View Full Version : Which book:::

11-07-2009, 1:32pm
would have the best information for studio lighting techniques. Thanks in advance for your help.


11-07-2009, 5:00pm
Im currently searching for something similar Margaret. First of all I would never pay those prices, check out Amazon, a lot of titles are available used for very very cheap even after shipping .. I just got a GIMP instructional manual in brand new condition for $4 plus $12 shipping .. total $16 ;) RRP for the book is $49.95USD.

As for the lighting, I suppose it depends on if youre after basic or advanced technique as to what title might suit you .. personally im going right back to basics and am searching for books with "one light" projects and off camera speedlight strobism stuff .. Ill let you know if I fond anything you might be interested in :)

11-07-2009, 5:13pm
I have the Joe McNally book Hot shoe diaries,, but most of what I have used and do use is via net tutorials and strobist (http://strobist.blogspot.com/). I prefer to save my $$$ for another flash. :D
Be interested to see what others recommend though.

12-07-2009, 7:38am
Thanks Darren and Lani for your replies. I think I want something on creative lighting for still life, not into portrait photography. I will do a web search for tutorials. Again, thanks.