View Full Version : Open Source Camera Has Arrived

04-10-2009, 1:35pm
In the old days the cameras could use sensors (film) manufactured by many different vendors. This new approach could be analogous in the near future. You might be able to get lenses from one vendor, sensor from another, shutter from another, and processor and software from still others. You would also be able to upgrade the camera system without buying a whole new body.


04-10-2009, 3:00pm
Interesting if it does happen like that

04-10-2009, 3:04pm
Interesting. I think though to try and introduce a whole new camera now would be really difficult to get off the ground. There are millions of Canon/Nikon/Pentax/Sony/Olympus users out there now who have lenses that fit their specific brands mount etc. This new camera would need to be produced in all mounts, to allow a good uptake by existing photographers. I seriously doubt they could dent the existing market.

04-10-2009, 6:56pm
This initiative though is not for consumer use, it's meant for developing in-camera processing algorithms.

Edit: forgot to mention... this Frankenstein camera is built around the sensor of a Nokia N95. Good luck getting quality, low-noise images out of it :).

The original announcement was here (http://news.stanford.edu/news/2009/august31/levoy-opensource-camera-090109.html), the beast is all about cellphone camera's...

04-10-2009, 7:05pm
I have always wondered if it was possible to build a modular camera (in the same way that SLR MF cameras work). Basically the shutter/mirror/viewfinder mechanisim would be the basis. From there you could fit a different mount (& associated electronics), different back (could do film, digital,ect). This way you could get the best of all worlds.

Would it be possible? I couldn't see any reason why not. Would it be horrendously expensive? Absolutely.