View Full Version : Making a Light Tent

16-07-2009, 11:08pm
Okay, so I was a little envious of Rick and his new light tent (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=34329). So, I decided I had to get me one. However, I chose the cheap option - DIY! And because I'm proud of my achievements (:rolleyes: ), I decided to share with you all the making of my home-made light tent. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

Take one box.
(Beer/Scotch/Vodka etc works just as well)

Drink contents of box.

After consuming contents (or during if preferred), make square holes in side of box.

Once sober, discard box.

Take another box.

Make square holes in side of box. Remove top flaps, but not bottom flaps.

I said NOT the bottom flaps!!!

Repeat steps 5 and 6.

Line inside of box with white strips, applying with glue – carefully. Leave to dry.

If required, paint or decorate outside of box.

Cut a piece of semi-flexible white cardboard to fit from the inside bottom front to top back with a curve at the back (no lines) and fix in place.

Pinch mum’s/nanna’s old white summer-of-love muslin dress from closet.

With scissors, carefully cut a strip from back of dress – enough to cover two sides and top of box.

Replace remains of dress back in closet, arranging folds so small missing strip is not immediately visible.

Glue muslin strip across top and down two sides, leaving front hole open, or if preferred, affix some tortuous and elaborate fastening device to secure and remove muslin as and when required.
(Or, just wrap it around!)

Obtain one, two or three portable gas lamps, light and arrange around muslin covered holes as desired.

Place object of beauty inside box.

Take photograph of beautiful object.

Post photograph on Australian Photography forum.

Anyway, it kinda works - I only have one light, so I had some shadows. I'll have to get a couple more lights so I can remove the shadows, but overall, it seems to do the job! :D

16-07-2009, 11:35pm
A very entertaining tutorial :efelant:
I made one of these (very similar to yours) a while back. It does do a fairly good job.
Portable gas lamps though? You didn't? Right?

I @ M
17-07-2009, 4:26am
Absolutely excellent post. :th3: :th3: :th3:
The tutorial and top quality photographs along the way are perfect.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say and your "beautiful object" shot is the proof that all went well.

Of course, the humour and bonus photos at the begining make the post an instant classic.
Love it, I started the morning with a good laugh and that's a great start to any day.

17-07-2009, 5:20am
A great tutorial Cheryl :food04:

17-07-2009, 5:36am
Splendid work Cheryl, I know I can get the 'empty the box' part right............. :p :p :p

17-07-2009, 5:49am
Thanks Cheryl, that was a fantastic start to the day..lol very funny, yet very informative :D I'm really going to have to give this a go I think, the only problem here being keeping the kids/cat out of the box :eek: lol

Debra Faulkner
17-07-2009, 5:58am
Oh Cheryl, Thank you for that! Love it and looking forward to more of your beautiful objects' photos :D :D Excellent thread. :th3: :th3: :th3:

17-07-2009, 7:20am
Very well done!
If you don't have that old dress Spotlight has cloth for this.

Here are another couple of versions:

The image is just right - light, DoF etc. all spot on!

17-07-2009, 7:24am
Woohoo.....I've now got an excuse to consume more "objects" :food04:

Nicely put together little tutorial Cheryl...a good DIY idea

17-07-2009, 7:30am
10 points Cheryl

17-07-2009, 8:08am
Glad you all enjoyed this! I certainly had fun putting it together.

Kym - I did actually use the Spotlight option - at $1.99 a metre for muslin, it doesn't break the bank!!

This is where I got the idea from:


17-07-2009, 8:40am
Loved the tutorial. Very well put together.

17-07-2009, 8:49am
Great work Cheryl works well :) Love the humour in it :)

old dog
17-07-2009, 9:25am
very good entertainment Cheryl. I will try this LT. I have a few boxes of red that I will now have to consume a bit faster.

17-07-2009, 9:26am
Nice one Cheryl....although you did forget step 20...drink contents of beautiful object! :D

17-07-2009, 9:59am
I'm LMAO here.. very entertaining tutorial!!! I've often thought of doing one of these, but never have.. might have to give it a go now!!

17-07-2009, 10:02am
I failed, I never got past Step 2

17-07-2009, 12:11pm
:pirlaugh2: :pirlaugh2: :pirlaugh2:

on ya cheryl, ur a crackup!

21-08-2009, 12:48pm
awesome stuff!
love it :)

21-08-2009, 12:56pm
Cheryl you're funny

i think once i move (cause I'll have boxes then), i'll make myself one.

21-08-2009, 1:34pm
Excellent Tutorial. :D :th3:

21-08-2009, 5:13pm
Haha! I'd forgotten this! Was fun making it.

Thanks for your comments all. I might have to find another little "project". :rolleyes:

Cheryl you're funny

Thanks Matilda. That's reassuring, 'cause my boss keeps saying "you're not funny!". (I think what he really means is I am funny, but he doesn't like anyone being funnier than him. :D )

21-08-2009, 5:50pm
Thanks Cheryl. I am still laughing.

Lost My Box
21-08-2009, 6:59pm
Great work, I've bookmarked it so when I get my camera I'll try making one too :D

21-08-2009, 7:02pm
I started the exact same project during the last school holidays but unfortunately other things have gotten in the way and haven't had a chance to finish it. I even used the same box as you Cheryl and I also obtained my instructions from the same web site.

After seeing your results I'll have to get a move on and finish it. :p

21-08-2009, 9:00pm
Best read, laugh and good informative stuff Mongo has had in a while. Thanks heaps Chessa!

21-08-2009, 9:58pm
lol well done, very well put together...post and light box.

22-08-2009, 5:36am
You're a ruddy genius! And if you wanted coloured effects, you could use pale coloured material, I have a very thin cream coloured cotton sheet I'm thinking of.

22-08-2009, 2:40pm
Thanks a lOT guys.....
Wayne decided to try this project a few hours ago, and is currently passed out on the floor in a drunken stupor:eek:

He didn't have beer or wines boxes- he only drinks rum..... so figured he had to empty the rum box:rolleyes:

On the upside it is good practice for the September piratin' he says he will be doing (he tells me real pirates drink OP rum, and this is why he is going overseas- to restock in preparation)

anyone with a good hangover cure?- it's going to be a looooog month.


22-08-2009, 5:55pm
Thanks a lOT guys.....
Wayne decided to try this project a few hours ago, and is currently passed out on the floor in a drunken stupor:eek:

He didn't have beer or wines boxes- he only drinks rum..... so figured he had to empty the rum box:rolleyes:

Oh dear! It wasn't OP was it? :o

23-08-2009, 9:06am
Yeah Cheryl- OP for him, if he can get it.

Actually he is the only one in the family to really enjoy rum. The best he ever had was bought when he was born by his dad ( who spent precious money they could not afford) on a bottle of Inner Circle Overproof to celebrate. It was through a series of forgetfulness that it wasn't drank until 44 years later. (and trust me that stuff is now illegal for good reason).

Wayne is still making his way through this bottle with evident appreciation, no-one else can even bear to smell it.

09-11-2010, 9:00am
I came back to revisit this, and I intend to get 'a round tuit' sometime soon. There are big advantages to this method - provided you don't glue the fabric, you could have several muslin strips in various pale colours - white, cream, peach, pink, blue etc, and you could make the box as big as you like, to facilitate photographing larger objects.

Now all I need is a box big enough to fit the car in . . .

I will report back.

20-11-2010, 2:12pm
Great post! I love the home made aspect to it! Will definitely be trying this myself...