View Full Version : USB Drive Thats Not There Showing As Is?

07-10-2009, 5:13pm
Ok - this may be my fault - and I'd say it is lol When we got this comp I was swapping a heap of stuff via a usb stick from old comp to new - and cause i didnt see it showing as a hardware safety remove thing - I removed the usb stick without using safely remove

Anyway now everytime comp boots up since then it think it has an F drive (which doesnt exist cause if click on it says insert a disk) which i can safetly remove

I'm pretty sure it doesnt have anything in it that it would be calling F is just C and D h/drive partitions and E: dvd/cd drive

IS there someway to stop it thinking F is there?

Edited to add: or if there is a USB F: what is it???


07-10-2009, 5:20pm
disk management in the management console

Right Click - My Computer, choose menu item - Manage, when that opens choose disk management
Be careful if you do the wrong thing you can severely disable your system

07-10-2009, 5:23pm
hmm ok but if this F is something that should be there - which i dont think it is - what happens then :eek:

At pres it's "safely removed" - so will have to try this when boot up next and shows again

07-10-2009, 5:24pm
hmmm.. Odd..Ask Kym (LOL)

07-10-2009, 5:39pm
well have booted up so have it showing again as hardware I can safety remove

07-10-2009, 5:48pm
Ok screen dumped from safely remove - there is no flash drive plugged into USB? just printer and a canon camera cord...

07-10-2009, 6:11pm
Download USBDeview (http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/usb_devices_view.html), find the offending driver and remove it. Reboot. It should get rid of the message...

07-10-2009, 6:20pm
thats showing it - i unistrall driver?
but then what happens when need to use that flash devce again?

07-10-2009, 6:22pm
well i unisallared it - will see what happens on another boot up

07-10-2009, 6:28pm
ARGH it back :confused:

07-10-2009, 6:40pm
ok now after disabling F its not coming up with the safe remove - but next drive is G if plug in somthing how can i get F back if no F as such?

07-10-2009, 6:40pm
ignore this post...

07-10-2009, 7:17pm
hmm in the prog Jev said - if i right click i can go into Registrey on it - hmm can i do anything in there ???

07-10-2009, 7:32pm

Cat you said it's a USB drive, yet the screen grab shows a multi flash reader USB device
That usually means a USB card reader of some kind???

Do you have a card reader, either internally in the PC, external USB connected device, or on a printer/MFC connected via USB?

Anyhow, my USB drive comes up as USB Mass Storage Device listed in the safely remove harware screen.

BTW, windows probably configured the drive to be hot pluggable, so having to 'safely remove' the device shouldn't be necessary. The only precaution you do need to take is to makes sure you don't unplug it until the activity light on the USB drive has stopped flickering.

07-10-2009, 8:12pm
Cat you said it's a USB drive, yet the screen grab shows a multi flash reader USB device
That usually means a USB card reader of some kind???
Indeed, you should not remove the one shown by windows. But the USB flash stick should show up in USBDeview and you should be able to remove that.

Now that you mention it, I think the re-appearing disk has nothing to do with a USB flash stick.

07-10-2009, 8:30pm
okl ill fix it so shows
so what is it then??? i dont think is a card reader or anything????

07-10-2009, 8:43pm
i have it back so showing again now lol good i can reverse things in Jevs program lol

09-10-2009, 8:39am
hmm - well I'm dumb and blonde lol :D just discovered a sd/mmc etc card slot on the front bottom of the comp lol OIbviously its that - and 2 more USB ports also :D