View Full Version : Trial Blending

31-08-2009, 11:05am
Hey all
Been trying to learn how to blend multiple exposures which im finding quite hard as it is all new to me,so i thought i would post some pics up such as original shadows/highlights image & my ordinary attempt @ blending them.Would like to see how you guy's would pp them such as blending or dodging/burning them,Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1: shadows
2: highlights
3 & 4 My attemps, would like to get sharper & lighten the boat
Regards brad

31-08-2009, 3:43pm
Gday Brad, Just had a brief play with this.
I used image #3, the one on the left I used a dodge and burn layer(50% gray, overlay blend mode)and just dodged the Fg and boat.
On the right I duplicated the layer changed blending mode to screen (to lighten the whole image) then Layer>layermask>hide all. Then painted with a soft white brush at 15% until I revealed some detail. I then copied this layer twice to get the result shown.
I think your biggest issue is going to be what looks like a flare over the front 1/3 of the boat any more shadow recovery there really makes it obvious.
Hope this helps. I look forward to seeing what others might be able to achieve and how.:D

31-08-2009, 4:35pm
I spose it's not really blending manually as such but if you had 3 shots of the boat with different EV say -1,0 and +1 (or can use one RAW file) you could try doing a HDR to blend it in more?

Here's a pseudo hdr just using the 3rd shot (using dynamic photo hdr)

31-08-2009, 4:42pm
hey dbax i like the dodge layer,i find it hard to use this technique as i have tried a couple of times but dont really know what im doing as it is all new to me,just going to have to keep fiddling around with it i guess.

31-08-2009, 4:46pm
Hey miaow like the foreground & the boat but not sure about the cliff in the background as it looks to overdone.but much better then the ones i came up with:D

31-08-2009, 4:56pm
Here's another psuedo hdr using the 2nd one :)

31-08-2009, 6:08pm
hey dbax i like the dodge layer,i find it hard to use this technique as i have tried a couple of times but dont really know what im doing as it is all new to me,just going to have to keep fiddling around with it i guess.

Hey Brad somewhere there's a link to a short video tutorial on the Dodge & Burn layer technique, I'll see if I can find it....watch this space;)

Sorry about the delay had to go to another site to find it
heres the link, some times the vision doesn't show on the site but it works fine thru the download(quicktime).
Hope it helps

31-08-2009, 6:18pm
BTW nice work Cat, you can see the effect that the"flare" coming tru that dip in the hills is going to have on the boat:D