View Full Version : Show Us Your Favourite Ever Image

14-10-2009, 6:55pm
I would love to see everyone post their favourite image that they have EVER taken, and give a short one or two line description of the image, and why it is your favourite image. it doesn't have to be your technically best image. it can be noisy, grainy, soft, sharp, moody et al.

It's not easy to pick a favourite, and it probably depends on the mood you're in as to which image is selected. Here's mine:

This was taken at the Semaphore Kite Festival in 2007. I like the tones in the image, which give it kind of a forboding look, and there is a bit for the eye to look at whithout being too cluttered.


14-10-2009, 7:04pm
I will play.

This would be mine at present, I change my mind all the time though about what I think is my best photo

14-10-2009, 7:23pm
This is not any gr8 technically sound portrait, but it is the one shot I treasure in all the thousands I have taken since June 2008.

It brings out the strongest emotions in the subject, she was looking at the entrance of the Orphanage she was raised in as a child.

It also brings out the strongest emotions in me because it is my mother in law who is no longer with us.

Tis the only image I ever took that tells a thousand stories in one pair of eyes.


old dog
14-10-2009, 8:19pm
a nice little thread Tom.......here`s mine from our trip to Borneo july last year. It is my fav from the whole trip. THIS is the genuine tree hugger. A full grown orangutan.


14-10-2009, 9:04pm
This prob would have to be one of my most favourites:)


14-10-2009, 9:56pm
This is my very first contribution to the forum.....
My favourite photo of one of my favourite subjects - my furkids!! A pretty 'fluke' shot too as I was sitting out on a tree branch overhanging a river and turned to see where my dogs were and there they were waiting patiently for me to come back to them...as I did I almost slipped into the river, camera and all - yikes!! Actually took alot of skin off that day but very happy with the shot I got!



14-10-2009, 11:06pm
This one is a bit of a ringer - it's my photo but not my picture.
The Lowry gallery in Manchester (UK) includes this painting which I shot hand-held and in available low light (no flash which not allowed but anyway would not have worked). It needed quite a little aftercare in Photoshop but I'm pleased with the result. However, kudos to Mr Lowry.

15-10-2009, 5:51am
My favorite picture represents my dream of visiting every stone circle in the British Isles.
This one is the furthest I have reached. The are the Stones of Callanais in the Hebrides off western Scotland.
Thanks for reminding me! :)

15-10-2009, 6:12am
Easy - my Pelican Perch picture. This was taken just after the severe coastal low and subsequent flooding of June/July 2005. We had 875mm of rain in 18 hours - yes, you read that right - I had the flu and was up coughing and kept going out to empty our 125mm rain gauge. I was very glad we are on an elevated ridge!

This tree snag washed down to just past the Tumbulgum bridge, and the pelicans started appearing there every morning, I would see them as I drove to work. One morning about 5 weeks after the flood I saw all these pelicans and the 2 cormorants and 3 black shags perched & preening there and stopped and took 20 or so photos. This was the pic for the bird flying past (I was told what it was, a migratory species, but have forgotten - anyone? The next flood down moved the snag and the pelicans hardly ever used it again.

This one was entered in the inaugural Tweed Naturally (now renamed Caldera) Art Awards and despite competing against paintings, sculptures etc was selected as a finalist and exhibited. I was very proud and pleased to be chosen.

Oops!, I've accidentally loaded the version I put a filter over and it won't let me remove it! I've posted the other one underneath - no I haven't it won't let me! Why does THIS forum never let me edit a photo - I just get the 'you don't have enough priveleges for that. I'll make another post underneath. Sorry, folks..

** removed it for you Odille. Image now below- Rick **

15-10-2009, 6:24am
Here is the right one

15-10-2009, 6:49am
I change my mind all the time, but I keep coming back to this one.


(July 2003. Nikon Coolpix 4500 and Swarovski ATS80 HD spotting scope)

(Which, now that I come to think of it, is pretty good evidence that it's the picture you take, not the equipment you take it with.)

15-10-2009, 6:57am
Odille, as per your post, the bird flying past looks to be some sort of tern.

15-10-2009, 7:19am
This is my favourite, still after a few weeks. My son Rian, he sat very nicely in the natural light for me, then after about 15 minutes asked me " Mum, are we gonna take photos ALL day??" Sighed, and put his head on his knees.. such a drama queen! lol


15-10-2009, 7:39am
Don't know why but I just like this one taken in the Queen Street Mall.

15-10-2009, 8:49am
This image of a farm in the Mount Lofty Ranges is a favourite of mine because I came upon it by accident, and was quite surprised by the colours of the different cereal crops.

15-10-2009, 9:03am
Mine would have to be this one, as I still chuckle when I see it.

15-10-2009, 10:05am
^^^ haha, that gave me more than a chuckle!!!

Great topic idea too. I'll have to think about and post my favourite.

Wulfys Kingdom
15-10-2009, 2:10pm
I would have to agree with Furkids, my furkids are my favourite subject too.

They are what inspired me to get into photography and to me they are amazing creatures. Their lives are short and fragile, but they live every day to the fullest and enjoy every single one of lifes little pleasures, they play hard, they sleep long, they eat well.

A chance photo of one of my boys, Wulfy telling me a story...


15-10-2009, 2:18pm
Seeing that im a car nut it has to be this one, not a full car but it says "ive got heaps of power"

15-10-2009, 5:09pm
Mongo is hopeless - can't decide

15-10-2009, 7:15pm
Anzac Day ... just the stories these two could tell...


15-10-2009, 7:26pm
There are 4 that I really favour so had to eanie, meanie, minie, moe &


15-10-2009, 7:27pm
Some brilliant shots here! Great to see everyone's favs! Here is mine!

15-10-2009, 8:06pm
Mine of the moment.

15-10-2009, 10:12pm
This is still mine. Granddaughter.http://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww289/landteacher/DSC_0037-1.jpg

17-10-2009, 3:40pm
Mine would have to be this one, as I still chuckle when I see it.

This is the funniest koala's pic I've ever seen !! :cool::cool:
Very well done, Allann ! :th3:

17-10-2009, 5:56pm
Ha,ha. Agreed. Hilarious! Some great shots. I don't know how people choose.

17-10-2009, 6:45pm
I have a few favourites but I love this one for just being in the right place at the right time! :D


17-10-2009, 7:50pm
How do you get that beautiful haze around your image?

17-10-2009, 7:53pm
Wow..some beautiful shots out there...here's my favourite which i took this evening!

17-10-2009, 8:11pm
This would be mine, wandering round Hide Park in london and he just happened to be there. Right place at the right time


17-10-2009, 8:25pm
Like many others my favourite shot changes regularly, but even 22 months on, I still return to this one.

Shot in the wee hours during a lull in the week long heavy weather of Jan 2008, amidst copious amounts of sea spray and near total darkness. A mate from Sydney and I shot the S.S. Dicky, and then stuck around on the beach until dawn to shoot that too.

17-10-2009, 8:41pm
My favourite at the moment but that also changes, the burnt out church at Port Arthur,with attitude.


17-10-2009, 10:24pm
I too have a few I love here is one of them.