View Full Version : Fun Gus (I wish he was...)

30-06-2009, 7:01pm
Ahh the joys of ebay,

Last week, I bought a near new lens, which arrived yesterday. I eagerly opened the package, examined the glass (always the first thing to do with a new lens) and found some weird looking marks internally. Yep, you guessed it, Fungus.

Neadless to say, I was not impressed.

Now, in total credit to the ebayer who sold the lens, they have offered and given a full refund and have said I can keep the lens. They said that they had used it once quite a few years ago (its an enlarger lens) and not used it since, hence the near new description.

Now, I have a lens with fungus. According to what I have seen on the net, the fungus is not overly much, but it would need to be cleaned or it will spread (& could also spread to other gear if not careful). I have been quoted around $50 to have it stripped and cleaned.

Has anyone here had a lens cleaned or done it themselves to remove fungus? If it is cleaned properly, what are the chances it will come back? I know that the glass may have some etching on it, but as long as the fungus is gone, it may still be fine enough to use.

30-06-2009, 7:12pm
not sure about the cleaning ,but keep it as far away from your other gear as possible. Fungi spores are tiny and can easily transfer from one to the other. Do not even handle your gear after this lens without changing clothes and a good wash

30-06-2009, 7:14pm
Yes, the lens is "quarantined" at work at the moment.

30-06-2009, 7:16pm
ALL SA MEMBERS - Ashley is now in QUARANTINE until further notice!!

:D :D :D


Bleach kills it. Not sure what bleach would do to a lens.

30-06-2009, 7:17pm
Who needs Swine Flu!

30-06-2009, 7:23pm
A bit more practical info... Fungus


30-06-2009, 8:29pm
Thanks Kym,

These should ease my paranoia!! I have gone and checked every lens that I own.....I'm jumping at shadows now! (every mark, piece of dust, hair or fibre is now fungus...grrr)

30-06-2009, 9:09pm
Although fungus spore are miniscule and can travel quite a bit they should'nt take root on your other gear readily, fungi spores need the right environment to germinate, whether this type or common fungi. If you keep your other gear in a suitable, dry and in a well lit area they should be fine.

$50 seems like a reasonable price for a clean, I'd do it.
Curious, where did this lens come from...the tropics by chance ?

30-06-2009, 10:52pm
No, Melbourne actually, which suprised me. From what I can gather, the lens was in storage for 10 years