View Full Version : Database software

03-09-2009, 2:20pm
Over the last 11 years I have kept up to date an Excel spreadsheet for one of my other hobbies, this started off as a single work book with 100 rows and 2 columns but over the years it has expanded to what is now 4 work books with anything up to 20000 rows and 15 columns each.

Earlier this year I started programming some software that has this and some other information / programs as a single source of information for other people, this I have put up online for anybody who wishes to use it and I have got some good feedback on it.
Over the last few months I have not done a lot of work on it but now need to update and refresh the information, add some new features to the software that I built and remove some information that is no longer needed.

At one stage I was looking at using MS Access to replace the spreadsheet but had some issues with people who have different versions of Office (2000, XP, 2003, 2007)

What I am looking for is some advice on what the best way is to do this and if anybody knows of some free software that will work without the issues of using Access.


03-09-2009, 2:36pm
I use a free converter for word documents, as I only have office 2003, maybe there is one for access as well?

03-09-2009, 2:47pm
I use a free converter for word documents, as I only have office 2003, maybe there is one for access as well?

Thanks Lani, I have that set up on all the computers here at work but don't know how well it handles databases. I will check that out but would prefer something totally free rather then having to convert it from 2007 all the time.

03-09-2009, 2:50pm
Me... I would dump it into a MySQL database.
Then write some sort of search/edit web form to manipulate the data using PHP.

You can install all the tech pieces on windoze in one hit using XAMPP http://www.apachefriends.org/en/index.html
Then if every you needed to you could move it onto the web at any time.

A single table maintenance etc for a beginner should be less than 40 hours work. (Steal code from the 'net - Google is your friend)
An experienced PHP/MySQL developer should knock it off in under a day.

03-09-2009, 3:03pm
I use a free converter for word documents, as I only have office 2003, maybe there is one for access as well?

I just had a look Lani, does not sound good :(
"If you share the database with other users, ensure that those users are all using Office Access 2007 before you convert the database to the Access 2007 file format. You cannot use the Access 2007 file format in earlier versions of Access"

03-09-2009, 3:05pm
Me... I would dump it into a MySQL database.
Then write some sort of search/edit web form to manipulate the data using PHP.

You can install all the tech pieces on windoze in one hit using XAMPP http://www.apachefriends.org/en/index.html
Then if every you needed to you could move it onto the web at any time.

A single table maintenance etc for a beginner should be less than 40 hours work. (Steal code from the 'net - Google is your friend)
An experienced PHP/MySQL developer should knock it off in under a day.

Sounds good Kym and what I am looking for. As the people who use this are not very "IT aware" how easy would it be to set it up so they can download and install it themselves?

03-09-2009, 3:15pm
Sounds good Kym and what I am looking for. As the people who use this are not very "IT aware" how easy would it be to set it up so they can download and install it themselves?


What you do is set it up on a server (which could be a desktop) and they all access via a browser.

If you set it up on a publicly accessible server you will need to secure it as well.

Maybe I misread what you are trying to do - is this shared data or private?

03-09-2009, 3:32pm

What you do is set it up on a server (which could be a desktop) and they all access via a browser.

If you set it up on a publicly accessible server you will need to secure it as well.

Maybe I misread what you are trying to do - is this shared data or private?

Sorry Kym, I think it was more I didn't explain it very well rather then you missing reading it :o

Basically the data is public and anybody is free to download it and use my program, what I do is every month or so I update all the information in the various Word, Excel, PDF and HTML files, make any updates to the base program that runs them all then make a set up file which I put online for people to download and install.

The basic requirements for it are:
Easy to install and set up for the users which I do by having an install file they download and run that copies the files to the right folders and then creates the shortcuts.

Work as a standalone program without needing to be connected to the internet, it is used by myself and others "in the field" as a reference source and the data only needs to be updated by myself every month or so.

03-09-2009, 4:01pm
This might solve my issues:

03-09-2009, 4:29pm
A web based approach (ie. not having to install software on the user's computer) is the best way to avoid compatibility issues.

I have programmed commercial applications using various software over the years (including MSAccess runtimes) and no matter how hard you try there will be instances of compatibility issues. The most obvious one is operating system (ie. Mac/Windows/Linux etc) and the various versions within. If you go down the path of MSAccess runtime, it's best to package it with your custom requirements in one installer. Back in the old days I used WISE quite a bit, but it's been years since i've done this stuff...

Not knowing what you're doing exactly, this suggestion may or may not be applicable. You could consider providing the data in a "universal" format like CSV of XML and suggest various tools (eg excel, access, open office...) for users to manipulate it...

03-09-2009, 6:14pm
I also like what Kym was saying about using MySQL/PHP.
I think if you have the time and skills to do it, then I think it would be a good option. (Although I'm not totally sure about your requirements)
You mentioned that the data and program is public, if you point us in the direction of the current set-up someone may be able to suggest something better.

04-09-2009, 8:56am

I am not an IT professional, but have played around with some programming. I have used Visual Basic (I have VB6) to program a database front end. VB is quite good at this. You can use an Access database (.mdb file) (set it up yourself using Access) then add or display data using your VB application. If it is compiled to an .exe file, your users do not need to have Access to use it. Just distribute your .exe file and update the database when you need to.

04-09-2009, 9:50am

I am not an IT professional, but have played around with some programming. I have used Visual Basic (I have VB6) to program a database front end. VB is quite good at this. You can use an Access database (.mdb file) (set it up yourself using Access) then add or display data using your VB application. If it is compiled to an .exe file, your users do not need to have Access to use it. Just distribute your .exe file and update the database when you need to.

This is sounding like a good idea, I am using Just Basic for my program so I will see if I can add that in to read from Access.