View Full Version : Help... colour calibration not working?

31-07-2009, 1:18pm
Ok, I am not sure what is going on with this. I have my Spyder Pro3 and have followed all the steps for calibration etc.... but everything on screen looks green! Greys are green tinged and noticable.

ie. The background of AP site grey - is grey when off, but green grey when calibration is on.
Q Is this normal?

I have even uninstalled and reinstalled incase I did something wrong.

I have poked around on internet and a couple of times it states to turn off AdobeRGB (http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/321/321608.html) if using a 3rd party calibration tool.

I am using PSE6 (atm) til I install photoshop (only CS2 but a start) and applying sRGB profile.

Here is an example of image before & after calibration:

Q. is there any difference.
Q. Am I just missing something

This might be a hard one unless you can see what I see., but any advise please. Also I have looked at the manual calibration in the AP learning centre (thanks Kym).

31-07-2009, 2:09pm
They look almost identical to me, the bottom one is just slightly brighter.

31-07-2009, 2:12pm
Check the website and make sure you are using the latest software version of the calibration software. Often the packaged ones can be 12 months or more old and newer version can be downloaded.

You havent selected the profile you created for the screen in elements? Cause you dont need to do that. You only need to run the calibration software and its done. Photoshop etc are colour space aware and managed and you just use it has you always have.

31-07-2009, 2:22pm
Check the website and make sure you are using the latest software version of the calibration software. Often the packaged ones can be 12 months or more old and newer version can be downloaded.

You havent selected the profile you created for the screen in elements? Cause you dont need to do that. You only need to run the calibration software and its done. Photoshop etc are colour space aware and managed and you just use it has you always have.

Yes I have downloaded the lastest update. No I didn't select any profile in elements.
Ok, so maybe it is just my eyes?


31-07-2009, 2:26pm
could be your eyes definitely, they can take a while to adjust when they are 'trained' to see a screen in a certain way. Also remember ambient light in the room affects how you see colours etc.

31-07-2009, 2:30pm
could be your eyes definitely, they can take a while to adjust when they are 'trained' to see a screen in a certain way. Also remember ambient light in the room affects how you see colours etc.

hmmm thats what i was thinking.....

31-07-2009, 2:40pm
The only difference I see in these is that the second one is a bit brighter.


mal from cessnock
31-07-2009, 5:05pm
Yeh the second is definately brighter - maybe ½ a stop.

My screen is calibrated and the colour of your images look fine to me.

I think you need to get used to the "new" colour interpretation.

After I did my screen - my first thought was that it was way wrong - white's looked greyer and I was out of my comfort zone.

My screen certainly needed calibrating - my printed images all had a green cast.

With calibration done my printed images are beautiful and I have got used to the screen output and it has become "normal".

I don't think you have a problem - good luck!

31-07-2009, 7:10pm
thanks everyone. I am sure I will get used to it, its just the mid-dark greys look slightly green. :rolleyes:

02-08-2009, 10:22am
What you post here and we see is going to be differnet to what you see because we don't have your screen:) I did purchase a Spyder once but sent it back because I had problems of strange colour casts on my notebook when using it.