View Full Version : Safeway seems to have cheap Kodak film

25-06-2009, 1:29pm
Well my local one does anyway at pres so it may be worth checking yours if you want some cheap Kodak film in case yours has it also being cleared? Thought I would post this to let people know:)

Noticed it today on the Clearance trolley while shopping - obviously they are getting rid of a lot of their kodak film stock? Not sure how old it was

Not sure on the exact type think it was Kodak (Gold possibly) ISO 200 - the other one I cant remember the type but wasn't Kodak Gold.

25-06-2009, 4:32pm
Moved this to Film than where I originally posted it as I think be more applicable here :)

01-07-2009, 3:52pm
Just thought I'd add to this that today my safeway still had film out on the clearance trolley cheap- inc fujifilm and the Kodak gold ISO 400 also

Hmm maybe its just my safeway clearing out stuff but still might be worth keeping your eyes out

01-07-2009, 4:35pm
I got a bunch of Kodak Gold 400/36 for $2.50 at kmart a month ago. They sell them cheap when they are like 1 week expired haha.

01-07-2009, 5:34pm
yeah im not sure on what the expiry with these were but they had a lot of it there - thought it may have been to do with kodachrome stop - guy on checkout thought that maybe why also?

01-07-2009, 5:51pm
I cant see how its related

01-07-2009, 6:04pm
ah well - never know a major marketing chain - kodak stops producing one - get rid of others?

More likely the expiry - I did try to check but couldnt fdind it on box - large discount sticker though

01-07-2009, 6:33pm
Why get rid of something when its discontinued, why not stock up and raise prices? and why Kodak Gold that stuff is subpar

01-07-2009, 6:51pm
I don't know why they are getting rid of it but they are - so thought i'd mention it for others incase their safeways doing also?

01-07-2009, 7:14pm
Sorry if I am sounding confrontational, didn't mean it at all :p Just questioning the Kodachrome theory

01-07-2009, 7:31pm
Hmm - i only thought it may have been cause of that cause when kodak annouced that - the safeway did all the film discount? - I dont know the age of thee film though - could be old?

01-07-2009, 8:09pm
More likely the turnover of film has dwindled to where it's not viable to stock it any more. No money in 'dead' stock.

01-07-2009, 8:44pm
More likely the turnover of film has dwindled to where it's not viable to stock it any more. No money in 'dead' stock.

Yeah thats prob reason - sad in a way :(

02-07-2009, 12:46pm
Yeah thats prob reason - sad in a way :(

sad in every way. kodak however are still making film and they are also developing it. over 50% of professional photographers still use film. for their personal work and/or also for their main work. film is still going strong with photographers, no so much with consumers (liek sheep) or digital imagers. the big player in the film market is the movie industry and film is still king and will be for the foreseeable future. people like Stephen Speilberg refuse to use digital. i personally prefer a hybrid workflow of film>digital output, and one thing is for sure, black and white film and paper will always exist. it is cheap and easy to make and digital cannot match true balck and white.

thanks for posting this Mioaw, some people love expired film for the unpredictablity it can produce.