View Full Version : What is in your fridge?

22-06-2009, 5:57pm
17 x Hp5+ (35mm)
1 x Agfa 50
2 x Ektar 25
1 x Delta 3200
1 x Fuji Superia 400
2 x Fuji Superia 1600
4 x Kodak Gold

3 x Hp5+ (120)
1 x Fp4
2 x Xp2
1 x PanF
1 x Neopan SS

22-06-2009, 6:03pm
Non now; threw the last couple of rolls out last week>>ex date 1997!!


22-06-2009, 6:17pm
What what what! Half of my film is expired, most around 1988 and its all still beautiful!

22-06-2009, 6:31pm
What what what! Half of my film is expired, most around 1988 and its all still beautiful!

Yeah but it willnot fit in the card slot :confused013


22-06-2009, 6:34pm
Fish them out of your bin and I will take them!

I @ M
22-06-2009, 6:42pm
What is in your fridge?

Food, beer and wine of course, I get my daily dose of cellulose from vegetable matter that is freshly grown and images from a CF card that works just fine at -40 to +40 :D

22-06-2009, 6:52pm
What is in your fridge that is relevant to the film section!

22-06-2009, 7:24pm
My fridge has food, milk, some beer and wine, lots of vegies. A couple of nice bits of porterhouse steak. The stuff us normal people keep in our fridges. :D

Oh Film..I have some Cling Wrap, that's a film :th3:

22-06-2009, 7:45pm
Anyone who has a fridge full of food is a digital hooligan

22-06-2009, 7:52pm

Mongo's spare fridge has pretty much the same as you but more slide film, medium format slide flim, B/W and lots of batteries. All of it well out of date but still very usable.

Mongo mistakenly eats some from time to time but has had no adverse developments as a result.

22-06-2009, 7:54pm
ahhhh this brings back memorys of trying to convince customers that thier film will last longer in the fridge especially in NQ it took some convincing sometimes, and now this reminds me on how to explain why a customers photo was foggy(we always new they got out of the air conditioned car and took a photo straight away HEH HEH. NO film in my fridge Sorry.:D

22-06-2009, 7:57pm
17 x Hp5+ (35mm)
1 x Agfa 50
2 x Ektar 25
1 x Delta 3200
1 x Fuji Superia 400
2 x Fuji Superia 1600
4 x Kodak Gold

3 x Hp5+ (120)
1 x Fp4
2 x Xp2
1 x PanF
1 x Neopan SS


Now there is only 3 of us here . 2 elder boys, been long gone.
There not much in the fridge these days. Don't do a big weekly shop like use to.
There is eggs, fruit & veg, milk, cheese, yogurt, soft drink. Left overs, (if there any left overs)

22-06-2009, 8:01pm

Not a lot A couple rolls of sensia & provia

I must admit, I haven't started storing B&W in the fridge yet. The stuff thats NOT in the fridge includes:

and some Elfke 25. No idea what to do with it yet (it was gifted to me by a bloke who was so impressed with film, he gave up all his 35mm and has now gone MF). Apparently its quite fragile.

23-06-2009, 9:49am
i have some rolls of hp5, kodak pro image 100, LOTS read LOTS of free rolls of Fuji Superia 400.

Plus i think there is still some Kodak BW400N in there too....

24-06-2009, 6:17pm
Well apart form the usual I have about 6 rolls of Velvia 50 and 4 of Provia 400, still use it all and it's still fantastic. Considering Fuji stopped making Velvia 50 for a period it's a testament to the power of the people that they started making it again due to the demand.

29-06-2009, 12:13pm
I want some slide film!

29-06-2009, 9:44pm
well, buy some!

29-06-2009, 9:52pm
No room for film - didn't the dinosaurs shoot with film?

29-06-2009, 10:23pm
No Scotty, some of them evolved and now live happily on AP.

It is clear Mongo might starve to death long before he would die of thirst at your place.

29-06-2009, 10:52pm
They all live on APUG

30-06-2009, 12:38am
In my freezer I have 3 rolls of Kodachrome 64 (expired 2002) and 3 boxes of 4x5 Provia (expired in February)

I'm assuming they're all still good though.

30-06-2009, 6:48pm
much to my wifes disgust.

02-07-2009, 7:24pm
Since I get to travel overseas for work, I usually buy a slab or two each trip (20 rolls of 35mm or 10 rolls 120).

So I have lots of HP5, FP4, some delta 3200, a little velvia, some Astia, some NPS 160. Plenty of cheapo superia 100.

Should keep me going a while.

25-09-2009, 10:57pm
Should polaroids go in the fridge too?

26-09-2009, 12:49pm
None yet. Just bought 2x Tri-X, 2x T-max and 2x Velvia and plan to shoot it all before anything expires.
If I go overseas and find cheap stuff then I might pull a Glenn and start loading my fridge with a few slabs.
OT: what is the cheapest 120 film available. I need a sacraficial roll to practice loading with.

26-09-2009, 2:03pm
On ebay.....Lucky SHD which is terrible or FomaPan/Cleanskins which is somewhat decent. Though Lucky has terrible backing paper and curls so loading and spooling might be hard. If you send me a couple dollars for postage I can send you my practice roll. I don't need it anymore. Its some Velvia 120 that has been exposed 500 times :p



http://cgi.ebay.com.au/5-x-CleanSkins-100-asa-120-medium-format-B-W-oct-2010_W0QQitemZ380160398486QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Cameras_Photographic_Accessories?hash=item5883535496&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 Re badged foma

You could get Arista from Freestyle...or just get a single roll for $8 at the shops.

26-09-2009, 2:07pm
What's with the film, are you guys kinky or something.....:D

26-09-2009, 2:09pm
polaroid in the fridge

26-09-2009, 2:16pm
Bah :rolleyes:

I @ M
26-09-2009, 5:04pm
are you guys kinky or something.....:D

Errr, ang on mate, having bottles of wine next to chocolate topping is verging on kinky, we know where that combination leads to. :rolleyes:

26-09-2009, 5:07pm
Errr, ang on mate, having bottles of wine next to chocolate topping Actually it's strawberry, the chocolate is far right....;)

26-09-2009, 5:12pm
Got a carton of Bundy in mine ready for the footy tonight;)

26-09-2009, 7:30pm
Got a carton of Bundy in mine ready for the footy tonight;)

Lost interest after the doggies lost last night :(

Thanks for whoever it was that said to put polaroids into the fridge.

Gregg Bell
15-11-2009, 3:55am
much to my wifes disgust.

how much for the kodachrome? :p

20-11-2009, 6:25pm
how much for the kodachrome? :p
Where do you have to send it for processing these days?

24-11-2009, 8:10pm
Dwayne's, U.S.A.

24-11-2009, 8:33pm
If the Kodachrome still has the mail in envelope for free developing, it is still usable, you send it to Kodak in QLD, and they will forward it to Dwayne's. However Dwayne's will, by default, mount it, you can cut off the top corner of the mailer to stop this from happening.

24-11-2009, 9:51pm
thanks for the tip blightie.

think i'll send my last batch straight to Dwayne's. their scans are crap, so develop and sleeve only.

11-12-2009, 9:41pm
Only 4 packs of expired Fuji FP-100C in the fridge.
Out of the fridge:
- 5 Rollei Retro 100
- 4 Kodak Portra 160 VC
- 3 Solaris 100
- 2 Solaris 200
- 5 Fomapan 400
- 2 Tri-X 400
- 1 Fuji Velvia 50
- 3 Agfa CT Precisa 100
- 1 Unknow 800

Got most of them in Europe.

Ok, I confess, I also have wine in my fridge...:o

12-12-2009, 6:11pm
Boags Red