View Full Version : CS4 upgrade now that the dust has settled

05-10-2009, 1:43pm
I held off on upgrading Photoshop CS3 to CS4 earlier because (a) it grates on me to spend more money buying a new version when they haven't fixed the bugs in the old version yet, (b) because they were asking close to $1000 for an upgrade, never mind full version, (c) because I didn't see any compelling reason in the new version, mostly just incremental changes, and (d) because of some alarming reports about the performance of the new version. (Especially from Darksome.)

CS4 has been out for quite a while now and I can buy the CS3 -> CS4 upgrade for under $300, which is a bit more reasonable. Doubtless, they are looking at going to CS5 before too long. I'd be running it on a T Series Thinkpad laptop - dual core 2.5GHz, 4GB DDR3, XP Pro 32 bit.

Worth doing? Wait for CS5? Or just stay with CS3? (I don't plan to upgrade my hardware anytime soon - two to three years off probably.)

05-10-2009, 2:03pm
If CS3 is doing what you want then I can see no reason to worry about upgrading, maybe just wait for CS5???

05-10-2009, 4:05pm
You get get CS4 as a trial first - then upgrade if you feel its worthwhile

05-10-2009, 5:36pm
CS5 is probably 6 months away. They realease a new version every 18months and CS4 has been out a year.

05-10-2009, 7:18pm
Worth doing? Wait for CS5? Or just stay with CS3? (I don't plan to upgrade my hardware anytime soon - two to three years off probably.)

Wait for CS5. I am running a Q6600 with 4GB DDR2 and found it infuriatingly slow (this is my work machine and has no problems crunching massive AutoCAD 3D models and CS3 runs like a charm).

The only real advantage I can see with CS4 is the extra 3D stuff it does (the reason I installed it). But unless you're making composite images I find CS3 the best bet.

05-10-2009, 7:33pm
Thanks for the views so far, AP people. Two things occur to me as a result:

(1) CS4 is presumably a lot less expensive now because CS5 is close - so if I wait, I'll have to wait a long time before CS5 is a half-reasonable price.

(2) Will CS5 support Windows XP? I'm not interested in messing up a good system by putting Windows 7 on it. (OK, Win 7 isn't as bad as Vista, but I don't intend to switch to it just to run one program.) Given Adobe's bad record at OS support, it's quite possible CS5 will be Vista & W7 only.

(3) Kym's suggestion that I download a 30-day trial and see for myself is good, of course. But first I want to get a feel for what people who actually own CS4 and use it all the time think.

05-10-2009, 8:02pm
Wellllll .... I have CS4 and I'm in the process of transferring everything from a (dying) desktop (with XP) to a new laptop (with ... :violent10: .... Vista .... "shudder"!). Can't say I've had any particular problems with CS4 on the desktop, but I'll let you know how I go with the laptop.

06-10-2009, 8:29am
windows 7 is set to be the most stable release ever from microsoft. i have also had first hand reports that as a development operating system it is now given mac a run for its money in its ability to render and process.

06-10-2009, 8:45am
I use CS2 on a G5 mac with 2Gb ram at work and have CS4 on a G4 with 2 Gb ram at home and have no trouble. I feel that you can let a version go by without upgrading as for years now it as only been incremental changes with the new versions. CS2 still does all the work that is required of our design studio.

06-10-2009, 9:37am
Tony, I won a full version of CS4 on ebay a couple of weeks ago for less that $200 delivered from Sydney. Yes, it appears to be the genuine thing despite having my doubts, in original packaging still sealed in plastic. The funny part is that it's actually the "extended" version, I'll never benefit from the 3D bits, but I thought it was a realistic price for something that normally retails for over $1k.

I have no issues running it on my machine, not a problem at all.