox 'needed' a .Net add-on and installed it WITHOUT giving you a choice. :angry0:

Then that non-optional piece of crud software has a freakin security hole!!! Arrrrr!!!!
I blinkin well use Firefox to avoid security issues!!!!!

Repeat after me ... DON'T TRUST MICROSOFT!!! :lightbulb:


21-10-2009, 4:57pm
apparently the M$ add-on is ok (yeah right, like i trust M$ - it's gooone) and Mozilla has blocked the plugin:


21-10-2009, 6:09pm
Not a good thing from MS, but.... I don't like the way FF handles the MS push either. Behind the back of the user the bloody thing phones home and quite unexpectedly a window pops up telling me it disabled the MS .net and WPF plugins, no options to opt out. Just as bad IMHO.

21-10-2009, 6:15pm
apparently the M$ add-on is ok (yeah right, like i trust M$ - it's gooone) and Mozilla has blocked the plugin:

Its been unblocked. The real issue is that users get no choice - HOW DARE THEY!!!

21-10-2009, 6:21pm
Not a good thing from MS, but.... I don't like the way FF handles the MS push either. Behind the back of the user the bloody thing phones home and quite unexpectedly a window pops up telling me it disabled the MS .net and WPF plugins, no options to opt out. Just as bad IMHO.

I'd rather FF blocking a M$ security issue of it's own accord, than being asked if I want to blah, blah, doda dito.... to the unwary, if Mozilla ask if you want FF to disable some M$ garbage, the chances are that the typical end user will decline, as they think they need this M$ crap to allow their PC to run properly!

I hope someone is going to sue M$ over this incident! :D

21-10-2009, 6:23pm
I got a warning the other night on it getting blocked by firefox (posted on it here (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=41704)) - very annoying they (MS) installed addons without asking if people wanted them :/

21-10-2009, 6:41pm
Buy a Mac

21-10-2009, 6:43pm
Buy a Mac

:D Sure ... or run Linux :cool: ... but M$ is the lowest common denominator and I'm stuck with it.

21-10-2009, 7:22pm
I run Ubuntu primarily, Slackware and XP for the odd game.

23-10-2009, 8:37am
I have a Mac

Happy happy happy happy no microsoft happy happy happy :)

25-10-2009, 3:15pm
I have been receiving that message and had no idea what is was about. Thanks for the heads up.

I'm another going through an anti-Microsoft mood at the moment and while my current PC is having RAM "issues" I have been looking at the new iMacs. Dreaming, but hoping!

25-10-2009, 3:38pm
Buy a Mac
or run opera 10 :D

26-10-2009, 12:39pm
Just have to keep constant vigilance :)