02-09-2009, 10:52pm
I have just switched to a new developer which I hope will satisfy all of my needs. It gives me the advantage of a least a one stop advantage in speed...with Tri-X it's two stops, it gives me freedom to develop anywhere between around 20 degrees up to 28 degrees with no sacrafice in contrast or grain, it is extremely cheap as it is reusable hundereds of times, it lasts inexcess of 12 months, it has the one developing time for most films (which means I can develop tri-x, hp5, pan-f, acros all at the same time in the one tank), and produces a neg that scans extremely well with a huge dynamic range, and i this could be longest sentence i've ever written. here are a couple of shots from the first roll. This is Tri-X rated at ISO1600. Notice the DR in the first shot of the lights!! :efelant: