View Full Version : What filter for a wide angle lens ? Hoya PRO1D ?

04-10-2009, 11:53am
So I have 2 77mm Canon lenses (10-22 and 24-105) and Im reading its best to get a 'thin' CPL for these lenses because they tend to vignette and make for patchy colour smoothness/hue across the image for landscapes etc IF you get the cheaper thicker ones, mostly at the wide end.

Trouble is the HOYA PRO1D, for example, is around 200.00. and Im sure its actually a 'thin' one anyway.

Comments and suggestions most welcome: I dont wanna buy better glass only to wreck my outcomes with crappy el cheapo CPLs or ones that are too 'thick' to spread the colours nicely across the image or cough up too much vignetting at the wide end.

If I have to pay 200.00+ for such a CPL so be it, just want to be sure Im getting the RIGHT one.

04-10-2009, 1:29pm
I'm willing to stand corrected but at 10mm I think just about any screw in filter will vignette which means your alternative is something along the lines of a Cokin style filter.

I know I can get away with 17mm and a Pro 1 CPL but I think 10mm may be pushing it. I'm still to try 17mm on my D700 (full frame body) to see what happens.

04-10-2009, 1:29pm
yeah, the 'thick' sided ones can vignette, especially from about 15mm and below, it happens more the wider your lens. You probably would not notice it at all on the 24-105, but on the 10-22 you most likely will. The idea behind the thin filters is to eliminate or reduce the vignetting caused when going ultra wide. Even then at 10mm you will probably still see it.

So, yes pay the $200.00 cause it isnt just the 'thin-ness' that makes it a more expensive filter, but has better glass etc as well.

04-10-2009, 3:14pm
yeah, the 'thick' sided ones can vignette, especially from about 15mm and below, it happens more the wider your lens. You probably would not notice it at all on the 24-105, but on the 10-22 you most likely will. The idea behind the thin filters is to eliminate or reduce the vignetting caused when going ultra wide. Even then at 10mm you will probably still see it.

So, yes pay the $200.00 cause it isnt just the 'thin-ness' that makes it a more expensive filter, but has better glass etc as well.

Thanks Rick and Mark: no gurarentee at the 10mm end its not going to play up abit but that can be dealt with in Photoshop or Lightroom I supppose.

Cough, there goes another 200.00 ish but again it seems u get what u pay for in photography :)

04-10-2009, 6:52pm
Why not try the 'Z' series cokin filters?

11-10-2009, 7:26pm
I am after a 77mm filter for my sigma 10-20 but prices are all over from $65-$135 For a Hoya 77mm UV (0) Super HMC any advice on where to get reasonably prices filters from reasonable supplier etc web sites


11-10-2009, 7:45pm
I think the vignetting depends on the lens you use.
No experience with the Canon 10-22 and filters, but I can tell you that there is no extra vignetting in normal cases with either of my 77mm CPL's on my Sigma 10-20mm.
I do have a Pro1D ultra slim CPL, that I never use as I can't see any difference between it and the standard CPL I have. Either in vignetting or image quality.

I'm fairly sure that you may not see the vignetting on the 10-22(depending on how large the front element is, but from memory of the 24-105, the front element is larger and may vignette on FF(but probably not on APS-C bodies.
I've read that lenses like the Tokina 11-16/2.8, 12-24/4, plus the Nikon 12-24/4 all vignette more with a standard thickness CPL compared to a slim version, but that's more than likely due to the much larger front lens element they have(compared to the Sigma).

I should probably sell my ultra thin CPL, simply because I never use it(as much as I thought I would) but I was also expecting to purchase a Nikon 12-24, or Tokina 11-16 lens a while back.. that's the only reason I held onto it.

11-10-2009, 9:07pm
Thanks Arthur: I bit the bullet and got the Super HMC PRO1 77mm and 67mm CPLs from grey importers in the US and UK respectively and Im waiting on delivery: cost me alot but at least I wont be able to blame the CPLs for my rubbish images :rolleyes:

11-10-2009, 9:17pm
.... but at least I wont be able to blame the CPLs for my rubbish images :rolleyes:

LOL!.. Ok then, I still have an excuse(well, kind'a, as I still have my uber polariser, but simply refuse to use it).


11-10-2009, 9:21pm
I plan to get a UV protector for now in 77mm size and if all good I'll get CPL later


12-10-2009, 3:01pm
I bought a Marumi super-thin CPL. I have owned Hoya brand filters before and find the Marumi at least equal to the Hoya for quality. Another option worth checking out. I got mine from my local Camera House.