View Full Version : Think my black printhead is gooooone? How do I fix it?

28-08-2009, 10:20pm
I think the black printhead on my Epson R230 is gone. Does anyone know how to fix this as I have heaps of ink in stock and don't want to waste it. I've attached a sample print of my current "black only" print.

29-08-2009, 2:05am
how long since you last printed? It looks pretty crook, but have you done a head clean? Also, is it consistent if you use another black cartridge?

30-08-2009, 11:00am
how long since you last printed? It looks pretty crook, but have you done a head clean? Also, is it consistent if you use another black cartridge?
The printer is used almost everyday and yes Ive done all the usual stuff like head cleans etc. The head is acutally clean, all the lines appear on the test print but they are scrambled. I don't think the cartridge change will do it as the heads on epson printers are within the unit itself and not part of the cartridge (well I think thats the case). I can't seem to locate a tutorial for changing/cleaning the print head on google.

02-09-2009, 6:21pm
I've recalled an issue I had with one of my older Epson's - when doing a head clean the print head moves over to its little docking area which has a sponge like pad under it to absorb all the excess ink expelled during the clean process. If you do excessive cleaning the pad gets saturated with inks and the waste ink can then sit on the print head in a drip and then get transfered to the paper causing lines.

This of course may not be your problem but its something else to waste your time with :D

02-09-2009, 7:06pm
Because epson printheads are in the machine you have to dismantle it and remove the head, if u soak it in some windex overnight it should clean the cloggs out, i had to do this with my old epson on numerous occasions because of using generic inks, for some reason epson printers just do not like them.

02-09-2009, 8:06pm
Thanks guys. Does anyone know of an online tutorial for removing and cleaning the head/s or pads?

02-09-2009, 8:33pm
Thanks guys. Does anyone know of an online tutorial for removing and cleaning the head/s or pads?


get past the product promotion bit..hope that helps

03-09-2009, 3:53pm
Because epson printheads are in the machine you have to dismantle it and remove the head, if u soak it in some windex overnight it should clean the cloggs out, i had to do this with my old epson on numerous occasions because of using generic inks, for some reason epson printers just do not like them.

The stuff you soak it in or whether youneed to get it professionally cleaned will depend on what ink you have been using. Some of the archival/pro Epson genuine inks are pigment based and once these dry out you will have all sorts of trouble trying to get any residue out - like trying to clean out concrete from a mixer. If the ink is only a dye type (non-genuine or some of the low priced consumer models) then the windex will probably do the trick. Chech which sort of ink you use before you decide to pull it down - it may need professional help.