View Full Version : Ilford XP2 400 120 film

03-07-2009, 7:54pm
O.K. picked up a couple of rolls of this tonight to use in an ond medium format folder - I was a bit worried about it being ISO400, but the guy called the place I will be getting it processed, and they came up with this film.

Anyway has anyone used this before, and can anyone give any advice/tips for using and developing this film (i will not be developing it myself)



03-07-2009, 8:00pm
Xp2 is C41 film, which means it can be processed at any lab that does standard colour films.

As it uses dyes instead of silver halides, it will can much better then trad B&W films.

For using it, I don't know (TOM, have you used it?).

BTW, what else did you get? & is this the camera you have been looking at on the great auction site?

03-07-2009, 8:05pm
I have two rolls of XP2 that I will shoot soon with my new Rolleicord. It seems funny though as c41 B&W kind of defeats the purpose, but from what Ive seen of c41 b&w films they are very creamy and tonal. Dont expect grain.

03-07-2009, 8:16pm
hoffy - this is for the camera that I am borrowing atm - with any luck I may be purchasing my own soon - so don't f'ing bid! :D

Krzys - just been reading some reviews, and by all acounts it is fairly forgiving, and it should hopefulyl help 'hide' some of the exposure mistakes I am sure that I am going to make :)

03-07-2009, 8:17pm
XP2 is an okay film but the best C41 film is the Kodak 400CN (only my opinion, but many others feel the same way). The grain on either is negligable and they scan great because ICE works. ICE does not work on proper b&w films. it has superb dynamic range. get this stuff developed and especially printed at a pro lab. if you get prints from a chemist, expect disappointment. I shot some many years ago but I have been planning on doing some more. grain with 120 film is less pronounced than it is with 135 film.

03-07-2009, 8:19pm
hoffy - this is for the camera that I am borrowing atm - with any luck I may be purchasing my own soon - so don't f'ing bid! :D

Oh, I'm not touching it...you're safe.

03-07-2009, 8:35pm
Shot Kodak B&W 400CN once and was disappointed because I couldn't print from it :p Keep this in mind if you intend to get into black & white stuff as your fav shot may be on the wrong film. Developing your own B&W is much more economic than buying C41 B&W and sending in for processing. Get yourself some bulk film and boxes of cheap powder developer mixed to 1:1. :D